Performance Mode? I don't use it. Am I missing out?

  • I haven't set up my Kemper for performance mode. I use a Rocktron Midi Mate with expression pedal, and have 10 patches available to me that I've preset. I understand Performance Mode, but I don't think I really need it. 10 patches is more than enough to get me through a night, and a couple of them are just goofy throw in stuff that I use just for fun (Harmonizer, Whammy). Do any of you use Performance Mode, and am I missing anything?

  • I used to use my MidiRaider much the same way as you, but since swapping over to the Kemper Remote I use performance mode 100% of the time when, well.. performing :) ...

    I just find it easier and more convienant playinf live to have all the songs in their own bank and step through vs, chorus, brg etc patches as necessary. Personally I think the biggest advantage this has give me is easy access to unique presets for each song without having to memorize a bank and number. I have it setup so it doesnt matter what song im on, my "special effect" is always on pedal #1, cleanest part of song on #2, od on #3, more present od on #4, and lead on #5. Whatever song I'm playing, I always know what to press to get what I need without thinking too hard. Many songs however I only use 2 or so presets, but it gives me an easy selection of tones if I want to change it up on the fly. Rearranging the set order is a snap also. Performance mode has made my gigs easier for sure.

    When just jamming though, I actually prefer to have my old pedalboard on front of the kpa (you know, with "old school real guitar pedals" on it :) )... is just easier and quicker to adjust my sound twisting knobs with a classic pedalboard setup when i dont know beforehand exaclty what sounds I'm after.

    Playing rehearsed songs however, using performance mode is pretty much the perfect solution for me.

  • He he ,you are missing a lot .
    Performance mode is the playground .
    Browse mode is just a data base , and the place where to tweak the rigs before they get transferred to Performance mode ... at least this is how I am doing ...

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

  • I started using Performance Mode when I bought my Remote and now I couldn't be happier.
    Even if you use only 10 patches, isn't it comfortable to organize them in performances, according to the rigs that you need for each song?
    You will obtain different combinations, ready to be used and, quicker to be switched.

  • I used to use my MidiRaider much the same way as you, but since swapping over to the Kemper Remote I use performance mode 100% of the time when, well.. performing :) ...

    I just find it easier and more convienant playinf live to have all the songs in their own bank and step through vs, chorus, brg etc patches as necessary. Personally I think the biggest advantage this has give me is easy access to unique presets for each song without having to memorize a bank and number. I have it setup so it doesnt matter what song im on, my "special effect" is always on pedal #1, cleanest part of song on #2, od on #3, more present od on #4, and lead on #5. Whatever song I'm playing, I always know what to press to get what I need without thinking too hard. Many songs however I only use 2 or so presets, but it gives me an easy selection of tones if I want to change it up on the fly. Rearranging the set order is a snap also. Performance mode has made my gigs easier for sure.

    When just jamming though, I actually prefer to have my old pedalboard on front of the kpa (you know, with "old school real guitar pedals" on it :) )... is just easier and quicker to adjust my sound twisting knobs with a classic pedalboard setup when i dont know beforehand exaclty what sounds I'm after.

    Playing rehearsed songs however, using performance mode is pretty much the perfect solution for me.

    Simply this! ;)

  • I haven't set up my Kemper for performance mode. I use a Rocktron Midi Mate with expression pedal, and have 10 patches available to me that I've preset. I understand Performance Mode, but I don't think I really need it. 10 patches is more than enough to get me through a night, and a couple of them are just goofy throw in stuff that I use just for fun (Harmonizer, Whammy). Do any of you use Performance Mode, and am I missing anything?

    Since you use less than ten rigs per gig, and you already have things set up, I don't think you are missing anything.

    But, there are things that Performance Mode can do. For players who want to assign a Performance for each song (and rearrange their performances for each set list), it is great.

    For players who experiment with aa large number of sounds, and want to use them without assigning MIDI PC numbers, it is great.

    If you needed to send one or two MIDI program messages with each rig change, Performance mode can do that.

