Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • The KPA is already a network device. If you hook it up to a working LAN with basic routing and services it will happily obtain an IP-address from a DHCP-server and appear as an IP-host. Its software would however require some work to make the KPA and its foot-controller coexist with other devices on a LAN, and you need a switch that is able to provide power over the network (PoE) for the remote. One would for example need code that is able to keep multiple pairs of profilers and remotes connected but separate. In the past we have already seen beta-releases of the firmware with network functionality in the form of a web-server providing a "remote-simulator" that would display information in a web-browser. There are huge opportunities for interaction with other devices on such a network, an editor-app on a computer/tablet/smartphone is just one of many.

    I was referring to the existing editors, which all control the Kemper using midi/NRPN. The Remote seems to use some other kind of communication protocol, as seems evident from the fact that some of the looper commands are no longer available through midi. In that regard, Kemper's own editor, if it comes, will definitely be the best way to change all parameters on the device.

  • Well, a Kemper A/B switch was released today…

    Useful? Perhaps. More useful than an editor? Not a snowball's chance in hell. What a bizarre thing to prioritize.

  • Well, a Kemper A/B switch was released today…

    Useful? Perhaps. More useful than an editor? Not a snowball's chance in hell. What a bizarre thing to prioritize.

    Hi MementoMori,
    Where do you see that? I just went to the main Kemper site, and didn't see anything new under the Products, either under the Profilers or the Accessories.


  • An editor would be a Godsend and allow me to edit parameters more efficiently. I'm not crazy about scrolling through pages or having to lean out of my chair just to adjust a single setting, much less several settings. Having access to everything using a keyboard and mouse would be so much more convenient, in my opinion. For those who don't care about an editor, you don't have to install it. It would definitely be a huge help for people, like me, who do a lot of recording at their PC, though.

  • Well, a Kemper A/B switch was released today…

    Useful? Perhaps. More useful than an editor? Not a snowball's chance in hell. What a bizarre thing to prioritize.

    I don't think releasing this footswitch did afford much development time and cost. This is absolutely not comparable with the development of an editor.
    I guess the development of the footswitch went besides anything software related and didn't really need the resources of software developers.

  • An editor would be a Godsend and allow me to edit parameters more efficiently. I'm not crazy about scrolling through pages or having to lean out of my chair just to adjust a single setting, much less several settings. Having access to everything using a keyboard and mouse would be so much more convenient, in my opinion. For those who don't care about an editor, you don't have to install it. It would definitely be a huge help for people, like me, who do a lot of recording at their PC, though.

    Now, imagine all of this and being much older than 60...

  • Ahh, thanks PETERFR,

    When I was prompted, I put in my country, and was automatically taken to the USA store, were the 2-way switch doesn't appear. I guess this is only available through the international store.


    On facebook they said they are on their way to the U.S. but until they clear customs, they won't show up in the U.S. store.

  • I don't think releasing this footswitch did afford much development time and cost. This is absolutely not comparable with the development of an editor.
    I guess the development of the footswitch went besides anything software related and didn't really need the resources of software developers.

    You're right, but users have been clamoring (overwhelmingly) for an editor for years.

  • You're right, but users have been clamoring (overwhelmingly) for an editor for years.

    I don't remember anybody asking for a Kemper before they actually released it. My suggestion is to trust these guys in their decisions regarding what to develop and when to do it (call me a fanboy if you want). And if they don't feel like programming an editor, be it because they think it's not necessary, not doable or even if they simply don't want to do it, it is their decision.
    There's a difference between wishing for something and demanding it.
    On the other hand, if you want to demand something like an editor, why not ask Apple. Some years ago they bought a company called Emagic that had a program called Sounddiver (IIRC), whose purpose it was to edit end manage all MIDI devices in one program. Or ask Steinberg, I think, they had something similar around that time.

