Momentary switching functionality

  • I'd love to see this implemented ASAP :)

    Momentary switching capability:

    (either via the hardware switches of the current iteration of the KPA Remote OR the addition of a 3rd party non-latching switch attached to the remote; for example, the BOSS FS-6 via TRS cable or FS-5U via TS cable....)

    So that when you step on + HOLD the switch an FX / alternate profile (eg. Clean to an effected profile / clean to dirty profile) is engaged and then reverts to the original sound/profile you were using when the switch is released...

    Some examples:

    1. on a clean profile rig you step (and hold) the switch and it adds some reverb and delay 'spank'; when released reverts to your raw clean sound

    2. on a clean profile you step (and hold) and it engages a different alternate (eg. dirty hi-gain) profile; when released reverts to your raw clean profile

    3. on a lead profile you step (and hold) to engage some delay + reverb + flange + wah (ALL SIMULTANEOUSLY) ; when released reverts to your raw lead profile

    (all with immediacy and no lag of course!)


    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack

  • Nope, morphing won't do that. Morphing is for switching between two sets of parameters from the the same rig.

    The way mine will work with Performances.. press a non-active Performance and it switches. If you hold it longer than 800ms, it will switch back to the previous Performance when you release it. Morphing can't do that.

    For stomps and effects, mine will work like normal, but if you hold the switch longer than a set threshold, say 800ms, it will convert to a momentary switch and revert when you release it. It's great for things like Van Halen's Unchained where you press and hold the flanger during the chugga parts, then release it and it will turn off. Morphing might be able to do that.

    What's great is that mine will still work with Morphing, since morphing works on the active performance, whereas mine will work on all the other non-active Performance slots at the same time.

  • 2. on a clean profile you step (and hold) and it engages a different alternate (eg. dirty hi-gain) profile; when released reverts to your raw clean profile

    3. on a lead profile you step (and hold) to engage some delay + reverb + flange + wah (ALL SIMULTANEOUSLY) ; when released reverts to your raw lead profile
    (all with immediacy and no lag of course!)

    Wouldn't that imply that 2 profiles must be processed in the same time? But is not currently provided yet, AFAIK.

  • Hey everyone.
    First post on the forum. Had the Power amp rack for a while now and still loads to explore.
    Complete noob on this subject.
    I can use momentary switch on the remote to transpose up an octave?
    I've set up morphing and momentary on the menus but can't save the transpose option and link it to the pedal.
    I hope to post on this site a lot more too as you people seem pretty cool and have great tips.

    Jack / Hydroclear

  • If you trigger Morphing via Remote's Rig Buttons you can select in the Rig Settings, if Morphing should be latching or momentary. So, you select this by Rig.

    The Remote's Effect Buttons switch to momentary mode as soon as you hold these for a while.

    Both functions are described in the Main Manual.

  • If Morphing is latching or momentary can be selected in Rig Settings on page Morph.

    If Effect Buttons I-IIII are latching or momentary is handled dynamically. If you briefly hit an Effect Button the function is latching. If you hold the Effect Button for a moment, it becomes momentary.

  • If Morphing is latching or momentary can be selected in Rig Settings on page Morph.

    If Effect Buttons I-IIII are latching or momentary is handled dynamically. If you briefly hit an Effect Button the function is latching. If you hold the Effect Button for a moment, it becomes momentary.

    …but there is no momentary switching from one rig in performance mode to another and back, right? It would be really great to have!