UPgrading Kemper to 3 and rig mgr questions

  • Hi all

    I think i am on 2.2. something on the Kemper and i dont have rig mgr 1.3 right now

    1) Can i upgrade the kemper to 3.0 without issue form 2.2 ? or is there and intermediate version i need to go to first?

    2) BY upgrading to 3.0 do i los all my profies and just gain the 49 included?

    3) I dont really understand the 49 included? are they put in automatically? if so where?

    4) My Kemper is maxed right now and i get a warning i cannot add rigs, if i upgrade to 3.0 with the 49 new ones what happens? can it still upgrade? if not how do i delte profiles? can i do this from rig manger or if not how is this done on the kemper? can i delete individual? by total person's profiles? all at once?

    5) after i get this sorted i will then upgrade rig mgr to 1.3.1 i see

    thanks for any help


  • Thank you so much for all that info! i appreciate it!

    Yeah i somehow ended up with 1K profiles lol over time and now i get that errors, i am SO happy you can delete from rig manager, that is so nice! thanks for that tip

    well i am off to upgrade and perform some clean up this weekend

    thanks again!

  • i am not sure what happened

    i deleted all the rigs with the old version of rig manager, and it seemed to work.

    then i upgraded the rig manager to 1.3.1 70688 or something like that

    then up upgraded the kemper to 3.0

    now the rig manager will not connect to it at all, and on the kemper it doesn't look like anything deleted because it says my memory is full still

    any idea what to do?


  • Try this:
    Shut down rig manager - use EXIT, not by clicking the red x in the window corner. If you don't use Exit, the RM database may not get saved with the updates.

    Disconnect the KPA from the computer.
    turn the KPA off.
    Reconnect it to the computer
    Turn it back on
    launch Rig Manager.

    From what I remember , Rig Manager will only see up to 1000 rigs on a KPA. If you still have too many rigs in it, you may have to Exit RM, and then relaunch it to delete some more. .

  • thanks alot

    i will try this

    it showed me 1K profiles when i had the old rig manager on and the old 2.2, i literally delted 700 so i could grab the 349 new ones.

    then i upgraded rig manger to 1.3.1 then the kemper to 3.0 the latest

    once the update happened i rebooted the mac and the kemper

    but then the rig manger never connected again and i never saw anything but 0 in my library and never saw again that other part about local profiles or something.

    also the kemper still gave me the memory full no room for more profiles

    strange, anyway going to try what you suggested


  • Rig Manager will only see up to 1000 rigs on a KPA. If you still have too many rigs in it, you may have to Exit RM, and then relaunch it to delete some more.

    Actually, you can start deleting rigs... at some point, RM tells you that you have (<1000) rigs, and from there they seem to be properly indexed. No need to restart RM, if I got you right.
