Applications for MIDI transmission – user feedback requested

  • So far each Slot in Performance Mode is capable sending up to two MIDI program changes regardless of how the Slot got loaded.

    We are now in the process considering enhancements of MIDI transmission capabilities and are requesting user inputs. But instead of sending your "need MIDI control change x value y on channel z by Slot", could you please outline your application. In other words: What is your "business case"? We would first like to understand the external device you try to control for which purpose, and then what is required MIDI wise.

  • The PC is OK for my use at the present time for sending on slot selection, though it would be really nice to be able to send a CC to change a value or toggle an external effect instead of changing patches on the other device (so there wouldn't be a need to waste a PC slot on a device just to tweak the wet/dry mix of a reverb, for instance).

    Now that the unit sends MIDI clock (yay!), it would be great for it to able to send MIDI CC from attached expression pedals/switches. It would make all those inputs on the remote more useful.

  • I want to be able to send different CC to my Roland Gr55. both switching and expression functions from both the remote effects button and switches and expression pedals attached to the remote . Right now the remote is borderline usable for me and it is not cheap.

  • Yes CC for on off and variable for delay level reverb level to control wet/dry mix of external effects from the remote seiches! Thanks for the midi clock by the way!! Only wish it was out before I bought my tempode!! Ha ha
    of course it would be awesome to control the delay and reverb wet/dry mix for the KPA FX from the remote too!

  • pretty much what they said ^^
    Allowing assignment of the pedals to a CC would be epic. Min/Max values would be perfect but a full sweep of 0-127 would still be a great help although obviously you'd still have to specify the channel in the menu.

    Midi Clock (apart from the minor bug at reset) has been an absolute game changer in my rig for external effect and Ableton connectivity! Love it guys!

  • As well as having Midi in a performance slot it would also be extremely useful to have the sending of a CC as an effect/stomp which could then be assignable to the remote. That way you switch an external effect on and off without having to switch rigs. Useful features would be Channel, CC mix/max and if the CC is momentary or latch.

    This would probably give more flexibility and stop the system menu getting overcrowded.

  • I'm not as good at midi as I should be so I apologize if this are already available or just plain silly to ask for but I'd really love it if the Kemper could send data (SysEx commands?) to my Roland FC-300 so that the LED statuses display correctly after a PC message is sent to the Kemper. I do a lot of looking back at my Kemper on stage and then tap dancing pedals to get the status correct. It's very distracting. The Roland can receive System Exclusive messages to change pedal status and pedal LED status to match what stomps, etc are on or off, and the Parameter Address Map has addresses for read/write of pedal status and pedal LED status. So it may be possible?

    Probably out of context with this thread but while we're on the midi subject: I would like the ability to change the Kemper's midi CC# assignments, the Roland only goes up to CC#95 and I need numbers above that to work things like the Looper or a Solo boost using NRPN instead of a stomp.

    Argh, if I only had that Remote thing... Cheers and thanks again for working on all the improvements!

  • I'm not as good at midi as I should be so I apologize if this are already available or just plain silly to ask for but I'd really love it if the Kemper could send data (SysEx commands?) to my Roland FC-300 so that the LED statuses display correctly after a PC message is sent to the Kemper. I do a lot of looking back at my Kemper on stage and then tap dancing pedals to get the status correct. It's very distracting. The Roland can receive System Exclusive messages to change pedal status and pedal LED status to match what stomps, etc are on or off, and the Parameter Address Map has addresses for read/write of pedal status and pedal LED status. So it may be possible?

    Probably out of context with this thread but while we're on the midi subject: I would like the ability to change the Kemper's midi CC# assignments, the Roland only goes up to CC#95 and I need numbers above that to work things like the Looper or a Solo boost using NRPN instead of a stomp.

    Argh, if I only had that Remote thing... Cheers and thanks again for working on all the improvements!

    Obviously the Remote is always in sync with the Profiler. However there are also a few third party footcontrollers available, which have adapted our bi-directional protocol to enable synchronization of instant access buttons incl, LEDs, tuner display and others e. g. Uno4Kemper and Eureka for FCB1010, RJM Mastermind, Liquid Foot.

  • As well as having Midi in a performance slot it would also be extremely useful to have the sending of a CC as an effect/stomp which could then be assignable to the remote. That way you switch an external effect on and off without having to switch rigs. Useful features would be Channel, CC mix/max and if the CC is momentary or latch.

    This would probably give more flexibility and stop the system menu getting overcrowded.

    What kind of external effect do you want to switch on/off?

    Are you aware, that you don't need to switch Rigs, but could switch on/off the loop (Loop Mono, Loop Stereo, Loop Distortion) in the Profiler signal chain already today via Remote or MIDI?

  • I actually really liked the MIDI implementation when I used it. However, I have 3 external MIDI devices to control - a Strymon BigSky, a Strymon Timeline, and a RJM Mini Effect Gizmo. I understand most people don't have the use for that many MIDI devices, and the people that do already have their own MIDI setup. For instance, I'm using a RJM Mastermind GT for all my switching capabilities now, so the Kemper's MIDI implementation doesn't mean a lot to me any longer.

