• I heard that univibes are the most difficult to model, I don't know why its difficult to physically model the behavior of incandescent light bulbs. If the Univibe is good, then that's usually an indication that the the rest of effects quality should be good.

  • "The Univibe is a phaser.

    It is not a mixture of a phaser with something else.

    The vibrato switch setting is the phaser's effect signal only.

    The only difference to a regular phaser is the LFO waveform.

    We will have this shape soon for our phaser too.


    That's what CK wrote on April4, 2012 (don't know how to quote from a different thread properly). I know that this statement is true, but I have the feeling that there is more to the Univibe. In another thread, it was stated that the PhaserVibe was modeled after an original Univibe. For the life of me, I can't dial in the tones. It has taken years after the Phaser Vibe was added to the KPA before burningyen and prsgary came up with some decent settings - how is this possible when the Univibe itself is such an easy to dial in stomp?

  • The original Univibe had a pulsating light bulb, if the behavior of the light bulb is not modeled, it won't sound like the original. Line 6 say they did model that behavior and they seem to have nailed down that sound, I honestly haven't heard a univibe sounding this good even comparing with real hardware univibes.

  • Quote

    Line 6 say they did model that behavior and they seem to have nailed down that sound, I honestly haven't heard a univibe sounding this good even comparing with real hardware univibes.


    Before selling it for my beloved KPA I had a HD500X which already had a pretty decent sounding 'Univibe' preset ... I also owned a 'Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe' for many years (after testing several other clones) - so I think I know what a Univibe sounds like ... I have to say Line 6 seem to have nailed the sound behavior of a Shin-ei Uni-Vibe spot-on.

    As I mentioned before ... something for the wishlist :)

  • However, I still can't help but hear a distinctive Line 6 "fizz" that permeates all the MODELS that are demo'd in this direct audio capture from the video. It is even present on the cleaner model of the JTM45, beginning at 01:18. I don't know, perhaps I am hearing things that aren't there. However, I don't hear such artifacts when I listen to a soundclip from a comparable KPA profile.

    I can't help but wonder if the Line 6 engineers spent most of their time and resources developing the Helix's User Interface...rather than making a radical improvement to their modeling engine. I fully recognize this may prove to be an unfair assessment.

    I like the effects. It ends there.

    It sounds like they took POD 2 and increased the resolution a small bit. I don't see (hear) the Emperor's New Clothes. Line 6 products sound brittle to my ears.
    How many have A/Bd a good Kemper profile and amp and could not hear the difference? Imagine trying to do that with the Helix.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but I have been disappointed with the demos I've heard of the Helix thus far. And frankly I have been burned by Line 6 in the past. Too many false promises. They don't get another dime from me.

    I had a choice two weeks ago: buy the KPA and remote, or believe the hype and wait for the Helix and save about $1000. You can guess which way I went. No regrets.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but I have been disappointed with the demos I've heard of the Helix thus far. And frankly I have been burned by Line 6 in the past. Too many false promises. They don't get another dime from me.

    I had a choice two weeks ago: buy the KPA and remote, or believe the hype and wait for the Helix and save about $1000. You can guess which way I went. No regrets.

    This. L6 have had a lot of my money and they always fail to deliver in some way. They are masters of marketing. I want to love their products but where it counts - sound - they fall short, I was hoping Helix would be different but that fatiguing brittle tone still hangs around like a ghost at the door - even if it is fading.

  • This. L6 have had a lot of my money and they always fail to deliver in some way. They are masters of marketing. I want to love their products but where it counts - sound - they fall short, I was hoping Helix would be different but that fatiguing brittle tone still hangs around like a ghost at the door - even if it is fading.

    There is a long-time running joke in the hifi audiophile community:

    "No highs, No lows...must be Bose".

    In my experience with Line 6, which stretches back to the AX2-212, I can think of a similar dig:

    "A bag full of of tricks, but can't stand out in a mix...must be Line 6".

  • "A bag full of of tricks, but can't stand out in a mix...must be Line 6".

    And what about Arjen Lucassen? I would not say his records lack great guitar sound. :)

    From http://www.arjenlucassen.com/content/info/studio-equipment/:

    Lately I mainly use the digital Line 6 POD Pro preamp (rectified sound for rhythm and higain (Soldano) sound for the solos) straight into Protools, no effects added. Formerly I used the Mesaboogie Dual Rectifier and various Marshalls. I still mix them with the POD now and then.

  • And what about Arjen Lucassen? I would not say his records lack great guitar sound. :)

    From http://www.arjenlucassen.com/content/info/studio-equipment/:

    Lately I mainly use the digital Line 6 POD Pro preamp (rectified sound for rhythm and higain (Soldano) sound for the solos) straight into Protools, no effects added. Formerly I used the Mesaboogie Dual Rectifier and various Marshalls. I still mix them with the POD now and then.

    I don't know this guy's music. But I think for Hi Gain sounds the POD tone is less obvious - with that said I don't think many people are generally using untreated POD tones on the finished product - even I fit is part of their studio rig.

    Would I use the Kemper on a record? Without doubt.

  • Quote

    I still think it's a stretch to say (as earlier in this thread) that modeling has failed in the course of its 20 years of evolution - I've heard enough performances by Axe FX users to say otherwise, without hesitation. The ability to look back 3, 5, 10 years, and find a crappy sounding modeler is irrelevant. I can probably turn up a few crappy sounding tube amps for good measure.

    Friend..I really tried to dont take some of your comments serious and to "not react",not to "engage" further to what will be a fruitless discussion anyway but this^^^is just so "anti-rock´n´roll" that I have to tell you that.

    I dont care about any XYZ-user of any device that till yet is not even 00000,1% as relevant to music or what makes our world (at least here as musicians) go round since Chuck Berry when guys like the latter wrote history with tube amps.And all your talking about the "whole package of routing capabilities,effects,UI,shiny little buttons and flashy lights" is more (or the same..or even a little bit less) important than sound alone does not make sense to any musician whos whole life is all about how to sound as good as he can even if he needed to carry tons of tube amps on his back to the next gig( and yes..we did..tell ya that!).even when Rocktron,ADA,Digitech,Zoom,Korg & L6 etc,etc were already out there..

    Again.I can respect what is more important FOR YOU.But dont tell the rest of us why we are idiots of having injured backs and hurting hands.Because we know why.


  • The only thing "bizarre" is your defending of an technology which has failed to deliver to any promise it has made..not less "bizzare" is your reasoning which is founded allegedly on "science" and hopes about modeling "future potential".
    Saying that people have enough of this after 20 years of waiting while even almost all developers (including the one of your beloved Helix btw) talk now about "profiling" is not "bizarre".I call this a fact.

    Edited once, last by Nikos (September 6, 2015 at 1:29 PM).