Synth like the Boss SY-300

  • I can't wait to see that owner's manual, but even then I know there will be questions it won't quite answer. And in this particular context I'm not actually very hopeful. Roland's products usually have hardwired limitations as to what the footswitches will and won't do at MIDI Out, which ultimately trips me up. For instance, on the GR-55 the patch change switches will only send PC messages, and they won't send anything at all if you press on the patch number already selected. Other switches don't send anything to MIDI Out period. So ultimately you can't program external gear to do anything very creative with them. Mechanical switches of any kind are a big deal to me: they comprise hardware/footprint you have to lug around, and they represent huge potential if you're given the freedom to program them as you see fit. I HATE it when firmware comes up short in terms in letting us configure their output.

  • I'd love to have something like this in the KPA, but I guess that the SY-300 has as much CPU power as the KPA, if not more!
    So having something like this as a FX in the KPA might not be possible with the current hardware...

    But Christoph might have som magical powers, the KPA itself are a good indication on that itself... ;)

  • To prepare yourself, take a deep breath, and keep saying to yourself:
    "With every generation of new hardware, Roland removes more programmability"

    Arguably, the most sophisticated MIDI guitar product they ever made was the rack mount GM70 (their FIRST MIDI guitar master controller had all this, 30 years ago):

    128 Patches(each sending up to four different PC changes)
    Supports assignable MIDI control numbers from 0 to 95,
    MIDI Poly and Mono Modes
    CV #3 (Whammy Bar) supports "Absolute" or "Center" modes of operation
    Up to 4 continuous controllers from guitar, plus 3 position mode switch
    2 - Assignable foot switches (Roland FS-5L, FS-5U or similar)
    1 - Assignable foot pedal (Roland EV-5)
    Guitar volume control simultaneously transmits MIDI volume (controller 7)

    But, most guitarists back then would just bring up an orchestral strings patch, play a big open E chord, and complain about the tracking ;)

  • Quote

    Roland removes more programmability

    Yes, it's a shame. I'm really not asking for much - just that every button sends something unique and sends it every time that button is pressed, regardless of the SY's state at that time. I can pretty much handle things from there. Though I will continue to harp on the need for the KPA to recognize a toggle event for stomp CC's:…Stomp-CC-s-etc/?


    But, most guitarists back then would just bring up an orchestral strings patch, play a big open E chord, and complain about the tracking

    Ain't a damn thing changed LOL.

  • Quote

    I'd love to have something like this in the KPA, but I guess that the SY-300 has as much CPU power as the KPA, if not more!
    So having something like this as a FX in the KPA might not be possible with the current hardware...

    Lots of CPU power dedicated to a more specific selection of tasks, yes - and probably a lot of programmable filtering before ADC/ after DAC conversion as well, to help with the tracking and the resulting tones. The more purpose-built the overall design, the more you can get done per CPU cycle.

    Still, it would be cool to see new oscillator stomps, etc. in the KPA, acknowledging that they won't sound/perform quite like an SY-300. As if I know what that even means yet LOL.

  • Quote

    on the GR-55 . . . . other switches don't send anything to MIDI Out period.

    FWIW - on the GR-55 you can map the CTL pedal, Expression pedal , GK-VOL, S1, S2, to transmit separate MIDI CC# numbers
    [Blocked Image:…t12.06.42PM.png]

    Back to thread topic

    BOSS SY-300 FAQ and info is here:(Most Comprehensive list )

  • Strange that suddenly all the people want real synth waveform, osc in the profiler now. I been asking for this for years. Not much appreciated from the people in this forum.

    I started this thread, but for me this is not at all sudden. I started talking to Christoph Kemper about this before the KPA was officially shipping as I know he has some serious synth experience.


    Mats N

  • Is it just me, or did NONE of those presets in the clips from Musikmesse sound anything other than meh. It's cool to be able to control a synth with any old guitar, but I wouldn't even bother if the sounds it makes take me back to the 80s....


    Edited once, last by sambrox (April 22, 2015 at 1:04 PM).

  • Is it just me, or did NONE of those presets in the clips from Musikmesse sound anything other than meh. It's cool to be able to control a synth with any old guitar, but I wouldn't even bother if the sounds it makes take me back to the 80s....


    I agree that many of the sounds left me cold but some were nice and put into my own musical context I think it will be cool.
    Most presets and demos leave me wanting something else and that why I tweak almost everything, including the KPA.


    Mats N

  • I'm very impressed in how the SY-300 seems to handle tracking. In one video Alex H showed how it flawlessly followed string bends and even the wammybar.
    But I also were a bit unimpressed by the sounds they were using, but on the other hand I've never really been impressed by how Roland/Boss have demoed their guitar synths before either...

  • Here is a video of me using vintage guitar synth. I have tryed them all exept Boss sy-300. I like the old analog Roland guitar synth GR-700 best because it got the best feel bending strings and it feels like a real guitar. But Its verry hard to play fast on it, so a perfect technique is important.And I think thats the reason nobody uses them anymore. Can't wait to try the new boss Sy-300 myself. Im a guitar synth entusiast so have made many treads about guitarsynth implemented in Kemper but no one like the idea back then. I hope it change now. I also have a Sonuus guitar to midi converter its mono but it trigger preddy good. so it should be no reason to not make it work use a guitar signal in to Profiler and get synth sounds if the profiler has enought power. .Thanks!

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    Edited 4 times, last by strengdal (April 25, 2015 at 7:11 PM).

  • I still have a GM70 sitting in my basement gathering dust. I used it live for well over 10 years, untill I converted to 13 pin and gor a GR33 it's gathering dust too, But I regularly gig with my GR55 along side my Kemper

  • Here is a video of me using vintage guitar synth. I have tryed them all exept Boss sy-300. I like the old analog Roland guitar synth GR-700 best because it got the best feel bending strings and it feels like a real guitar. But Its verry hard to play fast on it, so a perfect technique is important.And I think thats the reason nobody uses them anymore. Can't wait to try the new boss Sy-300 myself. Im a guitar synth entusiast so have made many treads about guitarsynth implemented in Kemper but no one like the idea back then. I hope it change now. I also have a Sonuus guitar to midi converter its mono but it trigger preddy good. so it should be no reason to not make it work use a guitar signal in to Profiler and get synth sounds if the profiler has enought power. .Thanks!

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    Sounds awesome, great playing as well.

    It would be cool if CK could build a "module" that used it's own CPU power and connected to the KPA in some kind of that even possible?