Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • The problem with all 3rd-party Kemper "editor" endeavors is that they are Midi based. Not to diminish the hard work and creativity of these folks, but I will not use an editor based on a Midi connection. Furthermore, these developers do not have access to the proprietary codes required to communicate with the Kemper hardware via a PC, using USB protocol. So, there functionality has been severely limited. Again, I am certainly not pretending to speak for everyone...but give me a true USB Editor, or nothing at all...because a gimped Midi implementation is pretty much useless.

    And for that to happen, it is necessarily going to have to come from Kemper Gmbh. if it happens at all.

    There is another wish list item for adding MIDI-over-USB to the Kemper. It wouldn't surprise me if that were not possible due to hardware limitations.

    That said, the MIDI implementation is pretty comprehensive: there are over 300 NPRN parameters (800+ if you count the 3 other stomps and X and Mod slots). The bottom line is... it's a lot of work to implement all that in a reasonably usable GUI when you're working for free.

    I'd only create a KPA Editor if I saw a reasonably good chance it would help feed my family. Given that everyone wants everything to be free and Kemper just might surprise us and release a KPA Editor... I don't think I'll be spending any time working on one.

  • I'd only create a KPA Editor if I saw a reasonably good chance it would help feed my family. Given that everyone wants everything to be free and Kemper just might surprise us and release a KPA Editor... I don't think I'll be spending any time working on one.

    I'd be willing to spend $20 for an editor that has a functional, intuitive GUI.

  • You know what irks me? I wish the midi parameter documentation was complete. We still don't even have official confirmation from Kemper Amps that you can access the loop functions using blah blah blah steps. I'm fully prepared for that carpet to be yanked from under us with any firmware revision now.

    The user who mined the MIDI and spilled the beans on the forum about how to access the looper outside of the remote was banned for that reason. It's also why there isn't much talk about what's "under the hood" in the latest firmware updates which sets the stage for a few new things.

  • The user who mined the MIDI and spilled the beans on the forum about how to access the looper outside of the remote was banned for that reason. It's also why there isn't much talk about what's "under the hood" in the latest firmware updates which sets the stage for a few new things.

    Well let's hope, because this has gotten to be absolutely ridiculous. Kemper, we love your products, but look how out of control this has gotten.

  • There is another wish list item for adding MIDI-over-USB to the Kemper. It wouldn't surprise me if that were not possible due to hardware limitations.
    That said, the MIDI implementation is pretty comprehensive: there are over 300 NPRN parameters (800+ if you count the 3 other stomps and X and Mod slots). The bottom line is... it's a lot of work to implement all that in a reasonably usable GUI when you're working for free.

    I'd only create a KPA Editor if I saw a reasonably good chance it would help feed my family. Given that everyone wants everything to be free and Kemper just might surprise us and release a KPA Editor... I don't think I'll be spending any time working on one.

    MIDI over USB is possible (did some testing), but as the protocol is not documented, at some point the connection breaks. Protocol is using sysex and not nrpn (AFAIK).

  • The user who mined the MIDI and spilled the beans on the forum about how to access the looper outside of the remote was banned for that reason. It's also why there isn't much talk about what's "under the hood" in the latest firmware updates which sets the stage for a few new things.

    But look at the deactivation of the undo feature via midi in later firmware updates. My guess is that more and more code has been ring-fenced as things went along. This makes it even more necessary to have Kemper involved in any attempt to build a third party editor.

    I'm not sure of your reasoning that there isn't much news in the latest updates as pointing to features being implemented towards an editor. I'm probably more upbeat about some movement on the reverb front or perhaps some other FX at this juncture.

    We all have to accept that at some point of time Kemper Amps is going to say, "That's all folks!"

  • Look up Agile. :)

    People throw around 'Agile' as if they know what they are talking about. Maybe you actually do, I don't know, but from my experience in my 'area of employment', it is a largely misconstrued and misunderstood, 'all-encompassing' oxymoron.

    But, FWIW, we are attempting to implement a LEAN SAFe Agile methodology. It will be a cluster-f%$# for at least a year, but lets see where we wind up on the other side and talk then.

  • People throw around 'Agile' as if they know what they are talking about. Maybe you actually do, I don't know, but from my experience in my 'area of employment', it is a largely misconstrued and misunderstood, 'all-encompassing' oxymoron.
    But, FWIW, we are attempting to implement a LEAN SAFe Agile methodology. It will be a cluster-f%$# for at least a year, but lets see where we wind up on the other side and talk then.

