Profiles - old and new format - questions

  • A few questions: (Latest Release OS)

    1. Is it correct, that E on the screen indicates that the respective profile has been created and stored under the old format?
    2. Would you recommend storing these under the new format before tweaking them?

    Background: I have many profiles (also apparently many extra factory rigs from the KPA download page) that are stored in the old format. I don't have them on the KPA, but on my PC (using RigManager). I more than once had the feeling that e.g. adding stomp boxes (such as the Fuzz) created some strange effects (unexpected sounds). It's hard to recreate that - but once I stored the profile on the KPA (thus in the new format) and added the stomp box, the result was as expected (so no oddities here). ... It could, however, also be a problem of the calculating speed of the Kemper. I have relatively often seen that with some more complex Rigs (more stomp boxes in chain, etc.) ... the KPA took a few milliseconds, before the full sound was loaded (also sometimes, the KPA reacts very slowly to the tweaking of knobs - as if there are too many processes going on at the same time in certain situations - like if a computer slows down and the mouse doesn't react to your movements as fast as it's normal).

    Any hints?

  • Hmmm ... it takes a very long time to do that. The time it takes to store and replace a rig varies immensely. And the KPA hung up twice while trying to store. First time I could use the exit button, and storing process was aborted (after approximately 1 minute wait for the machine to finish storing), the second time, I had to load a different rig via RigManager to quit the storing process - the KPA hung on the storing profile page for about 4 minutes. ...

    Are all users aware of the fact that you should store the old format rigs under the new format? ... Just for the KPA factory rigs the process took me 45 minutes! ... Now there are still the commercial profiles and some of my own and my collection of the best of RigExchange ... this'll take a couple of hours!

  • I'm curious now.
    Frankly speaking I have never bothered with storing my older rigs in the new format and I don't know why I should.
    I also have never seen this recommended when 3.0 came out.
    When I tweak something and store the rig it gets stored in the new format automatically.
    So please Timo can you elaborate on this?

  • you don't need to step through all rigs and store them, don't do that.
    But when you're tweak and think of keeping it, store it.

    So I change my answer to "yes" and "you don't need it, but you can do"

    @timo - and what about this -is this a proper solution ?Is this procedure goes trough the rigs and save them in new format?:
    **censored by me**
    I hope this is work in that way.

  • I can't guarantee that, not in all versions. You really should acknowledge that those hidden things are hidden by purpose. If you like, I will hide them better.

    ACK recived : "Dont write about this anymore!" :)
    Ok - just want to help - don't hide them:)

  • I can't guarantee that, not in all versions. You really should acknowledge that those hidden things are hidden by purpose. If you like, I will hide them better.

    Just want to help before someone want to reset whole KPA Cabinet switching not showing up in From Rigs??

    From now no words about hidden features... I promise.

    Wait -drinks in the bar are not hidden features so please dont hide them 'better'!! LOL :D

  • All Factory rigs are available IN the firmware and can be loaded with [SYSTEM] -> Page 1 -> Factory Rigs. All firmware content in 3.x has already beem converted.

    Hi Timo, when i create a performance with old profiles, i tweak them a liitle ( the E is on screen) , after tweaking i store them in performance mode and i store them to pool, after this procedure the E is no longer on screen, that means i stored the in the new format, right?
    Next question: Some profiles are showing a liitle mark under the arrows, some not. Whats that mark for?
    [Blocked Image:]

  • Hi Timo, when i create a performance with old profiles, i tweak them a liitle ( the E is on screen) , after tweaking i store them in performance mode and i store them to pool, after this procedure the E is no longer on screen, that means i stored the in the new format, right?


    Next question: Some profiles are showing a liitle mark under the arrows, some not. Whats that mark for?

    The '*' marks a favorite. This means, the favorite flag in this rig matches your 'owner name' and is listed in the "favorites" filter.

    Versions before 3.1.4 marked every (explicitly) stored profile as favorite, from 3.1.4 on, this is an option (System Page "User Interface" -> "Auto Favorite". If marked, a stored rig is automatically a favorite.

  • Yes.

    The '*' marks a favorite. This means, the favorite flag in this rig matches your 'owner name' and is listed in the "favorites" filter.

    Versions before 3.1.4 marked every (explicitly) stored profile as favorite, from 3.1.4 on, this is an option (System Page "User Interface" -> "Auto Favorite". If marked, a stored rig is automatically a favorite.

    Ah, thx for this quick answer!

  • Yes, of course, I always store when I want to keep tweaks.
    Thanks for your answer?

    I meant this different (apart from my grammar mistakes :) ). You can quickly store it before you start tweaking. Given it is already loaded, you can take the opportunity to keep the conversion with a quick store->replace.

  • I meant this different (apart from my grammar mistakes :) ). You can quickly store it before you start tweaking. Given it is already loaded, you can take the opportunity to keep the conversion with a quick store->replace.

    So does that mean, that you recommend storing the profile under the new format, before you start tweaking it? Does that mean that adding stomps and tweaking the Amp / EQ / Cabinet section might have a slightly different result under the new format? If so, I would rather store all the profiles I have folder by folder, because most of my profiles / rigs are only stored in RigManager and not on my KPA. Storing single profiles would mean that I have them under the new format on my KPA, but not in the respective folder in RigManager. I guess, if you should store under the new format before tweaking, it's the best way then to undergo the hassle and do it for all the profiles in RigManager - folder by folder.
    But maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say.