KPAEditor Community Project(vst, standalone, win, mac , linux ) - based on .

  • Dude, I like you @lasvideo, but you've got to see that you invoked that reaction by mentioning Fractal in the first place! Noone was talking about them until you brought them up... Oh well.


    LOL. You are right sambrox...mea culpa ; )

    Its a shame that a valid point of comparison as to how 2 different companies currently respond to enthusiastic software development tends to be percieved as a red flag to a bull.

  • I may be brash but I don't think I'm unreasonable. I have been waiting 4 years for a decent editor, free routing of fx, real HPF/LPF, etc etc etc and none (save the filters) of these seem to be considered by Kemper & co. They won't even respond to our feature requests on it besides to tell us the methods we've been using to make a DIY editor will be canned in the next update.

    You can make excuses for the company all you want, but they're not giving us much indication on whether or not we should stick with this platform and or if they'll make good on completing the package they started with the KPA hardware unit. Lots of people have been saying "the KPA itself is great and anything else is an extra" - sorry, but welcome to the 21st Century. We expect connectivity and compatibility across a number of different portals now, a computer software pairing being the absolute lowest barrier to entry when it comes to that.

    Again - Access and Virus do this insanely well; why can't Kemper? Why can't they even talk to us about it?

  • ...
    Its a shame that a valid point of comparison as to how 2 different companies currently respond to enthusiastic software development tends to be percieved as a red flag to a bull.

    You are completely off topic and your comparison has no other purpose than to stir "sh.." up. It does not belong here.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Tell me one company, which is telling you the products they want to release in the next years...
    I don't know any... But don't know the reason for these secrets.

    Just one? Tesla. Maybe Apple. Apogee. RME. Most companies give an indication of what's being worked on or what's on the horizon; this one just tell users "we may or may not acknowledge your request, also we are breaking the work you've done because we're lagging."

    You are completely off topic and your comparison has no other purpose than to stir "sh.." up. It does not belong here.

    Can you qualify this accusation? I see it as 100% on topic and totally belonging here and I want to know why you disagree.

    He spoke of a case where someone was developing much-needed software for the AxeFX and ended up being by Fractal because the results were good and the program was needed, and the company hadn't made much progress on their own.

    In this thread, after 4 years of demanding an editor, someone found a way to DIY it; contrary to the above example, Kemper told him not only would his efforts not be supported or used in any way, but they would be actively broken by the next FW update.

  • Please go back and reread all the posts, maybe starting around page 10. There are 2 different editors being discussed. Most of the posts are about the MIDI editor being worked on here so that one could be away from the profiler and still "adjust the knobs" using a computer and MIDI. On page 10, a kipr file editor was introduced as a possibility. I read the post from G String to refer to the kipr file editor and NOT the MIDI editor.

    This is the post from G String (I bolded and underlined the relevant text): "you should not invest much time into reading and modifying rig preset files. there will be changes and those will break your effort. take this hint as a friendly gesture to save your some time,"

    So...please help me understand why several folks are claiming something that was not said.

  • Please go back and reread all the posts, maybe starting around page 10. There are 2 different editors being discussed. Most of the posts are about the MIDI editor being worked on here so that one could be away from the profiler and still "adjust the knobs" using a computer and MIDI. On page 10, a kipr file editor was introduced as a possibility. I read the post from G String to refer to the kipr file editor and NOT the MIDI editor.

    This is the post from G String (I bolded and underlined the relevant text): "you should not invest much time into reading and modifying rig preset files. there will be changes and those will break your effort. take this hint as a friendly gesture to save your some time,"


    Exactly - its about saving kpir files. Only My two words about this. I realized that if i make any mistake in such kpir editor - broken rigs may goes to the Rig Exchange - and possibly this may bring some issues to the other users. Then KPA support will be have to deal with this on Rig Exchange site. So maybe it's better to save Rig in save way with the KPA .

    Also if you all can cool down a little bit:) It's always better to discuss in a constructive way .

  • Fair, I misread and assumed GString's points were general and not specifically for that functionality, but my previous criticisms still stand. I don't think there has ever been any indication by Kemper & co that we're actually going to get a good editor/librarian/vst companion to the hardware unit, and I'm really bummed out by that. We also still have no idea on free routing of FX or pre-amp delay pedals despite being discussed to death on this forum in like 10 threads each - they aren't the most transparent company, and have an attitude of "feature requests are only valid if they are in-line with very specific usecases the KPA was explicitly designed for."

