No input at all

  • Hey guys. I have an input issue with my Kemper. I was playing/recording through logic when suddenly all input stopped to the kemper, including for the tuner. I changed cables and guitars. I shut the kemper down for 10 mins and then turned it back on and it worked. Suddenly again, 5 mins into playing, it stopped receiving an input. The input light confirmed that no input is being picked up. When the kemper had stopped working, I heard a white noise getting louder and louder through the headphones. I shut the kemper back down and came right here to you guys hoping for an answer. I have also just updated the firmware to today's update and it did not help at all. Thanks!

  • I am using 1/4" connections to the interface. My interface is the Scarlett 2i2. I know to the kemper since my guitar goes straight into the kemper and shows 0 input, esp after checking all other components. This thing is just a few weeks old :/. I'll send the ticket out in the morning (it's 12 am ET here in New York)

  • Restarting after having it off for 10 minutes fixed the problem but then after 5 mins of playing it went out again and had no input. Passive pickups and i used 2 different guitars and 2 different cables. Kemper has told me to do a factory reset. If that does not work i will need to exchange/return the kemper :( I have only just started to profile my amps as well and really getting to know this thing. Amazing how it can copy any head. It's not yet perfect but that may be because i am still messing with different mic positions.

  • Restarting after having it off for 10 minutes fixed the problem but then after 5 mins of playing it went out again and had no input. Passive pickups and i used 2 different guitars and 2 different cables. Kemper has told me to do a factory reset. If that does not work i will need to exchange/return the kemper :( I have only just started to profile my amps as well and really getting to know this thing. Amazing how it can copy any head. It's not yet perfect but that may be because i am still messing with different mic positions.

    Hi, I am hoping I can help and add some two cents lol
    Do you have a Powerhead or regular Kemper?
    Have you done the factory reset yet? If so, did it work? If not, do you know how?
    Do you feel any excessive heat coming from the unit when it shuts off the input on you?
    When the input cuts out, does the display dim or any of the lighting on the unit?
    Have you tried powering it up (when you get input and is working) unplug your guitar from it, wait 15 min or so, plug your guitar in and see if you have a signal or not?
    Have you checked the actual power cord? I am an electrician so I ask because if you have a cord that is damaged internally and if the hot or neutral is damaged it will start to build resistance which could effectively
    overheat the unit. I am not sure if you are in the USA (did not look at your profile yet) but I would try changing the main power cord to rule that out and make sure it is a heavy duty. If you are in the USA and have a pretty awesome amp head that is 50-100W it will most likely be number 12AWG wiring in the cord. From what I understand in the specs the Head/Rack unit (non-powerhead version) only draws max 0.5 Amps and the Powerhead/Power Rack draws max 10.0 Amps.
    Do you have the Kemper Remote? If so, Have you tried making a quick loop track? I ask because maybe a thought would be make a loop track wait for the input signal to go away and try playing back the loop track with monitors connected to the outputs to see if you hear sound...

    Just a few suggestions!

    All of what you are saying sounds like a heat problem, did you ask Kemper if there is a safety built into the unit that shuts off the input?

  • Joe,

    I have the powerhead. I had tried diffferent cables, guitars and all. After a factory reset i had another issue. The unit just spit white noise back at me. Kemper has instructed me to send it out for repair. The unit is currently working now for a few days but it is probably safe to send it out for repair anyway to make sure. I have shows coming up and rely on this awesome unit. Thanks for the help!

  • They never mentioned it. The Denver repair guys still have sent me the UPS tags but they did contact me. Maybe i should contact kemper again and request an exchange? I have a show in 9 days, which i told them, and another on Nov 14th filling in for a friends band. I rely on this unit :/

  • So, i did get the UPS tags and they set it up so i had 2 day shipping to and from the repair shop in Texas. This was a huge plus, less travelling my unit does the better. Im sure they only did this because i have a bunch of shows going on and need the unit. Matt from the repair shop let me know that they did not run into the same issue i was running into while my unit was on the bench. They had tested it many times. In the end, they changed some of the internal boards that would cause the problems i was describing and also the PSU (not sure exactly what that is) just in case. I cannot thank them enough for taking precaution and changing the parts regardless of having the issue occur at the moment they had it. Like ive said, it happened to me a few times and then worked and then happened again and worked. Great customer service and huge thanks to Matt and Keith for helping me out. Took a little over 3 weeks but I missed a few phone calls from them and that slowed it down. Can't wait to get my Kemper back tomorrow :)

  • So, i did get the UPS tags and they set it up so i had 2 day shipping to and from the repair shop in Texas. This was a huge plus, less travelling my unit does the better. Im sure they only did this because i have a bunch of shows going on and need the unit. Matt from the repair shop let me know that they did not run into the same issue i was running into while my unit was on the bench. They had tested it many times. In the end, they changed some of the internal boards that would cause the problems i was describing and also the PSU (not sure exactly what that is) just in case. I cannot thank them enough for taking precaution and changing the parts regardless of having the issue occur at the moment they had it. Like ive said, it happened to me a few times and then worked and then happened again and worked. Great customer service and huge thanks to Matt and Keith for helping me out. Took a little over 3 weeks but I missed a few phone calls from them and that slowed it down. Can't wait to get my Kemper back tomorrow :)

    Hi, Did you get your Kemper back? How is it working if you did? PSU my world of engineering is Power Supply Unit.