Kemper KPA vs. Axe-FX II (Yes, another one...please read!)

  • Now that wasn't very constructive now, was it? I think maybe it's time to close this thread. To @mbrown3, maybe you can start a new thread once you've made a decision (if you go with the KPA, I guess...).

    Edit: not directed at you, Guitartone!

    It's only human nature for people to react the way that a fair number of members on both forums have, though. There will always be that part of you in the back of your mind that needs confirmation that you made the right choice, backed the right horse, took the right prong of the fork in the road etc.
    When I was a kid, it was C64 v Spectrum vs Amstrad. Look how far we've come...!


  • When I was a kid, it was C64 v Spectrum vs Amstrad. Look how far we've come...!

    Yeah, I remember that vividly. ;)

    Now you have your pick between iOS/Android/Windows, XBox/PSx/PC, Kemper/Axe... everything seems to need to be polarized ad nauseam these days. :/

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • I could use just the Profiler Workshop Rig Pack for the next ten years and be quite content.

    Oh man, thanks for reminding me!

    I keep meaning to re-watch that vid and audition the pack but it keeps slipping my mind over and over again!

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • So in the spirit of fairness, I decided to try to read most of the sibling thread on FAS's website.  Ironically, the thread is almost exactly the same.  MBrown is being dogged from both camps for pretty much the same things, accused of being a shill for the other, accused of being a troll, insulted for being indecisive, insulted for opening the threads to begin with, and accused of making mountains out of mole-hills when his concerns could be considered legitimate for his needs.

    THANK YOU for being willing to post an accurate reflection of the situation, and for your serious thoughts (esp re: delays...I very much doubt the KPA or Axe can match Strymon or TC, personally). It appears that being a truly impartial seeker of information gets people really mad for some reason. Here's what I find really odd: I posted a set of fairly positive impressions about the KPA, and people got mad and said I was a shill for Fractal. I can't imagine what they would have done if I had posted a bunch of negative impressions! I guess they take exception to the fact that not 100% of the KPA's profiles sound fantastic, and that the KPA's effects are not 100% great. Do they really expect that, though? Truly? Is that realistic for any product? Overall my impression was good. So...I don't understand all of the hostility.

    In any case, thanks again. I am out of town until Saturday evening, but I did grab Fremen's profiles and will hook up to rig exchange as soon as I get back and check out some of the higher-rated profiles.

  • Before you start buying Profiles go to the Rig Packs download page on the Kemper site and download the Amp Factory Rig Pack, the ACE Rig Pack and the Profiler workshop Rig Pack.

    I could use just the Profiler Workshop Rig Pack for the next ten years and be quite content.…_Downloads.html

    Yep, I've got them, along with the ones Fremen sent me, ready to go for when I get back Saturday evening. Excited to check them out.

  • Just wanted to say something similar to what meambobbo said, i read the whole at FAS some days ago and people there were pointing out he was biased towards the kemper and was just creating controversy or trying to pull a troll/publicity stunt (which is the same people commented here, but in reverse, lol). My guess he's trying to be objective with both units but not in a "clear for everyone" way.

    As for using the kemper with headphones, open headphones go a long way. I use some pioneer A1000 (got them on sale when they got discontinued) and i don't need the headphone air setting at all to get great "spaced" sound. They don't bleed that much either (i've even recorded vocals with them) if you use them at reasonable volumes, and i'm guessing this should be true of most open headphones.

    Now, closed headphones? hate them almost for everything :D

  • Just wanted to say something similar to what meambobbo said, i read the whole at FAS some days ago and people there were pointing out he was biased towards the kemper and was just creating controversy or trying to pull a troll/publicity stunt (which is the same people commented here, but in reverse, lol). My guess he's trying to be objective with both units but not in a "clear for everyone" way.

    As I just posted over there, some people truly can't handle even the discussion about the possibility of someone disagreeing with them, to the point where they assume the person is disagreeing with them even when they aren't, and then come up with all kinds of conspiracies about things. It's just sad.

  • Here's a footcontroller question: why don't foot controllers have guitar inputs on them? It seems crazy to me that we have to run instrument cable from the guitar back to the amp, then another cable from the amp to the footpedal. Why not put the input on the controller so we only have to have one cable connecting them, and it would also give us a bit more range on the stage. It's not a latency issue, as ethernet cable has far more bandwidth than instrument cable. Is there some other technical issue I'm not aware of? Or some other reason why this isn't a good idea? It doesn't appear that the remote or the Axe-Fx's footcontroller has the option to plug in there instead of at the amp.

  • I agree about Footcontrollers.

    Even my TC G-System, which allowed separating the pedalboard from its own rackmount guitar FX processor did not have a guitar input on the footcontroller. TWO expression pedal inputs, but no guitar input.

    (Note - this would REALLY be better in a separate thread, since it is a completely different subject.)

    True enough re: different thread. I'm OK if it gets moved.

