Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • Sorry G String; I was only reporting things exactly as I and many others saw them Here, on Jan 20th 2017

    Frankly, I don't understand why no mod said anything when this report was discussed on and off in the NAMM thread for many pages, but when I mention it it's all of a sudden taboo. There wouldn't be a double standard for me, would there?

    Nevertheless, I respect your wishes, G String, so I'll leave it up to all the other members who've perpetuated the "rumour" to desist in light of the rap across my 20 knuckles. Consider the Monkey gagged.

    You said fake news, haha! Seriously, if a story came like the one you described came in the papers, I would dismiss it straight away because there's no attribution- just "he said, she said". And we don't even know who he or she are (though this could be found out through some searching).

    Actually, these days the real news is the stuff that doesn't make the papers. Perhaps it's the same story in Kemperland.

    I've been following events in Virus territory for a while now. One of the interesting things I learnt is that contrary to what I and many users have been thinking, there is a logical end to firmware updates in the eyes of the company.

    Also, as far as an editor, Access' Total Integration solution has some users' seething, while others are happy. It works for some people, not for others, and from what I've read, there are some bugs. Users allege that Kemper overrules their objections by suggesting user error. Users also allege their product has been abandoned in favour of the Kemper, At any rate, there have been no updates for a while now.

    The never-ending user complaints could be a reason why the company may never come out with an editor. And also why no one should be surprised if someday the firmware updates cease without a formal notice that says "no more updates to core functions", though there will likely be bug fixes for a time.

    So expecting anything "official" on the future development strategy, at NAMM or anywhere else, does not make sense.

    EDIT: Just want to note that for me, the zkemper had been a fantastic investment. Have gone through 4 large firmware revisions and I am very happy with the existing features. If we get reverbs, I will be over the moon!

    Long live the Kemperer!

  • Wise words as always, AJ.

    Mate, I wonder if I could ask you to udate the quote above 'cause I've deleted my point-by-point analysis of the mod's assertion.

    I never, ever want to make waves, and felt terrible after submitting that. Thank you, matey!

  • Ok, so this is becoming a thing where suddenly what I was told is thrown into question.

    When I talked with a number of people at the Kemper booth, most of what I got is what you'd expect. This "maybe, maybe not" answer to most questions (so forget about the assumption that I was told something to go away). That's fine, I wasn't owed any answers to anything. However, on the first day I was told that with all the new parameters that an editor would be in the works. Perhaps I was given sensitive information that Kemper doesn't want its users to grumble over, but considering how coy they were about damn near everything else, I wouldn't have thought it was super-secret info given to me that Kemper would want to squash any mention of. I assumed if it was talked about openly that it was something Kemper was at least prepared to share with people who inquired at NAMM. Clearly not.

    I don't work at Kemper, I only know what was shared with me when I asked, and it's info I felt was important enough to share considering you have 25 pages on this thread (without counting all the others since Kemper was released) of people discussing why it matters to them. Circumstances can change, so perhaps Kemper wants to downplay something that may have previously been in motion and now isn't. I don't know, I only know what was shared with me when I asked.

  • Ok, so this is becoming a thing where suddenly what I was told is thrown into question.

    When I talked with a number of people at the Kemper booth, most of what I got is what you'd expect. This "maybe, maybe not" answer to most questions (so forget about the assumption that I was told something to go away). That's fine, I wasn't owed any answers to anything. However, on the first day I was told that with all the new parameters that an editor would be in the works. Perhaps I was given sensitive information that Kemper doesn't want its users to grumble over, but considering how coy they were about damn near everything else, I wouldn't have thought it was super-secret info given to me that Kemper would want to squash any mention of. I assumed if it was talked about openly that it was something Kemper was at least prepared to share with people who inquired at NAMM. Clearly not.

    I don't work at Kemper, I only know what was shared with me when I asked, and it's info I felt was important enough to share considering you have 25 pages on this thread (without counting all the others since Kemper was released) of people discussing why it matters to them. Circumstances can change, so perhaps Kemper wants to downplay something that may have previously been in motion and now isn't. I don't know, I only know what was shared with me when I asked.

