Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • Well - this could be a nice feature request . Hold lock to lock everything else then the selected module:) LOCK NOT(inverted).

    I really like this Damian, and am amazed I didn't think of it myself as it's a standard sort of feature on much computer software - select all but current using command-click or whatever.

    A hefty +1 from me, mate!

  • Not true. When you were buying them, you knew you can't use software to control analog device!

    You mentioned a subject, which in this context is also important for the KPA to.
    Why to buy a KPA.

    Some mainly want play with many different excellent sound and do not want to transport so many amplifier. Without Roadies this can be a tedious thing.
    Others want to create sounds whether in professional productions of just for fun home. These will yearn an editor eagerly.
    Generally I would say, it would be a nice to have, but it's not really necessary for a good live performance .

    I guess the first group is the majority and they would like to have other different improvements. Reverb, delay, stability more stomp boxes etc.
    Maybe Kempers marketing concept adapts more to this group.

    keep rockin' Harry

  • You mentioned a subject, which in this context is also important for the KPA to.
    Why to buy a KPA.

    Some mainly want play with many different excellent sound and do not want to transport so many amplifier. Without Roadies this can be a tedious thing.
    Others want to create sounds whether in professional productions of just for fun home. These will yearn an editor eagerly.
    Generally I would say, it would be a nice to have, but it's not really necessary for a good live performance .

    I guess the first group is the majority and they would like to have other different improvements. Reverb, delay, stability more stomp boxes etc.
    Maybe Kempers marketing concept adapts more to this group.

    keep rockin' Harry

    Exactly. What I mentioned many times. Kemper is just amp, not a modeler toy. Kemper guys and girls (if any) want us to play. Play the music. No to play with mouse to "craft 130% there" sound. It is already 98% there.

    For live it looks like an amp, it sounds like an amp, it has floor control, even Rig Manager is focused more of Performance features, than sound crafting from scracth. So like it or not, you will not see any incarnation of Rig Editor in my opinion :)

  • For live it looks like an amp, it sounds like an amp, it has floor control, even Rig Manager is focused more of Performance features, than sound crafting from scracth. So like it or not, you will not see any incarnation of Rig Editor in my opinion

    But you gave me a good keyword to transport my opinion ;)

    Thanks for that :) - Harry

  • Digital device that has no computer , PC , MAC, Android, IOs Editor is a bad joke if you ask me.

    But... that's my personal opinion. Call it childish or whatever you like. My Pod 2.0 15 years ago had a PC editor!!

    I still have some tube amps and they don't need an editor because the the last time I tried to set the tempo on my tube amp to match the song tempo, I quickly realized that it was not a digital amp and there was no tempo. It must have been my digital amp I was thinking off and with my big fingers to get the tempo at 150BPM, I spent a few extra frustrating 10-20 second to get the exact tempo. My fingers must be really clumsy so I vote the Editor to be number one priority ! 8o !

  • That said, obviously this hasn't been the top priority feature request in Kemper's books (and IMO rightfully so)........

    (that more and more pros go Kemper) that I imagine CK must be constantly shaking his head reading posts like these.

    Why should he shake his head. He's getting free market research for every opinion he gets. If he can get all Kemper owners to vote on what's important to them, it would help Kemper tremendously, maybe the editor would be the top priority!

    Pros/professional might not be the majority of Kemper owners. How many hobbyist actually own kemper? I don't know but it might be more than Pros. Kemper is well aware of that. A feature like space for playing through headphones is most likely targeted at the late night home player/practice and not the pros even though pros can benefit from it, But an Editor is probably more important to the Pros than anyone else.

    Maybe 99% of digital devices in any given studio have editors, and out of the 1% is Kemper and I'm not aware of any digital device that doesn't have an editor except for a zoom G1on for $50 that I just bought recently that doesn't have an editor.

    In my opinion having no editor for the Kempre is the same thing as selling a digital TV without a remote but with nice buttons and dials, Sure you can accomplish every thing without the remote (editor), but it's definitely nicer to have an editor.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (December 18, 2015 at 5:29 AM).

