Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • Here, cold and sterile right?

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    More for Dean , Metallica live axe fx lot's of vids:

    Thanks for posting this for my hearing pleasure. I love the playing but not much new in the tone.

    I don't hear anything new here. I know this is supposed to be the latest firmware v 18 or 20 I'm not sure, but I can get similar quality sounds using my Eleven Rack firmware 2 and I don't hear significant improvements if any.. I didn't have my Kemper hooked up to a DAW yet but I had the ELeven Rack hooked up. last night I had a few minutes to Kill and I made a dynamic patch and a quick backing track only to drown it in the mix and left the lead guitar obnoxiously louder. The Eleven Rack is less than $500 but the AXE II is $2500. Do you honestly hear $ 2000 improvements. I know my playing sucks, but I'm sure other players will get similar results using elven Rack and AXE FX II. On the other hand I have the KPA and that's in a league its own.

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    Edited 3 times, last by Dean_R (September 13, 2015 at 3:52 AM).

  • Wow what a horrible one dimensional tone you have there. The fact that you can't tell the difference explains a lot about your negative posts. If you didn't like the Dumble clip listen to the Stevie clip. Nobody here dissin that are they. You just ignored it it as did Carl.

    Again for the learning impaired, there are far too many arena touring pros and recording artists using the Axe over anything out there to dismiss it as you do. From country to rock to metal to ambient esoteric stuff, From Danny Elfman to Brit Floyd to Brian Nutter in Keith Urbans band, U2 (effects only) , Metallica and on and on and on it goes. Do you really think those top level pros didn't shop around and look at everything out there? Come on man, give it up Heck even legendary guitarist Madonna! ;P

    Do some research so you don't look like such an ignoramus every time you post. I did some research and I see a ton of arena pros using the Kemper as it's a top notch piece of kit. I also see tone of arena touring pros using the Axe. It doesn't mean what you bought isn't good so quit being such a little baby dude. I'd use a Kemper in a heartbeat if I didn't need the synth, the ambient multiple delays, the viola, and the other cool shit I do with it including just raw amps.

    Here how it's done:

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  • If you didn't like the Dumble clip listen to the Stevie clip. Nobody here dissin that are they. You just ignored it it as did Carl.

    So much for "This is my last post"....we knew you'd be back. ;)

    I did listen to the SRV. It actually is not bad (the tone IS very much SRV'ish) but still retains that brittle high end in so many Axe examples. It could very well be a combination of guitar pickups, the player's style, etc.
    I have also heard the Kemper get the same tone depending on the EQ settings.

    This example has more warmth in the middle and a sweeter top end. Show me an example of a non brittle Axe example with more mid warmth and a sweet top end. I hope you do find it because in the many years I've listened to Axe examples, I've never found it. Before the KPA came out, I came REALLY CLOSE to hitting the ORDER button on an AXE FX II.

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    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • These Floyd tribute bands use presets with heavy spatial effects, delays, etc. You don't hear many raw amp sound. Also Floyd live shows are mainly about atmosphere, lights. So if they were using POD HD 300 no one would notice. I am not against AXE FX, just saying that Floydish effects' overloaded show is not good example to show how AXE sounds.

    Real comparison would be playing guitar, split the signal into 3 cables (anyhow) and feed it to AXE, Kemper and 11R for example.

    I would like to see how AXE would sound with that DI guitar track.

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  • Scott is a part owner of TGP but doesn't moderate the digital/modeling subforum. I'd be shocked if any bans were for anything other than outright rules violations. I've been a member since 2002, and before that when it was the PRS forum. Scott has his biases, as do we all, but I've never seen him show any lack of integrity.

    Oh please, give it a break...we all know the history because we experienced it, except you.

    Edited once, last by Guitartone (September 12, 2015 at 7:55 PM).

  • Yea, I couldn't let Dean's thing go I'm afraid, it was way too easy. Great clip you just posted by the way. Like I typed, the Kemper is awesome and does spectacular tones, just doesn't have the effects some of us need.

    As to your observations, how do you account for the fact that so many top level pros and their highly paid sound guys and techs don't hear what you hear when it come to the Axe? Ya know, the whole brittle high end thing. Is it just that they are all deaf or never heard of the Kemper? Those Brit Floyd guys not as skilled as you? Danny Elfman a piker? You think they didn't A/B it with the Kemper cause they couldn't afford to try both?

    I like Devin Townsend's approach. He had a Fractal and added a Kemper. Best of both worlds. Still uses amp sims on both BTW. You kids cannot simply dismiss the Axe as irrelevant when it is clearly a top level piece of kit used by tons of new and classic world class guitarists. It makes you look small and petty like I typed.

  • Grow up, enjoy your Kemper, quit hanging out on forums talking about how the other "fanboys" are so juvenile and petty. It makes you look juvenile and petty. I just stopped by because I saw this thread and signed up for an account to reply. Last post for me. Thanks for listening. :)

    lol, so you're a troll?