    Don't fret or take umbrage, @MementoMori. You have indicated that you were simply relaying what you heard from a Kemper representative at NAMM, to the best of your ability and recollection. It is possible the representative misspoke, or, it is possible there was a misunderstanding. But I am sure it was unintentional, either way. In any event, @G String has replied, in an official capacity, to alert all of us that any discussion of a KPA Editor is simply rumor, at this point. It might be noted that he neither confirmed, nor denied that such an application is in the cards.


  • Wise words as always, AJ.

    Mate, I wonder if I could ask you to udate the quote above 'cause I've deleted my point-by-point analysis of the mod's assertion.

    I never, ever want to make waves, and felt terrible after submitting that. Thank you, matey!

    Edited, Nicky. But retrospective quote editing is something I frown on as it's just censorship, even if self-imposed censorship. It vitiates this website as a record of all things Kemper.

    You did nothing wrong and it could have been a number of users who got told off by the admin. Heck, I've seen multiple threads where this topic was brought up. I don't see it as misinformation more than a reflection of what users want. If the mods really didn't want the rumour to gestate, it would have made more sense for them to snuff out our hopes in the original thread where @MementoMori laid out his conversations with someone I assume was an authorised Kemper representative.

    After all, if the representative says something, are we not supposed to believe him until it's announced officially? Like a "no carrots"policy? That seems harsh. Then again, perhaps the mods stepping in on this thread is an indicator that we users are probably creating an uncomfortable situation for the company, as these assertions about the editor and reverb could be relayed on other websites. Then they'll get hit down the line with accusations of vapourware and false marketing.

    Still, would have been helpful if this was clarified before the rumour started doing the rounds around Kemper town.

    Ok, so this is becoming a thing where suddenly what I was told is thrown into question.

    When I talked with a number of people at the Kemper booth, most of what I got is what you'd expect. This "maybe, maybe not" answer to most questions (so forget about the assumption that I was told something to go away). That's fine, I wasn't owed any answers to anything. However, on the first day I was told that with all the new parameters that an editor would be in the works. Perhaps I was given sensitive information that Kemper doesn't want its users to grumble over, but considering how coy they were about damn near everything else, I wouldn't have thought it was super-secret info given to me that Kemper would want to squash any mention of. I assumed if it was talked about openly that it was something Kemper was at least prepared to share with people who inquired at NAMM. Clearly not.

    I don't work at Kemper, I only know what was shared with me when I asked, and it's info I felt was important enough to share considering you have 25 pages on this thread (without counting all the others since Kemper was released) of people discussing why it matters to them. Circumstances can change, so perhaps Kemper wants to downplay something that may have previously been in motion and now isn't. I don't know, I only know what was shared with me when I asked.

    Apparently, it was okay at first, but now it's not okay to talk about Fight Club. No scratch that, you never talk about Fight Club. Wait for the official announcement, it would seem, or risk being painted as an unreliable source.

    I know if I heard something like that, I would have logged in at NAMM and posted on the forums. Heck, maybe we need to video record all conversations with Team Kemper so that there's no scope for "plausible deniability".

  • The "misspoke" or "misunderstanding" component at this point is merely trying to dial things back. I get wanting to temper anything talked about that isn't official for Kemper, but the suggestion that what I was told was anything less than explicit including additional detail and was merely my interpretation is silly.

    That being said, I agree with @nightlight that the mods response is likely being uncomfortable with this being discussed. I can respect that and will refrain from bringing it up, as I have since NAMM (hence you haven't seen me blast this everywhere). I only chimed in again as the admin's suggestion that nothing is official and the "someone" told "someone" "something" bit had a number of people calling into question what I said and heard.

    Edited once, last by MementoMori (February 23, 2017 at 8:44 AM).

