Tag editing

  • Is there an easier way to edit rig Tags? I tried the KIPR Tag Editor that was posted on the forum a few years back but that doesn't seem to work.

    I thought I might be able to do it in the Rig Manager but that doesn't seem to save!!

    Any help greatly appreciated as when I saved the profile I just created, it saved all the tags from another profile for some reason!

  • Thanks,
    However some fields work, but some dont.

    For example Cabiner Author I cannot change at all - if I click on it with the mouse it highlights the box but I cannot edit the text at all.

    Speaker Modeul I can edit, but Speaker Manufacturer, if I edit it, it doesn't save.


  • Normally, the Cab and and Cab author are defined in the KPA, when the Profile is created. They likely match the amplifier author - yes?

    Is the Cabinet Light lit on the KPA? If so, it is not a Direct Amplifier Profile, as far as the KPA is concerned.

    Even if there is no Cab light lit, the information does no harm being there, and gives credit to the person who created the profile.

    The one exception to the above would be if you created a new profile, and did not update the author fields to your User ID. The KPA will allow you to update a tag in a profile you originally created.

  • Just one question, to create a New Profile, first, you have to be in Browser Mode and select a reference profile. That reference profile will determinate the Authors name in the new profile. So, how can I edit from zero and have my own name in the amp? I did several profiles but there is another guys name on them and I cant edit.
    The truth is that I created some profiles in the past succesfully and didnt have that problem, now I'm having it.

  • So after speaking to Kemper support they suggested this:

    Start the profiler with the rig button pressed. This will give you an initialised rig that you can tailor to your needs.

    That's what I do now before I start profiling to ensure I don't get the persons name in the rig currently in Browser. A bit lame if you ask me, I think it should ask you the question when you start profiling if it's a new rig of if you're continuing a session. Meh.

  • I did the exact same thing. I profiled my own amp and it saved over another profile leaving me unable to rename any of the rig information except for the Author and Name. This is very frustrating and at the time of saving the profile I couldn't figure out how to save it as new. After restarting the rig manager and kemper a few times it finally let me edit and save the new information while in Browser mode and after previewing the profile. I also had to press enter after editing each field or it would not save.

    Edited once, last by kingoffalcons (October 22, 2018 at 9:31 PM).

  • Lots of misleading information here.

    After creating a PROFILE and when storing it, you can step through three pages of the Tagging Assistent:

    1. Rig Tags

    2. Amp Tags

    3. Cab Tags

    Most tags are prefilled with the information from the Rig loaded before the PROFILING exercise. The author tags are prefilled with the owner name of the PROFILER. Every tag can be edited on those three pages. Where else should the information come from? You can edit everything and only store once.

    Later and at any time you can change the tags in the PROFILER user interface: Rig tags are available in the Rig Settings. Amplifier tags are available in the amp module and cabinet tags are available in the cabinet module. Again all tags are available. You can change all of them and store the Rig once afterwards. You can also edit nearly all of the tags via Rig Manager.

    So, you have full control over your tags. Garbage in garbage out.

  • As Burkhard said, the tags are prefilled with the data from the last rig loaded before profiling. However, I got totally random results at first which was confusing and driving me crazy. Then I realised when I was turning the chicken head knob from Browser to Profile I was actually making a stop in between at Performance. Turns out I was loading a rig from performance mode instead of the one I had selected in Browser. As Burkhard said garbage in garbage out! I’ve come to realise that, while the KPA isn’t perfect and there are things I would like it to do which it can’t, more often than not when something isn’t working its user error on my part not the KpA.

  • I did the exact same thing. I profiled my own amp and it saved over another profile leaving me unable to rename any of the rig information except for the Author and Name. This is very frustrating and at the time of saving the profile I couldn't figure out how to save it as new. After restarting the rig manager and kemper a few times it finally let me edit and save the new information while in Browser mode and after previewing the profile. I also had to press enter after editing each field or it would not save.

    The PROFILER does not overwrite existing rigs when you create a new one by profiling. If you do not change the name of the rig prior to storing it, you will create a new rig with the same name but the one that was loaded prior to entering the profiling mode is still there.

  • The PROFILER does not overwrite existing rigs when you create a new one by profiling. If you do not change the name of the rig prior to storing it, you will create a new rig with the same name but the one that was loaded prior to entering the profiling mode is st

    It faked me out at first but after checking in the library the original profile was still available. The weird part was that it also pulled up all the pedals that the other profile had so my newly made profile had a bunch of kemper pedals pre-assigned. I had to go through and delete them after. Would have been easier starting with a clean slate. However, I do see the benefit of keeping the information if you're making multiple profiles.