    You come here and do exactly what you accuse others of doing?

    Glad that was your last post.

  • . The fact that you can't tell the difference explains a lot about your negative posts.

    Here comes the personal attacks from the AXE Police Geeks who scour the net to watch whenever something negative is posted against their beloved AXE so that can rapidly spam the forum with as many links as possible to divert attention..I'm better than you, I won't personally attack you and I pray that you would get help. Let's make this interesting, why don't you post something you've done yourself to see how it's working for you? . Didn't think so, You never will.

  • Yea, I couldn't let Dean's thing go I'm afraid, it was way too easy. Great clip you just posted by the way. Like I typed, the Kemper is awesome and does spectacular tones, just doesn't have the effects some of us need.

    As to your observations, how do you account for the fact that so many top level pros and their highly paid sound guys and techs don't hear what you hear when it come to the Axe? Ya know, the whole brittle high end thing. Is it just that they are all deaf or never heard of the Kemper? Those Brit Floyd guys not as skilled as you? Danny Elfman a piker? You think they didn't A/B it with the Kemper cause they couldn't afford to try both?

    I like Devin Townsend's approach. He had a Fractal and added a Kemper. Best of both worlds. Still uses amp sims on both BTW. You kids cannot simply dismiss the Axe as irrelevant when it is clearly a top level piece of kit used by tons of new and classic world class guitarists. It makes you look small and petty like I typed.

    Dear Mr. Skank:
    Man you sound so angry, are you foaming in the mouth? Go relax, the AXE FX doesn't need you to defend it. seriously. You think people will stop buying because of my few negative remarks??

  • Here comes the personal attacks from the AXE Police Geeks who scour the net to watch whenever something negative is posted against their beloved AXE so that can rapidly spam the forum with as many links as possible to divert attention..I'm better than you, I won't personally attack you and I pray that you would get help. Let's make this interesting, why don't you post something you've done yourself to see how it's working for you? . Didn't think so, You never will.

    Scott (oops, I mean the troll guy) is here until we bow down and love the Axe ignoring the comments that if it works for others, that's great. I'm sure he'll report back to Cliff on their forum about how we wouldn't comply with his demands. (I'm not holding my breath on a warm sounding Axe example either.)

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • ....
    Again for the learning impaired, there are far too many arena touring pros and recording artists using the Axe over anything out there to dismiss it as you do. ...

    Do some research so you don't look like such an ignoramus every time you post.....

    Dear Mr. Skank:

    I love your name! Very fitting!

    There are so many amps out there that I don't like and they're being used by thousands of professional guitarists! Do I have to like everything that's used by a touring musician. There are countless professionals using POD HDs and they sound freaking awesome. I've done my research, played the AXE FX II, played the Kemper, and the difference in amp tone was as clear as day, I forked out the money for the Kemper without regrets. For someone who needs authentic amp tones, no two guitarists should even argue about this but to each their own.

    I actually think the AXE FX is at the same level as the ELeven Rack and POD HDs which is not a bad thing. More pods and Eleven Rack are serving many more musicians than the overpriced AXE FX II. so in that regard it's irrelevant to me who, has been blessed by God, to be able to afford whatever gear I like, and more irrelevant to many hard working musicians who don't want to spend that much on a modeler, when a POD or Eleven can provide a similar solution. Besides, most guitarists don't even know what the AXE FX is for it to even be relevant. It can't be found in any music store like most relevant musical equipment.

    Sure it has a hard core die hard small following, but to my ears it does sound harsh, brittle, artificial and non musical. So am I not entitled to my opinion? If someone asks me to recommend a good amp modeler, I haven't one ounce of guilt recommending the KPA if they want to spend the money, otherwise a POD HD or Eleven Rack will provide similar solutions to the way overpriced AXE FX at a fraction of the cost. If we're going to use the "major touring artist" justification, Steve Howe from "YES" uses POD HD and Line 6 DT amps, another awesome sounding rig.…nd_Chris_Squire

    Has anyone seen a POD HD user sign in here every time someone said the POD sounds like plastic? I haven't seen that. Then you add using lovely adjectives and personal attacks and someone clearly is in desperate need of some form of therapy!

    So in your world I have to like the AXE FX and 2+2 =5!

    Well I don't like the AXE FX II, 2+2=4, and you can't change that so give it up or get some therapy. Finally I'll reiterate my opinion. I'm talking from personal experience, to me AXE FX is way overpriced considering the sterile amp sounds it provides and I hope I don't stir another hornet's nest when I say that I don't care much for U2 either (pun intended).

    Edited 14 times, last by Dean_R (September 13, 2015 at 5:53 PM).

  • Well Don, the original topic was having a couple of good laughs about the "120% more realer" attitude, so we were perfectly on topic, before the usual things started to take place!