    However, I think the biggest thing is sending CC messages - multiple per device. If you have something like a GCX or Effect Gizmo/Rack Gizmo, it's easier to say "I want slot 2, 3, 5, and 8 on, the rest off," instead of "what the heck PC sets up those slots?"

    I also think it would be great to spread out to 5 devices. Sure, most people wouldn't have the need for that, but for those using the Kemper controller, they're not going to be able to control anything else from their floorboard.

    It would be great if you could set up MIDI-controlled devices in Rig Manager in addition to the front panel. Using RM, it would be AWESOME if you could set up names for your patches (PCs) on your external devices (for reference only), and name the CCs as well. This way, instead of saying:


    I want to send PC 13 and CC 89 (127 On), 90 (127 On), and 91 (0 Off) to Device 1.

    which is incredibly confusing, and you need a manual to basically know what you're doing (and yes, I know the devices can be named, but follow me here), you could say:


    Tell my Fractal FX8 to go to my Funk Guitar scene and flip on the Flanger and Reverb, and turn off the Distortion.

    I think this would make for a KILLER addition to the MIDI spec, and, by far, one of the easiest things that I think companies have not looked into enough. RJM has some similar features on their controllers, but only on the main device. In my case, my RJM will read the current slot's effects, tell me what they are, and their state. However, for something like my Timeline, I have to keep it on my board to know exactly what patch I'm on.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • it would be great to send cc from external or internal switches of the remote.
    i use voicelive play for switching harmonics on/off an setlistmaker to scroll or change notesheets during live performance.

  • I'm currently using 2 H9's in the loop so at the moment it's both of them on or neither and it would be a lot easier to be able to bring either one in or out independently.

    Another use for the CC's which I used to use my G-System for was to trigger events on Ableton. Events can only be triggered by notes or CC's so it'd be great for anyone using backing tracks etc.

  • MIDI commands to be able to control a whammy via midi from a expression pedal connected to the kemper remote.

    therefore cc control via expression pedal which is not currently supported.

    And PCs which can already be done to change program on the whammy,

    Why can't you use the internal effect "Pedal Pitch" instead, which can already be controlled via expression pedal connected to Kemper Remote?

  • Fantastic question!

    I'm really looking forward to a better midi implementation.

    First, this is my "user stories":
    - I want to use the Remote to select, start, stop and loop click tracks in MainStage on my mac.
    - I want to use the Remote to turn on and off loops on my RJM loop switching solution

    I have given this a lot of thoughts and this is my take on a better midi "concept" on the Kemper.

    First I will a use term called a "stream". This means a list of custom midi (Notes/CC/PC/Sysex/NRPN etc.) commands that will fired in a sequence. The idea is that a stream can be fired many different places.

    You can send a stream when you :
    - Enter or leave a performance
    - Enter or leave a slot in a performance

    Next, we need a virtual stomp box and a virtual trigger footswitch.

    A virtual stomp box can send a stream:
    - When it is turned on
    - When it is turned off
    - When it has to sync the on/off state, for instance when you enter a performance/slot/rig

    A virtual trigger footswitch can send a stream:
    - When the button is pushed down
    - When the button is released

    The virtual stomp box and virtual trigger footswitch should be possible to assign to any of the assignable buttons on the remote. And it should be possible to be global and local in a performance/rig.

    Edited once, last by little_harry (September 4, 2015 at 12:39 PM).

  • Hi,

    I'm not sure how useful this is to community in general, but my needs are as follows regarding the transmission of tap tempo via midi:

    Kemper footswitch
    Beatbuddy drum pedal
    Infinity looper

    Current use:
    I use the tap tempo function of the beat buddy, this then transmits both tempo AND time signature to the infinity. The infinity will then recognise ending of bars for syncing to drums.

    Planned use:
    Use the tap tempo of the kemper footswitch and send midi to beatbuddy and then to infinity.

    This currently works with the 3.1.2 beta BUT time signature is not transmitted so only 4/4 loops behave as expected.

    Benefit to me:
    - The beatbuddy only has 2 footswitches and I have to waste one of them doing tap tempo. If I do it via kemper then I can use the footswitch for something else
    - Of course the tempo related effects are automatically syncd to the music and I don't have to tap them in twice

    Edit: Update:

    I asked for a fix in the beatbuddy forum and they say that for them to solve it at their end will require a midi merge feature on the beatbuddy. They say they are working on it, but do not have a current commitment to implement.…ature-out.4720/
    Edit 2:

    I did some testing yesterday. Strange behaviour - the infinity looper cannot sync/quantize even to 4/4 beats from the kemper. I was doing some looping and couldn't understand why I kept missing the beat. Unplugged the midi cable and hey presto, everything was perfect. No idea why that was.

    Edited 2 times, last by Allenhuish (October 9, 2015 at 2:44 PM).

  • Why can't you use the internal effect "Pedal Pitch" instead, which can already be controlled via expression pedal connected to Kemper Remote?

    If I had the remote, I'd need the same. I really like the internal pitch but I haven't found a way of recreating the sound of a whammy, 2 oct. up when hitting several strings. I really need this sound for some RATM stuff. Too bad, I have to get a whammy for just this one setting.