Someone has made a profiling of 2 amplifiers?

  • Awhile back I profiled a Fender Blues Jr and Vox AC15 at the same time. My method was pretty primitive: I set each amp at a variety of settings, put both amps facing one another with 1 mic in the middle, threw a few blankets over the top to control the bleed and let it rip. The profiles are on the rig exchange, titled something like Fender-Vox. I'm sure some other folks have done some more high-tech dual amp profiles. I used to run a Mesa Boogie-Marshall stereo rig. As much as I still like the idea of running two rigs (1 effects, 1 dry, etc.) I find that the Kemper tweakabilty factor negates my need for a multi-amp setup. Wouldn't mind running 2 KPA's at the same time..... :thumbup:

  • I profiled a Two Rock Custom Signature Reverb and a '66 Deluxe Reverb with self-built rotation-cabinet with a single SM57 close miked and an AKG C2000 about a meter in the room.
    It was hell loud but these profiles now are in my live-performance-set, when playing with a guitar cabinet.

  • I think the "pro"-way to go would be to set up two amps with two cabs and at least one mic for each cab.
    Guide both mics into a mixer and mixer out to the Kemper.
    However, I am not sure, if this work...
    I am not sure, but I thimk I heard, that the kemper can do EITHER preamp distortion OR power amplifier distortion. Really not sure about it... Just think I heard something like this. (Never profiled myself)
    But if this would be true, it might also not work to profile two different distortions (from different amps) at the smae time?

  • I speak with Andy and he told me that two amps profile doesn't work fine, if I want I have two sounds or two amps I need two Kemper.

    Axe Fx have this option but Kemper not :( I'll have to think if I sell it and buy the Axe.

    I hope the good news to Namm 2016, is a very important play with 2 amplifiers together.

  • That is what I expected... a bit.
    However, you should think about this: Is it worth to have two good sounding amps - or migt one GREAT sounding amp be enough..or maybe even better?
    If you build up THIS-single-signature-tone-noone-else-has-or-can-make -- well THAN you will need two amps. But in this case, you will not be happy with a modeller...
    I think you will not be able to choose a model (even of a really good modeller) from your Amp A (if the model exists!!!!), add a second model from your Amp B (if it exists!!!) - and have it sounding like your THIS-single-signature-tone-noone-else-has-or-can-make.
    You will ony get this with two real amps.
    Or two Kempers...

  • One amplifier can not the same as 2, always sounds more grand 2 different amplifiers if they have good jobs. It is a very very big failure of Kemper.

    Kemper Profile should have the function of 2 amplifiers and do not want to not use.

    If you can't make one amp sounding "grand", I think neither kemper, nor real amps are the right thing for you...
    You can also check line 6... They have effect loaded rigs that sound broad...
    I think we can leave it like that. You will only be happy with two kempers - or something else.
    However, I think the " failure " is not on the kemper side...

  • I understand the need for two amps. But to join the forum to tell people they "don't understand sound" is trolling to the max. Your smily emoji only accents the point that you're just trying to get people fired up.

    Two amps does create a sound you couldn't otherwise get - an overdriven plus a clean sound, or layering a British amp with an American amp, for instance. People understand that. But to not give the Kemper a shot based on this alone is a fallacy on your behalf. The Kemper is not a modeler. It's not a Line 6 pedal. It's a digital head unit. Now, tell me, what's the last head you used that produced two amps simultaneously? None of them. Just like you would buy two tube amps, you would need to buy two Kempers.

    There is no Kemper 2.0 on the horizon at this time. The DSP in the current unit, as stated by the owner himself, is not powerful enough to run two profiles side by side. That said, I don't miss my old two-amp setup a single bit with the Kemper. I can achieve fantastic sounds out of it, and the tubes are collecting dust. I don't miss the interplay between the two amps because it just sounds that good. It's not a "failure" because there are very few people that want this feature. Most of those that do have used it on their Line 6 units and don't understand that a great tone can be achieved without this functionality.

    Maybe you should jump ship to AxeFX. The Kemper doesn't offer you what you "need." And the Axe forums like to bash the Kemper all day. You'll fit right in.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • I do not understand because it is not prepared to use 2 amps together. It is a digital device with a lot of amplifiers and a serious mistake not to have that function as the Axe.

    I'm using 2 profilers if I want dual amps, which is very rare.