    @viabcroce you mentioned trying to reason with Line6 about this in a similar manner, as if it were supposed to illustrate that Kemper does a good job compared to them. Are you forgetting that L6 already has some of the best software companions/vst plugins on the market for their gear, and has for a decade I would KILL for an L6-level software companion to the KPA on par with what PODfarm 1 did in 2004.

    I'm also not asking Kemper to develop it at my pace - I'm asking them to give us a real answer because they haven't in 4 years.

  • This is a forum that Kemper created-

    Feature Requests
    "We are known for frequent feature upgrades.
    Let us know what you would like to see in the next version"

    Ok we let you know. In large numbers that we would like an editor. YEARS ago. Still nothing. Worst yet no real word on it one way or the other.
    We now have some kick ass characters here taking it on with blazing speed.
    Although the Kemper team say they appreciate this endeavor they are really not helping.

    Ok, this is certainly their prerogative not to. Hell, maybe they are working on something as we speak.
    If they are, I for one don't understand why something like this would be so secretive. Why does everything have to be a surprise?
    If they are, then what these community fellers are doing may be for naught.
    We are adults here.....well most of us. Why not let us know what is coming down the pike?
    It will let many know which direction they should go concerning other hardware needs/ wants.

    Once again this is their prerogative. They can do or say whatever they like. It is their baby.
    But like I have said before, this is what they will get if they choose the silence route.

    Personally I am not upset about this whole deal but more a bit disappointed.
    All we can do is wait................If not, well, we can also move on if thats what some feel they need to do.

    Now back to some GTA 5 that was finally released for PC!!
    I recently built a $3500 4K SLI system for it and it is amazing..........just like the KPA!

  • KPA Stomps panel beta release is here. May be that 1 or 2 thing are missing but I hope that this panel can be useful for some one.

    I don't know how to read current status of KPA and the panel works only one way form PC to KPA. Also I don't implement logics to disable unneecessary parameters for some effects type. This is not a real issue and may be that can be implemented in future releases.

    I think that these are only first experimements but better something that nothing... ;)

    Disclaimer. This is a beta release use this at your own risk. There isn't any warranty. It is strongly reccomended to make a backup of your Kemper before use this software. There is obviously no risk to damage your KPA hardware but you can overwrite important data. I suggest to you tu make experiment before use daily. :whistling:

    You are free to use this software and to make modifications to it but please make some credits if you use this work in your projects. I want to thank DamianGreda for the KPA Editor idea and for support for finding missing parameters too.…0-25.panel?dl=0

    Edited once, last by Sandokan71 (April 17, 2015 at 1:07 AM).

  • Now back to some GTA 5 that was finally released for PC!!
    I recently built a $3500 4K SLI system for it and it is amazing..........just like the KPA!

    I know what you mean. I have a HP "Super Computer" that I used to use for my video editing business. Now it s dedicated to kick a** session of Elder Scrolls Online. AMAZING GAME!!!

  • viabcroce you mentioned trying to reason with Line6 about this in a similar manner, as if it were supposed to illustrate that Kemper does a good job compared to them. Are you forgetting that L6 already has some of the best software companions/vst plugins on the market for their gear, and has for a decade I would KILL for an L6-level software companion to the KPA on par with what PODfarm 1 did in 2004.

    Jeff, I was talking about asking Line6 to implement something they had not planned to. In the last 10 years I've not perceived them as really responsive (euphemism) :)

    I'm also not asking Kemper to develop it at my pace - I'm asking them to give us a real answer because they haven't in 4 years.

    So they owe you an answer just because you want one? You seem to claim this as a right of yours, while it's a company's strategy-related choice. They have never revealed anything about their future plans (talking about the Profiler alone here, don't know anything about the Virus).

    I'm not saying that this makes me happy, just that that they do not owe they customers anything except what has been advertised and paid for.

    I for one don't understand why something like this would be so secretive. Why does everything have to be a surprise?

    I would ask the question seriously and respectfully, not like a whine. But then I'd not expect any answer X)

  • I know what you mean. I have a HP "Super Computer" that I used to use for my video editing business. Now it s dedicated to kick a** session of Elder Scrolls Online. AMAZING GAME!!!

    100% off topic, but perhaps you could massage me your thoughts on how much it has changed singe F2P launched. I played beta and launch but fell off the bandwagon, I hear rumours that things are quite different.