michael britt

  • Not using emoticons on a forum is one thing. But who here hasn't gotten into an email war with a sibling over reading between the lines, then on the phone or face-to-face, everything is alright?

    We've a wacky crew here, you'll fit in fine, Roelof!

  • Hey Kemper Community.

    As you can see, my ban has been lifted. I just want to take this opportunity to sincerely apologise
    for my comment. It really was just a joke. But a joke in bad taste nevertheless. I wasn't really going to steal on the public Kemper forum for everyone to see. That would just be idiotic.I thought that be apparent. Therefore believe me when I say I was joking. But I totally get that in the fashion my comments were typed, does little to back me up. If you get to know me or have seen my live act, you would understand that i'm always joking around. I respect the work Kemper and Michael Britt has done and understand the effort that has gone into it. I will promote their work wherever I go and praise its excellence. Its hard to translate how I really feel because were not sitting face to face. That was the problem with my previous comments. Nobody could see that I was really just fooling around. I'm amazed by this product and cant wait to play live with it. I was so embarrassed that I got banned on my fist day after I could even ask a question. But I applaud Kemper for doing so. It shows that that they value the Kemper community. Being a musician myself I have felt the struggles with piracy and don't condone it.

    So please find it in your hearts to forgive me and lest make beautiful music for the world with our Kempers.

    If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna play with my Kemper and scroll through the Michael Britt pack(which is excellent and I bought it legally)


    Right on. Now THIS is how grownups act. Taking responsibility like this is what separates the men from the boys.

    Welcome back!

  • One thing i'm not sure of,
    If i profile a vox ac-30 and get the exact sonic representation of that amp,and sell the profile as vox ac-30, that's ok ?
    But if i buy an ac-30 profile, tweak it to my specs, then call it mine, it's not ok ?.
    I'm sure this must have been covered elsewhere, not trying to cause a shlt storm, just curious :/ (emoticon added) ^^

  • I've never seen the old topic before, got me thinking. Except for the Kemper itself there really isn't anything original being created in profiles Anyone can do it by buying the same tools as the profile creator did. Offering a profile is almost as much a service as it is a product and that product uses nothing proprietary from the person creating the profile. Did you buy popcorn and add more salt then try to label it as your own? Not much different. Has anyone had any luck getting a patent on a Kemper profile? I'm sure it's been tried by now. I'll wait here for a yes..............

    I'm all for commercial profiles, you folks do great stuff and work your tails off but are they really upset that others use their profiles to create new ones and then market them? Did Kemper (the guys who's machine you use to get anything done) say you couldn't sell their profiles? Seems a bit of a double standard.