Setup advice

  • Let me tell you what I'm trying to achieve, so you can tell me, based on your experience an knowledge, what my setup should be:

    My priority is not recording: I bought the Kemper so I can travel light from home to the various band rehearsals I have to do every week.

    I have a Power Rack, and I'm looking to get, as close as possible, to that amp in a room sound when I'm on rehearsal with the bands I'm in.

    So, what setup (cab/monitor/speaker...) do you recommend in order to achieve what I'm looking for: what gear, what brand, what model?

    Thanks in advance.

  • If you want that feeling of a 4x12 behind ya then a guitar cab would be the best bet. When brought the KPA to use live mine was to carry as least gear a possible, minimal set up time but still have a great sound. Before I had my IEM's which I love using live and could not go back to playing live without them I used 2 DXR10's in front of me pointing up. IMO these sounded great and I know a lot of other users on here think they are great sounding. Some people though just love the feel of a guitar cab behind them, if you are one of them then a guitar cab and the kemper is the way to go I think :)

  • If you want that feeling of a 4x12 behind ya then a guitar cab would be the best bet. When brought the KPA to use live mine was to carry as least gear a possible, minimal set up time but still have a great sound. Before I had my IEM's which I love using live and could not go back to playing live without them I used 2 DXR10's in front of me pointing up. IMO these sounded great and I know a lot of other users on here think they are great sounding. Some people though just love the feel of a guitar cab behind them, if you are one of them then a guitar cab and the kemper is the way to go I think :)

    Toaster and 2 DXR10 here. Best Sound I ever had in 25 years. Easy to put in a car, not heavy and you can use them for lots of other things.
    For small gigs you can even send vocals to the DXR.
    Get a pair of this and your setup is easy, only one cable to rule them all ;) :

    This is both great advice.

  • I believe it's now up to you to decide whether you want a guitar cab or a fuller range speaker. In the first case you'll have less sonic versatility but it will absolutely be like playing through a... guitar cab (LOL).
    in the other case you'll have a greater sonic fidelity to the profiled rig.
    The latter scenario, provided you find profiles you really love, would probably give you the highest satisfaction, since your sound will be the most coherent through different gear and logistic scenarios.
    OTOH, since you own the powered Profiler, a passive cab could help you save some bucks.

    I use both options depending on my sonic needs and comfort.

  • There is no best choice because it is subjective. The CLR is definitely a good choice. With the pure cab feature you can get a reasonable "in the room" sound/feel using what has been listed. It's not so much the best as it is what you want because you can make so many different variations work well. If you want easy & light - get something to stick in your ear, if you like the appearance and sound of a cabinet - get a cabinet, if you want to hear exactly what the audience hears - use FRFR. No loser in these scenarios. Good luck.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Yes it is. I've been using a powered CLR NEO for over 2 years and love it and now with pure cab it has much more of a cab in the room feel. I've been playing live for 50 yrs and this combo is the most versatile and best sounding setup I've ever had. I play a little of everything from Chuck Berry to Five Finger DeathPunch. :D
    If you want a more true representation of the amp/ spk profile combination then FRFR is the way to go.
    Pure cab is close, but if amp in the room is your main thing, then use a guitar cab. Just understand the different amp profiles you use will all have the similar color of the guitar cab you use.

  • But isn't the CLR FRFR?

    I use the frfr from rcf sma nx 10" with400 watts. Nice sound. After buying it i also bought a real cab. A 2x12 mesa boogie rectifier with V30 celestion speaker, i power it with a 800 watt t.amp witch is nearly linear. Here i connected it to monitor out with cab sim off. So i have the choice to have a real amp in my back and the frfr in front of me as a floor monitor. For my rigs i normally use a retyfier cab sim so i have nearly the same sound on my frfr and my real cab. All outs are mono. The difference between this to solutions is, if you play it loud the real cab shake my trousers ;) The frfr gives you a hifi feel because it has more treble than the boogie.

    The dxr is also a good choise. It has more mids ( not my taste), for my prefered sounds i mostely scoope the mids. . Ask Ingolf, he like his dxr's very much. For the rest there are eq's in the kpa, for the rigs and also for the output section. At the end you have to try and choose, for me it takes a long time to find the equipment that makes me happy with my sound. I am close to it, but i think there is always something new and better. Some of us are searching their whole live for the holy grail.
    The kpa bring us a whole step closer to it......

    Edited once, last by Eltzejupp (August 15, 2015 at 6:00 PM).

  • I also love the freedom the kemper gives. I really enjoy turning up to a gig with the toaster and a guitar and maybe a backpack with either my wah or expression pedal and a couple of leads. This is if they have the monitors I need, otherwise I also use a Yamaha dxr10 and really enjoy it.

  • Played two years with a Bogner OS212 Guitar cabinet into my Kemper Power rack (the version with build in Amp)
    I locked a cab sim that came as close as possible to my Bogner cab so every rig had the same cab simulation.
    This worked untill I started playing acoustic guitar next to my electric guitars with the Kemper.
    The acoustic didn't sound right when using my Bogner guitar cab so I bought a Yamaha DXR10 to go FRFR and I'm very happy with it.
    I don't have to lock the cab simulations anymore and the acoustic guitar sounds beautiful now, but stil a question for the DXR users:

    At live gigs I use the main outs to the PA system and I use the Monitor out to a single Yamaha DXR10 .
    Is it possible to use the "link out" on the DXR10 to a second DXR10 or perhaps a 15" dxs subwoofer or am I mistaken?
    And would it bring more "headroom"when using two DXR10's serial?
    My first life Gig is more than a month away and wile its sounding very good at home, I wonder if this little 10 inch tool wil give me the same amount/wall of "noice" as the Bogner 212 guitar cab did
    I know I play PA and its "only "a monitor but sometimes when I don't agree with the PA man, I help myself a little by putting some extra volume true my monitor system ;)

  • Thanks Ingolf
    The dxr10 is loud enough but would a second dxr10 ( attached to the dxr's " to next dxr" ) linked out
    bring a more/ bigger less boxy sound ?
    its not boxy but a 4x12 guitarcab perhaps has some more pressure so I tought connecting two DXR10's give also a 'bigger' sound than just one
    I use them on the Kempers single monitor output because the main outs go to the PA system.
    to bad the Kemper doesnt have a stereo- monitor output ;)
    I love the sound of the DXR 10 so with two of them it only gets better :P