  • I don't remember anybody asking for a Kemper before they actually released it. My suggestion is to trust these guys in their decisions regarding what to develop and when to do it (call me a fanboy if you want). And if they don't feel like programming an editor, be it because they think it's not necessary, not doable or even if they simply don't want to do it, it is their decision.
    There's a difference between wishing for something and demanding it.
    On the other hand, if you want to demand something like an editor, why not ask Apple. Some years ago they bought a company called Emagic that had a program called Sounddiver (IIRC), whose purpose it was to edit end manage all MIDI devices in one program. Or ask Steinberg, I think, they had something similar around that time.

    They are a private company and can do whatever they like. It doesn't exempt them from critiques (of which those concerning the editor are quite constructive). Nobody is demanding anything, but there really hasn't been any sensible reason given for why they wouldn't have an editor, especially when you consider lesser devices had them come standard at release. This is 2016. Yes, the front panel is easy to navigate, but scrolling through pages of parameters as the device gets more in depth becomes less sensible.

  • Ahh, thanks PETERFR,

    When I was prompted, I put in my country, and was automatically taken to the USA store, were the 2-way switch doesn't appear. I guess this is only available through the international store.


    Even-worse situation here, John - FB is blocked on my 'puter. Couldn't get to see anything. No matter 'though; all in good time.

    On the other hand, if you want to demand something like an editor, why not ask Apple. Some years ago they bought a company called Emagic that had a program called Sounddiver (IIRC), whose purpose it was to edit end manage all MIDI devices in one program. Or ask Steinberg, I think, they had something similar around that time.

    So did MOTU, with its UniSyn app that gathered all relevant info from your MIDI gear and integrated auto-saving (and editing) from within Digital Performer. I can't tell you how disappointed I was when it was discontinued as I'd bought it but not yet used it at the time.

  • (call me a fanboy if you want). And if they don't feel like programming an editor, be it because they think it's not necessary, not doable or even if they simply don't want to do it, it is their decision.......

    Many might probably consider me a fan boy, I love the kemper, but I think it's bizarre that it doesn't have an editor, it's unbelievable that a fridge can be controlled from an APP but the KPA can't . But to be fair I consider Rig Manager as the foundation of an editor, the next update to RM might surprise everyone. Xmas is around the corner, next update can be here soon 8o

  • Who's demanding an editor? Are there posts implying that owners are entitled to one?

    Yes, I'm afraid so. Of course they're all quoted totally out of context and chosen arbitrarily by me from this very thread ;)
    Disclaimer: I am absolutely pro editor 8)

    "I think it's bizarre that it doesn't have an editor, it's unbelievable that a fridge can be controlled from an APP but the KPA can't

    users have been clamoring (overwhelmingly) for an editor for years.

    Well, a Kemper A/B switch was released today…
    Useful? Perhaps. More useful than an editor? Not a snowball's chance in hell. What a bizarre thing to prioritize.

    there has to be a better way.

    the last thing anyone would expect is a musical device not to have some external editor, in this day and age

    it almost seems insulting to have no editor

    do they really have an excuse if other people have shown able to make stabs at it

    this is a pretty elementary ask

    Every other major contender in the market has a editor of some sorts.

    We are on century 21, all devices have a editor, I didn´t understand why we still waiting for an editor.
    We paid more than 1600€ for an amazing electronic machine that cannot be controlled by a software, this doesn´t make sense.

    For or the price of the KPA and remote , I think this should be an
    automatic feature ready to go out of the box with a simple download from
    the KPA site.

    It's really not something we should be paying for, it's industry standard.

    But a desktop editor is ABSOLUTELY needed."

  • There's a difference between believing a device should have a certain feature and demanding it. Has anyone stated they plan to sell their KPA unless Kemper releases an editor? There's definitely a lack of understanding as to why the company hasn't released one. I mean, yes, there's a demand in the sense that people want it, but no one has claimed they have a right to one and that the company owes it to them. I agree with all of the comments you quoted. I think the KPA deserves and should have an editor, but I also recognize I'm not owed an editor. There's a difference.

  • Isn't it because the kpa is constantly evolving? How do you design a comprehensive editor before many of it's features are even implemented? Just redesign the editor every time you want release new stuff?

    Developers at Line6, Fractal Audio and Atomic simply update the editor any time they update the modeling or add options to the hardware.