Rig Exchange Slow

  • Just curious if anyone else see this same phenomenon.

    When I fire up RM on week days it usually connects to the exchange and downloads the latest rigs pretty quick, less than 2 minutes usually.

    But when I do the same on Saturday or Sunday, many times it never even connects, or it just gets stuck trying to get the list of updated rigs.

    I don't know if the traffic is just really high on the weekends, or maybe the Kemper team takes it down for maintenance, but I tried about 5 or 6 times this last weekend and never could connect.

    What has your experience been? How often is your RM able to connect, and do you see any similar patterns?

    Edited once, last by DigitalBliss (May 26, 2015 at 8:10 PM).

  • I get same problem , it re-loads the profiles from the Rig exchange from scratch and it is super slow, before it used to keep on file and just load the new profiles... but now it re-loads 6000 x profiles !!!

    Kind of annoying now and very slow....

  • I've no issues with RM whatsoever, but have been waiting for someone to say something about that mis-dated profile.

    Yes, it's dated 2015-08-29. It's highly annoying to see this at the top of my list all the time; yes, I sort by date too.

    Now, if this was intentional, it's at best a clever way to promote yourself, and at worst a bloody selfish thing to do. If it was a mistake, hey, we can all relate to that.

    What I'd like to see is the author of the profile edit and correct the date. If he can't do so or is uncontactable for whatever reason, I'd like to think that the Gods of Kemper could do it.

    Thank you to whomever can get this one sorted!

  • I am downloading the latest version of RM (1.35). So far two failed downloads. On the previous version it seems that my Rig Manager has corrupted the Rig Exchange collection. On opening it reports 0 rigs in Rig Exchange. It then connects and downloads them the number increments by 16 at a time and it takes ages to get through the 6301 rigs. Then, it stops 3 rigs short of the total and downloads no further FOR HOURS. If I then close Rig Manager it says "are you sure you want to do this when the task is incomplete?". If I go ahead and close RM, the next time I open it, it reports 0 rigs in Rig Exchange and starts all over again. I have gone through this process 3 times. This can't be helping the server load on Rig Exchange. Hope the new version, if a download ever completes addresses this. (This is on Win 7 64)

    Update: New 135 version resumed RE at 6200 after last close 3 short (so about 100 rigs short of the displayed total when I closed Rig Manager 132 down with RE download still incomplete after some time). RM 135 downloaded the remaining rigs without stalling short of the total. New total for RE is 6269 which is 32 less than the earlier total. I don't know if this reflects rigs copied to local folders or what but at least the process concludes and closing and reopening RE finds the previously downloaded RE still there.

    Edited 2 times, last by Antipodes (June 2, 2015 at 7:05 PM).