  • give the Kemper guys the time the time they need
    and release when and whatever they decide
    you know all what was released till today is great
    stuff and we had no extra charge for it
    makes no sense to hurry Kemper for a loss of quality
    when an editor is released in the same quality like the delays
    i will wait as long as it takes
    in the meantime i play guitar :D

  • No offense but I've been really bogged down recently dealing with professionals who play this card of forcing their choice by saying it's one or the other, they might have secured this one this year but I'm already lining up replacements. sorry if this might sound cryptic.

    I'm not going to quit or sell the KPA, but it should never be put as having to chose between reverbs or editor.

    Editor is a given and is a huge oversight that's missing from the Kemper. This will be found out when sales significantly increase with even more satisfied users when a good editor is released..

  • The KPA needs an editor badly. It would make things so much easier for users. I'd take the editor first over new reverbs any time. I can get by with the reverbs now and if I want more I'll buy one and put it in the loop.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • I don't know if new reverb(s) are really the issue, it's mainly a spring reverb. Still, I think most people have found the reverb that's already on the Kemper perfectly suitable. Is it more important to have a slight variation of what is already serviceable as opposed to an editor which would keep you from having to squint to see the tiny values on a small screen with pages of parameters? Hell no.

  • I'm not going to quit or sell the KPA, but it should never be put as having to chose between reverbs or editor.

    Dean, I don't think it was you intention...but your statement is a bit misleading and unfair. Has any Kemper GmbH representative even implied that such a binary option / decision is occurring, here? For that matter, how could there possibly be a forced "choice", as Kemper has NEVER stated that they are working on an Editor. Heck, even the idea of "new Reverbs" being worked on is mostly speculation.

    I guess what I am saying is, we have to put our personal feelings aside. One should not indict and/or admonish Kemper GmbH, even if by implication, for something they have never promised as being "in the works" (or "in the product pipeline"), in the first place.


    Edited 3 times, last by Tritium (February 25, 2017 at 10:20 AM).

  • Not sure why they can't make an editor.

    I do not think that they cannot make it.
    I guess it's a company decision til yet, as the KPA was always a synonym for "you get all you need and don't need any more"
    In fact - the operating a Kemper is very easy related to the complexity of this gear.
    But with the growing amount of presets, effects and cabs, snapshots and so on - the operating direct at the Kemper can not be handled any more to use all possibilities.

    As you can not manage all Rigs which are available with Profiler the Rigmanager is the only chance to do that. The RM was not here in the first years of the Profiler.
    We have now a similar situation with the amount of presets etc. (see above).

    I understand that mothership will not communicate with us about functionality and release date but I am quite sure that the market pressure will force them to release a funtionality accordingly.
    If it will be for free or not - we will see.

    For me it makes no sense to cry for that all time, they know that it is a often wanted feature.
    I will not exclude that I will change, if some competitor can deliver a system with has same or better quality and the possibilty to use all features in a simple way..
    At the moment I do not know anything which is better.

  • No offence guys. I really hope they are concentrating on the new verbs ;)

    New verbs are a welcome addition. As were the new delays. I just can't use them right now - or rather, I haven't found an effective way of managing them across the performances that I have set up. I like consistent, predictable configuration. In fact, I am a project manager by trade so you might say I am looking for an effective tool (or method) for configuration management of my presets - ESPECIALLY (but not limited to) configuration management of my Stomp and Effect presets.

    If anyone can show me an effective way of doing this, I am quite happy to adopt as that is pretty much 100% of my need for an editor. Well, maybe 80%. But you get the point.

  • The new verbs are purely a firmware/DSP work effort. The editor will likely be a PC software AND firmware effort in order to keep the editor in sync with the KPA front end when you move a knob on the unit vs in the software.

    I guess I have just found that I can get great sounds out of my KPA and easily manage my foot controller setup without an editor.

    I can't make a breath-taking TC M3000 verb sound with the existing engine or get a spring verb out of it no matter what I do.

    As discussed several times in this thread, not every one here has the same use cases. Some people may have much more luck getting great sounds with an external graphical editor. Some people may have much more luck setting up complex performances with an external editor as well.

    I use around 5 performances for everything we do. I never change the order since that would throw me off :)