Is there a list of famous artist or song rigs somewhere?

  • I have had a search through the forum, but haven't found it.

    Is there a place where there is a list of rigs along with their associated song/artist?

    On the rig exchange I've seen a few by gundy keller and a couple by bill ruppert (slightly cryptic naming occasionally) and these are great, but is there a list somewhere.

    I think for example I'm suggesting something along the lines of Artist and/or Song and/or Part of Song.

    My feeling is that if this was going to work it would need a wiki or online database of some kind, but firstly does anyone know what is out there already?


  • Here's a link to some famous artists:…st_Gallery.html

    As for their rigs/songs, haven't seen any.
    You can search the rig exchange to find some very convincing song interpretations from our fellow forum-ites whom are "almost famous" but really should be :thumbup:

    Not to detract from your question, but as you get to know your Kemper more, you'll find yourself testing a profile, it'll remind/inspire you of something and then you'll lock it a save it as your own. Total Bliss ^^

    Happy Kemper

    Edited 3 times, last by carsnguitars58 (March 5, 2015 at 11:43 PM).

  • This might not be up your alley, but you can download a couple of profile packs for classic metal albums for free here (scroll down and look for the purple links).

    I think a cooperative list would be a good idea though -- not just for profiles that were consciously intended to mimic a certain sound, but also for user tips like "with some tweaking, rig x can be made to sound very much like artist y". Maybe something to incorporate in the wiKPA?

  • Thanks. Will do.

    In general I'm a home player, playing for my own pleasure. The artist/song list would give me some inspiration for pieces to learn or just jam. Otherwise I always like listening/looking for the perfect SRV tone. (And there isn't just one)

    Look up a guy called Pete (OKStrat) - send him a message/PM, as he does tonematching from famous recordings with the Kemper..he has done quite a few now. so you might want to hook up with him and ask what it is you need/want, and he may already have it or plan to do it.

  • This is the best forum thread on the topic for getting starting points on what the famous dudes used:…hoads#post57545

    I will tell you the SRV tone is hard to nail because no one is SRV but him! For one he varied the settings a bit, both live and in the studio. But he mostly used 2 TS pedals into a Fender Twin and/or clean Marshall combo amp early on. Then a little later live he would use the same pedals into a Fender Twin and Marshall Plexi, then the last album in the studio he used, literally, a wall of amps simultaneously most of which were Fender Bassman amps cranked. I think that was his best tone but it's impossible to replicate unless you want to chain several KPAs together.

    I play Pride & Joy live and I would say that's the profile I'm never happy with. I've changed it a few dozen times trying to get it right. It's really hard since you can't use two amps together but I've gotten closest with the 2 TS pedals (one adds drive and one is a clean boost only) and either a Twin or JTM45 profile set with some grit.

    Good luck!

  • Maybe I can bring this thread back to life.

    Ok.... so guys in cover bands are looking for performances for for cover songs. Simple as that. I don't need to recreate Neil Schon's rig. I don't need to nail his tone dead on. I mean, I don't have his fingers so its never gonna happen anyway. I just need to get close on "Lights" or Don't Stop Believing. Etc. Now I realize those are actually pretty easy ones and I've already built those. But lets say I get a call to sub for some cover band and they do a bunch of stuff I don't regularly do. It'd sure be nice to have some starting places. And with the talent using Kemper there has got to be a bunch of people who've already gone through the process.
    Look at the job the Praise and Worship guys are doing. Its amazing. I can buy 100 P&W songs from Tone Junkie for like $1 each when they're on sale, and that dude is making money because to sit down and program 100 songs for my church gig...or buy em all for $100 and tweak to my liking. TAKE MY MONEY! There are guys out there that not only give you the entire performance for like $3.99 but also give you a video of how to play the song and when to push the buttons. So come on, somebody's gotta be doing this for "Still of the Night" or "Crazy Train" or "Play that Funky Music", "Sweet Home Alabama" and Yes I realize Michael Britt has done a bit of this. But there has to be tons of this stuff around right? Where is it?

    "To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.":P