KPA solutions "Blueamps 212 FR-A" cabinet not loud..

  • Kempermaniac.

    Luckily I was not the one that have put up all these egg trays (nor the one who have eaten all the eggs...)
    but opposed to the studio our band had in the past (with bare walls), my experience is that this is a big improvement sound wise.

  • Keep in mind tho that anything you put on the surfaces will (because of its shape primarily) interact with the sound at a specific (and usually quite narrow) band of frequencies. The egg trays can interact with frequencies whose wavelength is double the distance between their peaks and valleys (that is, quite high freqs).

    Forget that those, or a carpet, can influence the low-mids or the lows, whose resonances are perceived as "boominess". For those critical freqs you need a much more consistent treatment (sound traps, for example).


  • I play the Fuchs amp raised from the floor (on top of the Blueamps 212 FR-A cab actually).
    The sound of the Fuchs is neither boomy nor treblish. It is just awesome.

    I have played it with the Fuchs cab standing on the floor. In this position it is slightly more boomy but nothing compared to the Kemper/Blueamps rig.
    I play with the Fuchs placed on top of the Blueamps cab all the time in order to have more volume at ear level.
    Playing it standing on the flow yields for more volume resulting in aggravation from the other bandmates...:0)

  • I know the 212 FR-A is full range. It is capable of delivering a full range frequency coverage, in order to be able to represent the many different profiles from the Kemper.
    I am still puzzled why almost all of my profiles have this boomy character. Had it been just a few of them I would just adjusted the low-end, but having many profiles with this issue, this raise my suspicion of something may have been setup wrong generally in the Kemper parameters. I guess I have something to do over the Christmas..

  • First - for volume issues make sure you go into the Output section and actually look at the values there. I've had it happen on more than one occasion that when the master volume knob was all the way up, those values were not all the way up and were, in fact, quite low.

    I don't know how it gets into that state and I cannot reproduce it on demand, but it happens fairly regularly. So I would check that directly to see if you are -10 down when you think you should be at max volume!

    For boominess, without knowing the exact profile that's a tough thing to solve. You really are dealing with very different situations in that your Fuchs through the cabinet is not at all the same signal chain as your profile.

    The closest way to compare apples to apples would be to take a direct profile of your Fuchs head, then run that profile back through the Fuchs power section and cabinet (I did this with an Egnater and it was pretty cool.) You'll see that the Kemper is re-producing exactly what is fed into it.

    Many TAF profiles are great, but many older ones, if I recall, have an EQ on by default that makes them a little fuller in the bass. You might want to turn that off. That's the only indication you gave as far as which profiles you are using so that's all I've got to go on.

    The thing about low end is that a little goes a long way. So your bluesamps cab might have a little extra bump around 100Hz and that's going to sound really boomy. Or it could have a little dip in the midrange which might make the cab's low end come out more.

    The more you dig into trying to get it to sound just like your Fuchs without actually profiling your Fuchs the more frustrated you are likely to get. I have hundreds of profiles done by others of amps I own, and their profiles bear little resemblance to my amps. That doesn't mean they aren't great profiles, it's just that the way I would dial my amp is very different from the way someone else might.

    So really I would encourage you to profile that amp and work with that profile if you're trying to nail the tone of your amp in a more convenient package.

  • First - for volume issues make sure you go into the Output section and actually look at the values there. I've had it happen on more than one occasion that when the master volume knob was all the way up, those values were not all the way up and were, in fact, quite low.

    I don't know how it gets into that state and I cannot reproduce it on demand, but it happens fairly regularly. So I would check that directly to see if you are -10 down when you think you should be at max volume!

    That happens if there is more than one output volume linked to the master volume knob. For personal monitoring link only the monitor volume to the master volume knob and feed FOH via the main outs. This way you can change your monitoring volume without affecting the FOH signal.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • gtrgriff3, thank for your reply.

    Regarding the master volume, I actually was in this menu in order to make sure that the output level for the mains output and
    the monitor output both was at the same level in order to compare to see that the output from the monitor output (unbalanced)
    was higher than the mains output (balanced) as Guitarrenschlumpf told. And it was as I wrote earlier.
    Therefor I am pretty sure I actually had the output parameter "open" in order to check for the output level.

    Regarding profiling the Fuchs amp, I have tried this although not using a DI-box (which I don't have) which I think is needed to separate the cabinet from the amp.
    I have only done profiling my Fuchs once (using a shitty mic) and the result was also colored by this.I will try again once I get hold of a better mic.

    Just out of curiosity, if I profiled the Fuchs using a DI-box, wouldn't the output section from the Fuchs be within that profile ?
    So routing it through the power section of the Fuchs I would think would be like running a profile with a power section character, again through a tubed power output section.

    I think I will (as many of you suggest) adjust the EQ in order to filter out the boomy character.
    Or maybe I could do a factory reset of the Kemper, just in order to rule out any parameters set "wrong".

  • if I profiled the Fuchs using a DI-box, wouldn't the output section from the Fuchs be within that profile ?
    So routing it through the power section of the Fuchs I would think would be like running a profile with a power section character, again through a tubed power output section.

    Yep, you are correct. This is something that many seem to ignore.
    The most correct option sound-wise for that configuration would be to just profile the preamp section :)

  • Just a thought..
    I am thinking of the possibility of trying out a Yamaha DXR-10 active monitor.
    I can see many like this one for the Kemper.

    Would that make any sense trying it out, in order to compare it with my Blueamps 212 FR-A cabinet ?

    Will the DXR-10 play louder than the Blueamps cab ?
    The DXR has more output power, but less speakers.

    Edited once, last by texasflood (December 2, 2015 at 12:51 PM).

  • How is the DXR-10 used with the Kemper.- as a guitar cab substitue or only as a monitor unit ?

    I bought the Blueamps cab mainly as a FR-A substitute for a guitar cabinet.
    This cab have 2x10" speaker and a horn.

    Is the DXR-10 sufficient as a substitue for a guitar cabinet alone or is it mainly used as a monitor along with the mains output wired to FOH mixer.?
    I mostly play small to medium clubs and not gigs with a mixer. I am in doubt if I should try out a DXR-10 or a DXR-12.

  • How is the DXR-10 used with the Kemper.- as a guitar cab substitue or only as a monitor unit ?

    I bought the Blueamps cab mainly as a FR-A substitute for a guitar cabinet.
    This cab have 2x10" speaker and a horn.

    Is the DXR-10 sufficient as a substitue for a guitar cabinet alone or is it mainly used as a monitor along with the mains output wired to FOH mixer.?
    I mostly play small to medium clubs and not gigs with a mixer. I am in doubt if I should try out a DXR-10 or a DXR-12.

    The DXR 10 can easily carry a room. So it will of course substitute a guitar cab.