High-Pitched Squealing With Any Gain?

  • Hey there, folks - I have a really annoying problem that I can't figure out.

    I'm using my Mesa/Boogie Mark V high-gain profile and I'm using my live rig pedalboard. I'm getting an intolerable high-pitched squeal/feedback that kicks in the SECOND I turn on my compressor or my OD before the kemper, OR if I turn on the OD in the Kemper. I have this problem even with no pedals active and the guitar turned down completely, loop disengaged.

    I got a similar problem (not exactly the same) when I was profiling using my Mesa Cab Clone, but hitting the ground lift eliminated it. None of the ground buttons on the Kemper have any effect in this case. And as soon as I turn off any additional gain stages, the problem disappears. I can have the Kempers Tube Screamer on, but if any of the setting are anything more than "0.0," I get the squeal.

    I'm really unsure of what could be causing this very unmusical feedback/squeal. It doesn't make sense that I can crank the amp's gain with no issue, but the second I add an OD, it goes bananas. Anyone else have this issue? How did you solve it? I don't believe I had this issue until the most recent update, if that makes any difference...

    EDIT: It DOES actually feedback when the amp's gain is turned up, but it will squeal regardless of the output volume. Still very frustrated...

    Edited once, last by decreebass (June 21, 2015 at 1:47 AM).

  • I had this problem last night whilst showing the Kemper to a guest. The fact that she happened to be female and the first member of said species to grace my living space in decades didn't help the matter!

    Fortunately, scrolling through a couple of dozen rigs quickly in RM solved the issue. No idea what caused it, but it was easily the most horrific high-pitched squeal I've ever heard. The harshness was exacerbated by some of the free rigs too. Thank God it disappeared after that scrolling.

    Who knows, maybe quickly scrolling through a bunch of rigs with RM in audition mode (using the up / down arrows of your keyboard) could help?

  • Hmm. Are you suggesting there's a glitch solved by doing that or that my profile is just flawed and I should find a different one that's not flawed? I don't quite understand what you're getting at...

    But that sucks to have technical difficulty when you're trying to show off your mad skills to woo a possible mate :)

  • LOL Yeah, it sucked big-time as the unit's performed flawlessly thus far.

    No, I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with your profile, mate. Scrolling through a bunch of presets, where each was loaded and then the next immediately "selected" with the Mac keyboard down arrow, cleared the problem, whatever it was. A reboot of the Kemper would've done the same thing, I reckon, but that's just a guess.

  • I have the same issue that I am trying to resolve. It just started with the last update and it only effects my recently made profiles or edited profiles done after the last up date.

    The sound is like a microphone feedback and high pitched harmonic type sounds on notes.

    if anyone has any suggestions that would be helpful.

  • Bump.

    Another thing I noticed is that once it starts, I can turn the profiler's volume WAY down and the squeal persists. It's almost like it's a hybrid between audiophonic feedback and signal routing feedback. Like, if I get the feedback, sometimes it's enough to turn the guitar down, start playing something, or kill any additional gain.

    It's frustrating because "my sound" requires a TS808 (or equivalent) but when I apply it, even at the most mild settings, the Kemper can't handle it.

    Kemper - please tell me (us) you're working on this! *fingers crossed* :)

  • I had the very same issue, and I am trying to remember exactly how I fixed the problem.

    I found the issue was caused by overall volume increasing at several places in the chain. For example, if you have active pickups and you are driving the input sense hard, then have any volume adjustment pre stack via stomps, plus a high volume on the amp and the cabinet and then yet another volume increase post stack with effects. Well you can see where this leads.

    So what I did was decrease my input sensitive, (0.00 Clean Sense, 9.0 Distortion Sense), then I made sure the volume increases occurred where I needed them the most, i.e. the amp/head. Very little volume increase with the green scream (2.1). My compressor volume was at 0.00 and the mix of the compressor was at 58%. This mix adjustment really helped.

    Then absolutely no volume increases post stack on any stomp. Noise was gone and I could make adjustments as need without it returning.

    A quick fix, if you just do not want to change as I suggested, is to lower the high on the cab and decrease its volume. I did not much like that adjustment but it will work.

    Hope this helps.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • I'm having this same problem and I run a very simple amp gate ts set up, support just told me I'm hitting the Kempers limits. Has anyone figured out a solution? If I lower my gain to get rid of the noise I loose my tone. I run any high gain profile with gain at 3 o'clock, gate 4:1 at 5.5, and green scream gain 0 tone 6 and volume 0. This seems rediculous that the kemper just can't perform at these conditions. Oh I use Emg clean sense -6 and distortion sense 0