    Human beings seem irresistibly attracted by all dualisms... Reps\Democrats, Fascists\Communists, Vegs\Animal eaters, Anti-hunters\Hunters, Coppi\Bartali, Zionists\Palestinians, Kemperians\Fractalians ...
    Heck, even our computers and devices work through a dualistic opposition of high and low tensions... if you are above a certain threshold you're a 1, otherwise you are.. a zero...

    What a life! There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: the good ones, and the bad ones...


  • Well Don, the original topic was having a couple of good laughs about the "120% more realer" attitude, so we were perfectly on topic, before the usual things started to take place!

    Well Don, the original topic was having a couple of good laughs about the "120% more realer" attitude, so we were perfectly on topic, before the usual things started to take place!


    Human beings seem irresistibly attracted by all dualisms... Reps\Democrats, Fascists\Communists, Vegs\Animal eaters, Anti-hunters\Hunters, Coppi\Bartali, Zionists\Palestinians, Kemperians\Fractalians ...
    Heck, even our computers and devices work through a dualistic opposition of high and low tensions... if you are above a certain threshold you're a 1, otherwise you are.. a zero...

    What a life! There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: the good ones, and the bad ones...


    In all honesty though this thread was at inception bait - and it worked perfectly. Who here doesn't know that this will occur as it always does with these types of OP's. Why even mention Fractals new firmware here and the obvious allusion to Kemper and AXE now being more tube like (read closer to a Kemper) if not to incite one of these debates again. What else really can come from the OP other than this type of thing - I'm just saying,,,

  • Someone with a real amp, fractal, and kemper should make a few blind a/b/c clips and see who can get it right. That person is the one whose opinion has the most value. Otherwise, maybe when offering one's opinion, offer it with humility.

  • So if my kids pout and stomp their feet when I'm telling them how to behave, I should stop and never mention the topic again. This is what's happening here except that adults are unable to deal with facts. If anyone reads what I write and think I'm wrong, please correct me without calling me names! Educate me please.. That's the main reason I read forums; to share knowledge;

    Many over look this major fact about Fractal and the AXE FX : AXE FX was never conceived in its inception to be an accurate representation of the amps it claimed to model until Kemper successfully mass produce a machine that for all intended purposes clones an amp. Fractal Users and company touted it to be something that's better than the actual amp being modeled. Now however they only claim accuracy even though the modeling approach is still the same. Does anyone think it's a coincidence that fractal never shows comparisons to the amp they claim they model? It's just a marketing gimmick to compete with the unexpected success of Kemper.

    Fractal approach was and still is not to faithfully recreate a digital imprint of the actual amp because such things as hum, ghost notes that occur in many vintage amps aren't modeled. You might say who cares about hum or ghosts note and many of the long list of items that fractal never cared to model? Well that answer is the same to when people wonder why 96khz sampling rate is better than 44khz or even 32khz (early POD 2.0) when almost all guitar speakers have nothing of any significance above 5kz?That makes the POD 2.0 more than sufficient!! Not so fast..., when certain frequencies that we can't hear are present in the sound, they interact with other frequencies to create rich harmonics that can be heard! So 192 Hkz could even be better.

    So when AXE FX doesn't account for the many things that aren't modeled, because It's virtually impossible to factor everything in, it's a bit ironic that they constantly falsely claim that it 100% then 120% hence the jokes, rightfully so.Is anyone interested in the list of things not modeled by fractal? I was when I considered buying one and I think it's fair to bring that up. It's only fair to consumers to review products first hand and state what they like and what they don't like. Line 6, Avid for instance account for ghost notes and hum. When that topic is brought up, AXE users would always chime in sarcastically because it was never there Mantra to have accurate amps. The AXE FX is supposed to be something better.

    This complete about face to now all the sudden they're claiming accuracy is disingenuous to say the least, specifically because there's still a long list of items that make a huge difference that aren't currently modeled by the AXE FX as stated by the the AXe Maker himself "Somethings simply can't be modeled". I would have felt like a jack ass, if I had bought the AXE FX II to later discover that, it's never intended to be accurate. $2500 later many, as we can all witness, have to emotionally justify their purchase by personal attacks on anyone who says their products isn't what it claims to be.

    This is not fictional stuff, market research has proved beyond doubt, that most consumers make Emotional Decisions and Justify Them Later. Being aware of this fact and the ability to deal with it without killing the messenger, separate the mature adult with adequate emotional intelligence from those who pout and stomp their feet until you say it isn't so.Here's a quick link that talks about emotional purchasing which is common knowledge by the way if you're into marketing or sales.…ify-them-later/

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (September 13, 2015 at 9:11 PM).

  • So this took them 3 years?
    And how many FW updates.....?????


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    Edited once, last by DADA (September 13, 2015 at 9:18 PM).