  • Aah, I see. My cover band has a songlist of over 300 tunes. We don't follow a setlist, we just call them out as we go. It wouldn't work for me to have songs ready to go in Performance Mode.

    300?? Good lord!

    Yeah, thats a unique situation that would be tough manage in performance mode! I'd stick with what you're currently doing then.

    You're getting some impressive mileage out of the 10 presets Ozweepay, especially as some of those 10 are wild effects! :thumbup:

  • I am using strictly browse mode from the beginning. Looks like I am missing a lot. :(
    Anyway thanks guys for encouragement to try performance mode!

    not the only one peto.. I'm very similar to you. I prefer to have ten instant access rigs under my feet. I've been using browse mode until recently with fcb1010 and eureka prom( ten instant presents) I recently was able to figure out how to put same rigs in performance mode for instant access. The biggest difference to me was to have midi out for external device and slight performance speed increase

  • 300?? Good lord!

    Yeah, thats a unique situation that would be tough manage in performance mode! I'd stick with what you're currently doing then.

    You're getting some impressive mileage out of the 10 presets Ozweepay, especially as some of those 10 are wild effects! :thumbup:

    We play three 1 hour sets a night, every weekend. Been doing it for 10 years with this band. The songs start adding up after that long. We don't play every single one every weekend, but we dust off most of them for the sake of variety.
    My patches are:
    More Dirt
    Chorus Lead
    Chorus Crunch
    3rd Up Harmony
    And a thicker, heavy effects Lead for over the top power ballad solos.
    And I have a Crybaby wah set up across all patches, except for the Whammy and Harmonizer

  • I just find it easier and more convienant playinf live to have all the songs in their own bank and step through vs, chorus, brg etc patches as necessary. Personally I think the biggest advantage this has give me is easy access to unique presets for each song without having to memorize a bank and number. I have it setup so it doesnt matter what song im on, my "special effect" is always on pedal #1, cleanest part of song on #2, od on #3, more present od on #4, and lead on #5. Whatever song I'm playing, I always know what to press to get what I need without thinking too hard. Many songs however I only use 2 or so presets, but it gives me an easy selection of tones if I want to change it up on the fly. Rearranging the set order is a snap also. Performance mode has made my gigs easier for sure.

    I could conceivably try this. I could have, say 5 banks preloaded for Performance Mode. One for softer stuff, one for heavier, on for dance stuff, etc. And scroll through them as the song requires, and have it set up in the same manner as you, with each button programmed to the same effect. This gives me some ideas.

  • I could conceivably try this. I could have, say 5 banks preloaded for Performance Mode. One for softer stuff, one for heavier, on for dance stuff, etc. And scroll through them as the song requires, and have it set up in the same manner as you, with each button programmed to the same effect. This gives me some ideas.

    That's basically what I do. I'm in an 80s cover band and have basically just 2 performances that cover everything, one mostly for new wave and more effects heavy stuff, and one for rock and hair metal. I've got other performances for my original bands. It's also fun to have amp specific performances, eg. an ENGL Savage performance with Clean, Drive, Crunch, Lead, Lead +, all using profiles made by the same person but with different amp settings.

  • I guess I'm alone in just organizing amps via performance mod; I organize based on Clean, push, Crunch, OD, and solo per amp. It's just an organizational tool but I like it, and allows me to collect what I consider the best profiles of that amp in each category for easy access.

  • New to KPA but started out the gate with PM....
    What I think you would miss by not using it is you can use the same sounds lets say your favorite lead tone, but for different songs make it sound a little different. Since you can make changes that are specific to the Performance you can make changes that give your sound some variety....
    Some people love to hear a guitarist who doesn't sound the exact same on every lead for example.
    My 2 cents.
    Moon Dog

  • I guess I'm alone in just organizing amps via performance mod; I organize based on Clean, push, Crunch, OD, and solo per amp. It's just an organizational tool but I like it, and allows me to collect what I consider the best profiles of that amp in each category for easy access.

    Never done that (because I am more interested in sounds than amps), but I do it for example by guitars: so I have a collection of cleans for a certain guitar, and even a performance where I go from clean to lead, but not necessarily using the same amp :)