Applications for MIDI transmission – user feedback requested

  • I know that, but it's not enough. I have 3 devices, there's one pc sent to the midi output port and another to the thru port. But theoretically, you could send different pc's to every port, up to 16 per port because there are 16 channels available

  • That is what midi PC is for. Why can't you control those devices now? Each Device can have a different PC on the same midi channel and you can send on 2 different midi channels? I control 2 H9's and a timeline on one midi channel. I have one H9 for mods, one for reverbs, and the timeline for delays. Each performance sends the midi PC for say PC 12 (H9 1 preset is tremolo, Timeline is a mod delay, H9 2 is blackhole reverb).


  • If possible, it would be very nice if the pedal inputs, on the Kemper, could have a momentary switch assigned to instant pitch changes, and then having those same CC#'s transmitted via midi out. Right now, I can only use an expression pedal to sweep pitches up to, and including the max pitch change. I haven't tried to see if the exp sweep is transmitted out, via midi.

  • That is what midi PC is for. Why can't you control those devices now? Each Device can have a different PC on the same midi channel and you can send on 2 different midi channels? I control 2 H9's and a timeline on one midi channel. I have one H9 for mods, one for reverbs, and the timeline for delays. Each performance sends the midi PC for say PC 12 (H9 1 preset is tremolo, Timeline is a mod delay, H9 2 is blackhole reverb).


    The problem with your setup is duplication and consistency. If you want the same delay patch on several different "scenes," then then have to copy it and save it in a new bank so it will respond properly. I consider a scene, in your case, everything that operates on a certain PC, since that's 3 devices in your case.

    Then, say you get to a gig, and, for whatever reason, an ambient reverb patch is just too expansive on one setting. The rest seem bigger than normal, but are usable. Now, say you've copied it to 5 different patches in use in 5 different "scenes." You have to edit 5 different patches.

    Sending a MIDI PC to 3 different devices on 3 different channels allows you to reuse a patch and never have duplication or time wasted on editing a certain sound. It also affords you more control on what all of your units are doing at any specific time, as they aren't locked down to any specific bank.

    If I did mine like this, I'd have at least 80 patches to manage on both my Timeline and my BigSky. I have a nice and tidy 20 or so per device that I go back and forth between, and use my MIDI controller to trigger PCs per device. Add my third device, a MIDI pedal looper (RJM Mini Effect Gizmo) to the mix and you get an entirely greater level of complexity.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • Currently I use ableton live 9 to transmit midi to a pedalboard which houses 3 strymon pedals. I use a disaster area dpc-8d as a midi interface pedal on the pedalboard to translate midi from the computer, or KPA. I am awaiting the KPA to arrive so I am a new user, forgive me if some of this is covered already. I have read the midi section of the reference manual and the addendum but am new to the system. My wish list is as follows:

    1. I plan to use the loop section to run the 3 strymon pedals, currently I believe its required to take up the mod or x section of effects to run these in the loop. However, since these can be activated/deactivated with midi, it would be nice to not have to use up an effect slot to have these running through the loop.

    2. I think having the ability to only send midi to 2 devices is a severe limitation, it would be better to send to several more. i would use it for 3 strymon pedals each on their own channel, the DPC-8d (which will change 4 devices on its own) and maybe a H9 down the road, that makes 5 devices.

    3. Midi learn would be nice, meaning, if I had an external midi pedal like the DPC-8d, it puts out a fixed midi note per preset button (4 buttons across 30 banks), then I could select an effect/parameter and activate learn, then have it learn the midi pedal button/cc to make programming easier.

    4. I have not used rig manager yet, I am waiting on the KPA in the mail, but I think a midi section to rig manager would be very convenient to allow the assigning of midi program changes and cc's.

    I think with these enhancements, the KPA could begin to be the interface for both internal and external effects, all controlled by one program change from a computer or stepping through the foot controller in performance mode.

  • I would be glad if one Remote button could be configured to always send a special CC sequence (e.g. MIDI General purpose button on/off).

    Application: when pressing the Remote button the KPA should send this midi sequence to my iPad app 'Setlistmaker' which will then proceed to the next song in the setlist.
    When selecting the next song the app setlistmaker sends Midi PC to the KPA to switch to the next song's performance (this second feature already works).

    benefit of one Remote switch sending this midi cc sequence is to save one extra footswitch. As I only use the buttons 1-5 for changing the performance slots I would like to configure one of the other buttons I-IV for sending this midi sequence.

  • The setlistmaker website includes some good tutorial videos, one of them explaining how to send midi commands.
    With each song in setlistmaker i attach the midi program change command to select the correct performance and slot in the KPA. For a description of how to calculate the needed program change number please refer to the profilers manual.

    in case of more questions feel free to contact me via PM.

