Atomic CLR users... clipping from Kemper?

  • I find that if I run the master volume over about 3.5 on my KPA and I use an XLR cable to the CLR (wedge, not the neo version) that I hear some funny high end noises like it's clipping. If I keep the master down below about 3.5 to 4 it's fine, but it feels like there should be a lot more volume available too.

    What's interesting is that the input gain control doesn't seem to make much difference (as far as the noise... it obviously gets much louder and quieter) and that's why I can't understand what's going on with it.

    I'm trying to figure out if I think it's broken or if this is normal, so can any CLR users tell me how you run yours? Thanks,


  • Hey Griff,

    • set the CLR's master volume and gain to 0.
    • Be sure the Master volume and the Volume pots are unlinked (independent) on your Profiler.
    • Be sure you're not clipping the Profiler's input (Input LED steadily red).
    • Set the Profiler's Volume so that the output LED doesn't go into red when strumming hard with a clean profile.
    • Set the Profiler's Master volume say halfway.
    • Raise the CLR's gain up to just before its LED becomes red when strumming hard. If you can't have it almost reach the red, raise the Profiler's Master further.
    • Raise the CLR's Master volume at will.

    If you can't get 120 dB at 1m with this procedure, your cable or your CLR is broken! :D


  • Thanks Guys... but here's what's up...

    Non-powered KPA, powered CLR. I never even get out of the green or a little yellow on input or output of the KPA.

    With Master Volume at 5.0, I can dime the inputs on the CLR and the red lights never come on, but I can clearly hear distortion if I bring up the master at that point.

    So what I'm asking is, if you put your master at 5.0 on a clean tone, at what point on the dial does your peak light start to come on if you dig in and play something funky, for example?

    If all that is wrong is that the peak light is out, I'll live with it. If there's something else wrong I'll send it in.


  • So what I'm asking is, if you put your master at 5.0 on a clean tone, at what point on the dial does your peak light start to come on if you dig in and play something funky, for example?

    You're talking about the output LED, right? If it is peaking or not depends on the loudness of the rig you're playing. If you're using a lot of EQ boosting it may light even with rig volume dialed somewhat down.
    What kind of distortion do you hear? Are you sure it isn't the breakup of your profile?

  • You're talking about the output LED, right? If it is peaking or not depends on the loudness of the rig you're playing. If you're using a lot of EQ boosting it may light even with rig volume dialed somewhat down.
    What kind of distortion do you hear? Are you sure it isn't the breakup of your profile?

    No, I mean the peak light on the CLR. I never light up past green on the KPA so there is no danger of clipping there.

    It is clearly distortion on the CLR because at lower volumes it disappears. It is not pleasant sounding, it is clearly clipping of some sort.

    I can assure you there is nothing on the KPA causing this... this is all about the CLR.

    So if you're running your master on your KPA about 5.0 and you're playing a clean tone (something funky to get some spikes in audio) and you're not peaking out your KPA, at what input gain setting on the CLR do you start to see the clipping indicator light up on the CLR?


  • Are you certain that you are not clipping the input of the Kemper? (with the volume)

    Yes, quite certain.

    Tom at Atomic Amps responded to my email and after some tests we determined it was, in fact, the power amp section of the CLR. I pulled it out and sent it in. He's even going to cover it under warrantee despite the fact that it's a bit over a year old.

    It's been a while since I've dealt with anyone as friendly or helpful as Tom was. So if you were thinking about a CLR, clearly the guy stands behind the stuff.

  • sigh.. how long it took for you guys to him to respond? im over a week now..

    It was the next business day.

    Being on the other side of that desk (I have a blues guitar teaching business) I can tell you that emails get lost or don't show up... a LOT.

    Try from a different email address if he hasn't responded in 48 hours. He was incredibly helpful to me and very quick to respond.

  • I would say emails getting lost is no excuse if they are going to spam as this seems to be a known issue and you would think one would learn to check the spam folder.

    Sorry, this is bad business. Happens too much.

    Agreed, it's not good, but many ISP's and email service providers drop emails on the floor and never get them to the spam folder... thereby never giving the support desk the opportunity to even get at it at all.

    Simply sending from an alternate domain usually solves the problem so that's why I suggested it. If you know, as a customer, what the support desk may be encountering, it may give you some methods to get a better response.

  • OP, sorry you are having trouble.

    Did you ever try connecting the KPA to your CLR with a guitar/instrument cable? If so, did you have the same problem? I thought I would prefer connecting my unpowered KPA to my CLR wedge via XLR but the guitar cable is working great for me.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.