Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • Things have been awefully quiet lately - not sure that is typical but too many concussions make me question my own memory. Still, I wonder if something isn't percolating?

    That or the staff has been taking a lot of vacations. In all seriousness, in a lot of small companies, if several employees go on vacation in consecutive weeks, projects that need all hands on deck take a backseat. But my guess is that within a few months there will be a major announcement, be it an editor, 6.0 with reverb, or even the floor version hinted at.

  • But my guess is that within a few months there will be a major announcement, be it an editor, 6.0 with reverb, or even the floor version hinted at.

    This exact sentiment has been suggested for a long, long time. I think the feeling more comes from people wanting something and feeling the wait has been long enough. Kemper hasn't teased anything on this topic other than to try and douse the fire that was lit during NAMM with a few loose lips at the Kemper booth. I wouldn't get ahead of ourselves with expectations.

    As of right not 5.2 is still in public beta so I doubt 6.0 is about to spring up.

  • This exact sentiment has been suggested for a long, long time. I think the feeling more comes from people wanting something and feeling the wait has been long enough. Kemper hasn't teased anything on this topic other than to try and douse the fire that was lit during NAMM with a few loose lips at the Kemper booth. I wouldn't get ahead of ourselves with expectations.
    As of right not 5.2 is still in public beta so I doubt 6.0 is about to spring up.

    But getting ahead of ourselves is what these user forums are all about! :D

  • Last time I think they moved from 4.3 to 5 so we can't be that far from 6.0. Our friend @skoczy might have better more accurate historical. In the past he put graphs of projections about release timing etc.

    My point was more about it being in beta stages. I could always be wrong, but I would think 5.2 would be at official release before a 6.0. In the end it's a firmware update. I don't think it really matters whether it's 5.3 or 5.8 or 6.0. As far as we're concerned they're all numbers coinciding with speculative features.

  • As an engineering development manager, I can sympathize with the Kemper team. Developing firmware, DSP and especially hardware is way more involved than most people will ever know.

    The Kemper is a premium professional performance tool. Those of us who own it expect it to perform flawlessly. Many of us rely on it to perform flawlessly to pay the bills.

    As a result, changes must be approached very conservatively. It is estimated in program management that for every hour of software work, there are 10 hours of validation and fixes.

    I am in automotive, and prior to that was in the nuclear navy so my idea of "ready to release" is quite different from how many other industries would define it. While bugs in the Kemper don't quite have the severe consequences of these examples, I am pretty sure no one here would tolerate any serious problems in the field.

    Kemper's track record of product updates has been quite good. I am sure that we will be seeing new and exciting features released soon.

  • Maybe it will come this year but it's still a little bit frustrating that Kemper just ignored this request for so long. I'm pretty sure that they will do it in the end because of competition and not because people were asking for.

  • Maybe it will come this year but it's still a little bit frustrating that Kemper just ignored this request for so long. I'm pretty sure that they will do it in the end because of competition and not because people were asking for.

    Ignored is a strong word. It may feel like we're being ignored but I suspect that they're working on it.

    We're both making assumptions in any case!!!

  • What I was told at NAMM coupled with what I've now heard from other sources is that an editor wasn't a serious consideration before the new delays. Now with all the parameters it seems more necessary to Kemper.

    CK also said some years back that the UI on the KPA was designed to all be done on the front panel and denied the need for an editor. I don't think they ignored it but I also don't think they seriously considered making an editor before the delay presets.

  • I'm not sure if I should use the word 'owe' or not, but...

    Editor or not, they definitely owe us a better way of managing presets. Right now, that is my biggest pain point and causing a lot of investment in commercial profiles to go un-utilized.

  • FWIW, I am in no way associated with the company, I am just a user.

    They don't "owe" anyone anything. Everyone here purchased the Kemper "as is" and there is no contractual obligation for Kemper to do any updates what-so-ever.

    Those of you who purchased a tube amp in the past didn't get to go to the company and ask for new features that were not in the product when you purchased it. When you buy a car, you don't get to ask the company to add a feature later that wasn't there when you bought the vehicle.

    Lets get real here.

    The only reason for Kemper to create a PC based editor is if their sales would benefit from doing it. The hand full of people on this forum that are asking for it don't make up a hill of beans in the decision. Further more, the development of such an editor will likely cost (my estimation) around $150,000 to $250,000 IME. Software and firmware engineers are NOT cheep and the upkeep of yet another tool associated with the Kemper has a long term effect on OR (Operating Result). So someone do the math for me here and explain how this gets paid for?

    BTW, if my company had a public forum and people were demanding that we make a business decision based on their desires, I would not chime in either. I would likely not be effected one way or the other. It is purely a business decision.

    The Helix has an outstanding editor. Can't make it sound as good as a Kemper though.

  • I guess we have to have the "supply and demand" conversation again...

    They don't "owe" anyone anything. Everyone here purchased the Kemper "as is" and there is no contractual obligation for Kemper to do any updates what-so-ever.

    No doubt, but it's also in their economic interest to keep their current consumer base happy.

    Those of you who purchased a tube amp in the past didn't get to go to the company and ask for new features that were not in the product when you purchased it. When you buy a car, you don't get to ask the company to add a feature later that wasn't there when you bought the vehicle.

    Point? You also sell your car or amp or whatever it is when you find something with the features that better suit your needs. But beyond that, the Kemper is a digital device, not a tube amp with the same limitations.

    The only reason for Kemper to create a PC based editor is if their sales would benefit from doing it. The hand full of people on this forum that are asking for it don't make up a hill of beans in the decision.

    BTW, if my company had a public forum and people were demanding that we make a business decision based on their desires, I would not chime in either. I would likely not be effected one way or the other. It is purely a business decision.

    And you think it wouldn't benefit them with us? It's actually cheaper to maintain a current customer than to try and procure a new one. We are the ones who buy upsell items like the Kemper bag, DI Box, Remote, etc. The more things Kemper offers, say, a floor model or a Kemper II, we are the first to invest in them over another consumer.

    We are also in a large part their most effective marketing. When I got the Kemper I invited a number of musician friends around to check it out, including some who had never previously heard of it. Several now have it on their radar and a couple in particular are likely to purchase one in the future. So let's assume that no editor comes out and eventually some of us tire of having to bend over and do everything on a tiny screen. The next time someone talks about a Kemper, we'll share our opinion that we had one and sold it, then likely endorse whatever route we went as a result. In essence, we'd be dissuading others from purchasing one, and once we invest somewhere else, the percentage of people willing to come back is statistically so minute.

    Point is, Kemper doesn't owe us anything, but it's silly to suggest they don't have a huge vested interest in keeping their consumers happy when we demand or expect certain features. To say you'd not care what your consumers were clamoring for is an abysmal business strategy.

  • It is purely a business decision.

    I agree with your statements.

    I am confident that there will be an editor in the near future. Not because of our requests in the forum.
    If the market required it, then it will be developed.

    It means a paradigm shift for the handling concept. The sales argument - Kemper is fully usable without a PC - would be weakened in-house.
    Our great advantage was always that we had profits from the development without additional costs.
    An editor would not be payed by the current user with the reasent marketing politic .

    In any way a decision has to be based on commercial criteria.

  • Let's just say i'm toying with the idea to switch to an afx. My current work is 100% recording and 0% playing live. I love the tones the kemper produces but the current UX means my recording workflow takes around 30% longer. Many people produce similar results with the afx.
    If i'd play live more this might be a different conversation, but it isn't. And this also means i won't be buying the remote. Currently this is only based on the fact that the kemper does not integrate into my recording environment in any way... Take from that what you want...