M Britt Profiles + OwnHammer IRs = WOW! (Audio clips inside)

  • My favorite profiles I use are M Britt Profiles, but I've always been wanting to change the cabinet and speaker to the appropriate one for the amp. I've heard many positive reviews about the OwnHammer IRs over at the Axe-FX forums, so I decided to try it out on the Kemper. I downloaded the new Ownhammer 1966 Marshall 212 Multi-Speaker Collection, which includes 64 different speakers to use. I loaded up my favorite profile from M Britt, the "70 Marshall SL 4" and I switched out the stock cab and used the OwnHammer G12m Greenback speaker: "OH 212 MAR-66 OH-G12M MIX SP2". I instantly received fantastic results! It improved the tone dramatically. The M Britt Profiles are not DI profiles, but the Kemper does a good job taking it out. I then tried the M Britt AC30 profile with the Ownhammer ALN-UK (Celestion Blue + Silver). Another tonal improvement that provided the chime of your typical Vox sound.

    OwnHammer is having a promotion right now for the new collection for $25 and will go up to $50 on 6/14, so I highly encourage you to download it! I am really hoping that M Britt will include DI profiles for future releases because I really think his profiles with Ownhammer IRs will create the ultimate tone :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by dapeegoo (June 11, 2015 at 8:36 PM).

  • I just made a quick clip for you guys to compare the M Britt 1970 Marshall SL 4 profile with stock cabinet (2x12 CL80 speaker) vs the OwnHammer 2x12 G12M speaker. Let me know what you guys think! Apologies for the short and raw clip. Make sure to use headphones!

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    Edited 2 times, last by dapeegoo (June 11, 2015 at 6:29 PM).

  • I bought the ownhammer pack but I must say I was very disappointed when playing through my qsc k10 monitor. I tried all of the celestioncabs and none of the ir's sounded even close to the kempercabs. they made every profile sound totally flat and lifeless. maybe they are better suited for recording? I haven't tried that and I'm not sure it's even worth trying.. :thumbdown:

  • Well, there's a huge difference of course, but it depends really on what tone your looking for here.
    With th ownhammer, your losing that bottom end, it's sharper, but i couldn't say better that the first one.
    And yes, till's cab are as well, my go to cabs.

  • Just my opinion, but neither were better than the other, it was just a different sound which is personal taste. I think I preferred the original myself.
    The difference is pretty the same as when you get a whack of profiles numbered 1-30 and they are just different mics and placements and eq settings and it's the same difference. You just find the one that feels and sounds best for your own ears and music and changing cabs is part of that too.

  • I tried a bunch of different profiles..marshalls, mesas and 5150's..same flat, lifeless sound....the clip in the op sounds ok, different than the kempercab but not bad at all...but playing through a monitor was not a pleasent experience..IMO of course

  • It is just about two different speakers ,nothing revolutionary better or worse.
    I prefer M Britt original speakers ,it is more natural and organic.
    BTW ,the same scoped and sharp highs without rich bottom and generous midds you can achieve by tweaking original profile .

    I think it is wasting of time and money with those IR's, not natural at all .

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

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  • Hi,

    You need to convert them with CabMaker which can be downloaded from Kemper Support site. After conversion, put them on the USB stick (shared folder) and import them.

    Sound Engineer, Musician, Animal Rights Activist.

    Fender '89 Clapton Strat, EMG DG20, KPA, Martin, SSL, Neve, Manley, Tube-Tech, Millennia, API, Lynx, RME, Avid, Apple, Adam...

  • Thanks bluzkat, I haven't tried them yet. I just wrote the standard procedure for IR's.

    @flyingheelhook you don't need to convert "Wav" files as you mentioned. It seems there should be converted version files as bluzkat mentioned.

    You just need to copy them to the USB stick and import from it.

    Sound Engineer, Musician, Animal Rights Activist.

    Fender '89 Clapton Strat, EMG DG20, KPA, Martin, SSL, Neve, Manley, Tube-Tech, Millennia, API, Lynx, RME, Avid, Apple, Adam...

    Edited once, last by Noyan (July 6, 2015 at 11:55 AM).