** SOLVED - I FOUND THE SOUND :) ** ..... Clean Rhythm Profiles for a Les Paul with a Stock PAF in the Bridge ....suggestons ..... ?

  • Now, Michael... can we please have the Princeton in a singlepack? Some sales to be made here! ;):thumbup:

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • here's my cent: put an eq on one slot and lower the 640 hz to something like minus 5 dB.

    then go to my soundcloud and check the tests I made with both TAF and top Jimi profile...they are made with this trick...consider that those guitar youo hear have both gibson 495 pick ups, so much like the paf

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Thanks michaelmellner and paults

    Tried your EQ suggestion - excellent - in my case I dropped the 640hz by -3db ( -5db was a bit too much with my rig ) and it rounded-off the (good) honky mids very nicely and subtley.

    Still genuinely surprised at how well these 2 x Princeton profiles react with the bridge PAF in the Les Paul without the need to coil-split or parallel-coil it.

    Thanks again.

  • hey: we aim to please!

    anyways, I found that 640 hz trick to be incredible myself. I have been using it in almost all my recording. and you've made it right by using it at personal setting (-3) so that you can accomodate your needs. indeed at minus 5 makes your humbucker fairly definite, while at minus 3 it kind of respect the pick up. overall the 640 hz cut serves another oustanding feature: it gets rid of the boxed sound sensation I have in several profiles and makes them more natural, not to mention the fact that it gets the guitar well audible in the mix

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • The one I am referring to are in Michaels Profile Pack 1.

    I don't see a Princeton listed in Pac 1?


  • Pretty funny that I also discovered the Princeton profile during "the week of Princeton."
    i got a new strat and my old strat clean profile wasn't cutting it, so I started looking for a new one. The Princeton was the winner. Also, I usually don't like compression, but when engaged, the compressor sounds amazing.

  • This is my favorite profile of the whole bunch for my White Falcon. It sounds great! I also thought I was going crazy because I bought pack 1 when it first came out and it was listed as Princeton, I just recently went to look at it and couldn't find it. Now I know I wasn't going crazy! Awesome profile!

  • Is the free 'Lil Queen' profile from the Merged pack as good as the clean from pack 1?

    I turned the gain to 0 added a slight boost and compression and it sounds really good but not sure the variety afforded in pack 1 profiles and/or how they would differ.

    Edited once, last by oozish (October 18, 2015 at 5:19 PM).