  • <p>I'm still eager awaiting the addition of more than two channels of simultaneous PC messages. &nbsp;From what I've read here, I think it would address several users requests to add the ability to send PC changes to up 16 devices, which the MIDI specs will allow. &nbsp;</p>

  • I want to be able to send different CC to my Roland Gr55. both switching and expression functions from both the remote effects button and switches and expression pedals attached to the remote . Right now the remote is borderline usable for me and it is not cheap.

    The same for Fishman Triple Play,
    sorry if it was asked already. Also I'm new in this MIDI world :)
    Thanks! Great thread!

  • To be honest, I'd rather expect the implementation of the Profiler Remote. As of today it seems that those who went for the remote are in a worse position than those who went for a midi footswitch - at least as far as controlling of paramters goes.

  • The problem with your setup is duplication and consistency. If you want the same delay patch on several different "scenes," then then have to copy it and save it in a new bank so it will respond properly. I consider a scene, in your case, everything that operates on a certain PC, since that's 3 devices in your case.

    Then, say you get to a gig, and, for whatever reason, an ambient reverb patch is just too expansive on one setting. The rest seem bigger than normal, but are usable. Now, say you've copied it to 5 different patches in use in 5 different "scenes." You have to edit 5 different patches.

    Why don't you use midi mapping then? Let multiple incoming PCs recall the same internal patch?
    Is this not doable on a strymon pedal or on the h9? If not, request a proper midi mapping feature at the strymon forum...

    Just my 2 cents

  • I'd like to be able to tuck one of my H9s in the back of the Kemper (in the stereo loop) and have a CC from an expression pedal attached to the remote sent to it. This is especially true for the new morphing feature, the ideal thing would be to send a CC containing the morph value (0-127) which the H9 would then read as expression pedal. As it's possible to map the H9's expression pedal itself to morph between two H9 preset value sets this would extend the tone morphing from the Kemper into the H9 without any extra fuss.

    In short - a generic way to send CC messages on Midi Out from expression pedals, including the one used to morph between continuous values in the upcoming firmware.

    Without this I have to add another pedal which solely controls the H9, increasing cost, number of cables, and chances for things to go wrong. With this I just need a couple of MIDI cables and everything works. Patch select and tempo on the H9 are sorted through PC messages and MIDI clock output from the profiler, it's just the expression pedal that's missing!


  • the Kemper could have a feature to not send consecutive duplicate midi messages to a device.

    I have a big need. Since the devices controlled by the Kemper are global, the ability to not send messages twice. Here's why:
    I use an eventide H9 in effects loop in the X slot. I keep that assignment in every rig in performance mode, although some rigs have the effects loop bypassed by default. Since I use my H9 almost exclusively for ambient delays and reverbs, allowing the effects to trail off naturally is a must for me. In most cases the Kemper handles this task well.

    Here's where it doesn't, and this could just as easily be blamed on the H9. Let's say I use two rigs in a row in which I want the H9 to be on the same preset. Let's call it "Preset 10" on the H9, which happens to be a long tail reverb. If the H9 is already on preset 10 when I step to a rig that tells the H9 to go to preset 10, it causes the H9 to reset, that is cut off the tail of the reverb and start over. However, if I program the Kemper to not send a message to the H9 on the second Rig, the tail of the reverb trails off naturally, even if the second rig has the effects loop bypassed. In other words, the H9 resets if it gets a message to go to the preset that it is already on, it doesn't just ignore the message.

    So here's what I propose: Since the Kemper knows what the last message it sent to the H9 is, since the H9 assignment as device one is global, an option to have the Kemper not send the message again. In other words, suppose I had five rigs in one performance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Rigs one and three tell the H9 to go to preset 10- a long trail reverb. Where as 5 tells it to bypass (which is #100 for the H9) and Performance 2 and 4 tell the H9 to go to preset 9- a short room reverb. If I happen to go from slot 2, 4, or, 5 then to 3, the Kemper will tell the H9 to go to preset 10 like its supposed to. However, if I'm on slot 1(which just told the H9 to go to preset 10) and then go to slot 3, the Kemper would not send PC 10 to the H9, recognizing that PC 10 was the last message it sent. Rather the Kemper could have a feature to not send consecutive duplicate midi messages to a device.Make sense?

    In a couple songs I play this is a huge issue. I go back and forth between two rigs, both with the same long tail reverb on the H9, one with an autoswell effect from my Line 6 M5 (something else I would love Kemper to implement) and the other without the autoswell. In order to not have any cutting off of the reverb trail, I need to create an extra rig that sends no message to the H9 but tells the M5 to turn off. Otherwise, if I go back to the first Rig that told the H9 to go to PC 10, it cuts off the reverb trail. It would save me a lot of headaches if I didn't have to worry about not sending the same message twice-especially since I may not always do the same thing each time I play the song.

    Edited 2 times, last by Grooguit (February 3, 2016 at 9:17 PM).