    Definitely talking about real agile companies/divisions rather than the 90% of "agile" that is just modified waterfall or an excuse for code and fix behavior. :)

  • People throw around 'Agile' as if they know what they are talking about. Maybe you actually do, I don't know, but from my experience in my 'area of employment', it is a largely misconstrued and misunderstood, 'all-encompassing' oxymoron.
    But, FWIW, we are attempting to implement a LEAN SAFe Agile methodology. It will be a cluster-f%$# for at least a year, but lets see where we wind up on the other side and talk then.

    I manage at a company that has this process (and a few others).

    Frequently, the Agile process is just a way for the developers to get more time to do less work IME. It works best for maintaining an existing well defined program than it does for development of something new.

    It is also used as a substitute for program management tools ..... which it is not. Projects still need gant charts, critical paths, and resource leveling across multiple projects .... something not in the field of Agile's process.

    As for the original topic .... remember, any software that is putting its fingers into the Kemper in real time must be put into a gated community so-to-speak. It can't be allowed to cause harm to the device, or introduce failure paths that would not normally exist.

    I am the Chief Engineer at my company. I have to tell you guys. I would never approve of this idea for any of our products. It has "bad things to happen here" written all over it. I suspect the FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) alone would occupy the engineering team for a month. Then you could start working on the revisions to the design needed to fix all the failure paths found...... in other words, it is a much bigger deal than most of you are thinking it may be (at least IMHO).

  • I am the Chief Engineer at my company. I have to tell you guys. I would never approve of this idea for any of our products. It has "bad things to happen here" written all over it. I suspect the FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) alone would occupy the engineering team for a month. Then you could start working on the revisions to the design needed to fix all the failure paths found...... in other words, it is a much bigger deal than most of you are thinking it may be (at least IMHO).

    As retired senior engineer I agree fully.

    As long as the existing and documented MIDI interface is the only base for some to develope something, it would be a nice gadget, where I wouldn't expect too many problems for the Kemper.
    I would support If a developer would ask for.
    However, the functionality will probably be rather limited and will not meet all the necessary requirements of an editor.

    In addition, however, the creation and documentation of an open interface for editing all functions requires considerably very much effort, which would not stand in any relation to a possible image win without a commercial win.

    I think we won't be able to do anything else but to wait and see if Kemper will create an editor himself or not.
    Until then, everyone can decide for themselves whether to keep his KPA or to purchase a KPA.
    I am sure that Kemper is well aware of the desire for an Ediror.

    I don't see any reason why Kemper should change their company policy and report on unlaid eggs.

  • I manage at a company that has this process (and a few others).
    Frequently, the Agile process is just a way for the developers to get more time to do less work IME. It works best for maintaining an existing well defined program than it does for development of something new.

    It is also used as a substitute for program management tools ..... which it is not. Projects still need gant charts, critical paths, and resource leveling across multiple projects .... something not in the field of Agile's process.

    As for the original topic .... remember, any software that is putting its fingers into the Kemper in real time must be put into a gated community so-to-speak. It can't be allowed to cause harm to the device, or introduce failure paths that would not normally exist.

    I am the Chief Engineer at my company. I have to tell you guys. I would never approve of this idea for any of our products. It has "bad things to happen here" written all over it. I suspect the FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) alone would occupy the engineering team for a month. Then you could start working on the revisions to the design needed to fix all the failure paths found...... in other words, it is a much bigger deal than most of you are thinking it may be (at least IMHO).

    As a development manager, I see it as an excuse for not having specs solidified. Without a proper foundation, anything you continue to build will not be built on a solid foundation. Some managers hear a buzzword, and think it's the greatest thing, only to find that it doesn't help their project's bottom line.

  • I appreciate all the knowlege and free education here but here's a question @OneEng1:
    So basically what you wrote somehow explains to me why many editors for digital devices seem to remain in beta status indefinitely keeping the acknowledgement of risk with the users. Is that the case?

    Hey Dean,

    I would say that many ideas get to the "give a great demo" stage only to find that the production hardened version would require way more time and money than originally budgeted for (or that a business case existed for). Once the money argument is lost, usually the idea is lost shortly after.

  • Do you mean allowing a 3rd party editor R/W the Kemper?

    Yes. Exactly.

    It would be hard enough to introduce a full fledged editor created internally by Kemper. The work flow can be controlled, and only the series of commands that the editor actually makes need to be validated.

    Creating a 3rd party API (application programming interface) opens Kemper up to a nearly infinite number of work flows and command sequences that would result in many many many failure paths.

  • As a development manager, I see it as an excuse for not having specs solidified. Without a proper foundation, anything you continue to build will not be built on a solid foundation. Some managers hear a buzzword, and think it's the greatest thing, only to find that it doesn't help their project's bottom line.

    Amen brother ;)

    Additionally, the overhead of the process is painful. No better way for developers to spend their day than sitting in their meetings voting on the difficulty of various tasks they haven't analyzed themselves ;)