  • I think the existing UI is fantastic for live use, for the most part. I have a few minor quibbles but I can live happily with the way it is.

    Where I need an editor is at home. My KPA is not in a very convenient spot....can't be helped. I need to reach back and to my right, and my aging shoulder doesn't like it one bit. Especially if I have to get in the menus for a few minutes. Ow.

    Having it all right there in front of me would be perfect.

    Christmas is coming....maybe if we've all been good enough jolly Christoph "Kringle" Kemper will give us our editor (and spring verb!)

    Edited once, last by Calaban (December 19, 2015 at 9:12 AM).

  • Digital device that has no computer , PC , MAC, Android, IOs Editor is a bad joke if you ask me.

    But... that's my personal opinion. Call it childish or whatever you like. My Pod 2.0 15 years ago had a PC editor!!

    I still have some tube amps and they don't need an editor because the the last time I tried to set the tempo on my tube amp to match the song tempo, I quickly realized that it was not a digital amp and there was no tempo. It must have been my digital amp I was thinking off and with my big fingers to get the tempo at 150BPM, I spent a few extra frustrating 10-20 second to get the exact tempo. My fingers must be really clumsy so I vote the Editor to be number one priority ! 8o !

    I won't call you childish, I also would like to be able to control Kemper by mouse, cause Kemper sits to far to reach it with my hand without embarrassing and frustrating movements I have to make. By the way I had POD 2.0 and didn't know it had PC editor? :whistling:

    There are 2 main factors that determine Editor's existence:

    1) Being able to edit every parameter and craft a rig from a scratch
    2) Convenience of using - Kemper is out of reach

    But again, I imagine this to be requested mostly by bedroom players like me. Anyway, in my opinion Editor will not happen. I have some observations that support my thesis - I may elaborate them later ;) Man I wish I'm wrong...

  • keep it up scoczy if damian and the other guys almost had a working editor why cant kemper.. kemper team why wont you release an editor it would stop all the crying that we do you can develop a super amazing piece like kemper but no editor i dont understand 3 years wow kemper should team up with damian and the other guys and finish this merry xmas everyone peace

  • Maybe 99% of digital devices in any given studio have editors, and out of the 1% is Kemper and I'm not aware of any digital device that doesn't have an editor except for a zoom G1on for $50 that I just bought recently that doesn't have an editor.

    Well, this example actually only proves that on both edges of the price spectrum (G1on for the lowest priced edge and Kemper on the highest priced edge) units that don't have an editor do exist and are very successful at the same time. ;)

  • Well, this example actually only proves that on both edges of the price spectrum (G1on for the lowest priced edge and Kemper on the highest priced edge) units that don't have an editor do exist and are very successful at the same time. ;)

    True, but even though I had surprisingly usable sounds from the G1ON, I couldn't deal with the tiny screen to edit so I sold it on ebay just for that reason at $40.
    I'm not selling the Kemper as I really love the sound and I'm one of those people who's willing to go to hell and back, just to keep a good quality sound, so an editor is a minor inconvenience for me and I would like one, but I assure that those coming from other modelers who are used to Editors, could very well return the Kemper for that reason because they're unable to work without an editor.

  • I fully understand that there would be many who don't care for it, but as pretty much solely studio-based player - I would absolutely adore an on-screen editor where you can really see your signal chain.

    I think the KPA is a better sounding unit, but I have to admit I was seriously temped to switch to an AxeFX after finally trying one at home for a couple of days recently. I feel like for me, this is the only thing I could possibly want from the unit that I'm not already getting - never felt the need to request anything else in the now-years of everyday use.

  • I haven't had a ton of spare time to play with my relatively new toaster, but I sat down this past week with headphones on and, man, what an awesome rig.

    When I'm in my 'kid in a candy store' mode trying out different fx, amps is when I really would take advantage of an editor. Maybe it's my crochety 46-year-old ass not wanting to look at a small screen and mashing buttons for hours on end...

    Maybe a dumb question, but could there be a technical reason why an editor would be difficult to build? Seriously not trying to be snarky here, just asking...