    I also have a G-System, and it has a guitar input if you keep the control unit attached to the pedal, but if you separate them and use a rack (which, I suspect, most people do), the input goes with it. Frustrating.

  • Pretty much all that can be said has been said about these units, except for the what each new firmware brings.

    You hear each new firmware for the FXII how much better it is. I look at personal testimony much like I do at history and the claims of "miracles". Whatever I might think about the possibility of miracles, it's enough that many others thought they existed and acted accordingly. Thus if a bunch of users say something is "great" then I'm not going to take a big pee on them. But it's immaterial of 100,000 people think something is great. What matters is: "is it 'great' to ME?"

    When I first got the Kemper, in Jan 2013, and followed the discussions of this vs that, already old by then, I noticed something particular: Most of the FXII fans were comparing themselves with the Kemper. And the Kemper fans were comparing their profiler to the amps.

    In the end, that is what is what we do or SHOULD care about. What ever we choose, does the unit get the sounds of the amps we want in the way we want them? The answer is an individual one. I like the ability of the Kemper to get subtle nuances of an amp, and to do it authentically where no one can tell the difference. I am not a pedal tweaker, but some of the commercial guys have tweaked the pedal effects the way I like them and I save those settings and use them on other profiles. Some pedals I've compared directly, and despite my initial skepticism, they actually are quite capable. I was very impressed with the Fractal units effects. Enough to brag about them. Not enough to keep owning them, because the KPA's effects are quite good. Individual tastes, needs, desires. It's not a matter of money for me, but a matter of competing learning curves. I decided to keep things simple and stick with one unit, saving my time more for writing, arranging, recordings, practicing. I do like forum participation too. All better than having to read 2 manuals! ;)

    The question that is important is "Are you satisfied?".
    I am. So I don't need the FXII. I don't need the KPA II.
    I don't need real amps. The KPA satisfies my needs.

    Not until you can say that about your gear, is your gear journey arrived where you want it to be.
    If not, then keep journeying! You don't have to take a dump on other gear to desire a more complete fit for your needs.

    Short story: I had a bunch of different guitars when I had the POD XT. My least favorite to play out of my amps was the Gretsch Double Jet. But when I recorded with the POD, it had the best tone of all my guitars in terms of cutting through the mix. Well, I have a newfound respect for that guitar at that point. But yet never practiced with it on real amps. Long story short, when I got the Kemper, I never liked it. The Kemper is entirely authentic to amps, and the guitars I never liked with real amps, I also didn't like with the Kemper. So I ended up selling it. It's tests like these that give credibility to the truth past your own bias. But if I still had my POD, I'd still have my Gretsch.

    You learn to work the tools you have. Period.

  • The question that is important is "Are you satisfied?".
    I am. So I don't need the FXII. I don't need the KPA II.
    I don't need real amps. The KPA satisfies my needs.

    Not until you can say that about your gear, is your gear journey arrived where you want it to be.
    If not, then keep journeying! You don't have to take a dump on other gear to desire a more complete fit for your needs.

    I agree with this, to a point. I've been using the same rig for the last 6 years, and haven't had any desire to switch. I honed in on my tone, and haven't looked back. However, I have a messed up disc in my back from an old snowboarding injury, and have had recent procedures that mean I am no longer legitimately able to haul around a 90lb head, cab, rack, etc. My real interest here is not so much stemming from tonal dissatisfaction; rather it's in trying to find a much more portable solution that can get the same tones (or, as close as possible).

  • That is a common reason for going to a modeler. So my question still stands, since you're not satisfied. Weight matters.

    The only thing I'd say is this about weight.

    If you go for a modeler, foot controller, and FRFR or cabinet, you're right back to some heavy lifting. Maybe no 90lbs, but awkward carrying and a heavy shoulder load with a carry bag. I know, I do this every day and it's less than a big amp but not easy on a bad back either.

    You probably just need a porter, not new gear! ;)

  • That is a common reason for going to a modeler. So my question still stands, since you're not satisfied. Weight matters.

    The only thing I'd say is this about weight.

    If you go for a modeler, foot controller, and FRFR or cabinet, you're right back to some heavy lifting. Maybe no 90lbs, but awkward carrying and a heavy shoulder load with a carry bag. I know, I do this every day and it's less than a big amp but not easy on a bad back either.

    You probably just need a porter, not new gear! ;)

    I have access to roadies, but have never used them and don't plan to start. If I can't carry my own gear, I'm not gigging any more. No offense to those that use them...I use techs a lot, but never roadies. Some of it is trust issues...I want my stuff set up my way, plus if I drop and break something, it's on me. Etc, etc.

    Still, I did the math, and a rack and footcontroller would equal what I have right now in my rack setup, minus the amp head, cab, and individual pedals (I still use a turbo tuner and mission volume). Even if I add an FRFR for certain gigs (most gigs I can go direct to house, and we have wireless in-ear monitors), most weigh around 30lbs...just a fraction of either my cab or head...a TINY fraction of both together. A worthwhile trade-off, if I can get the tones I want.

    I should clarify, too: I can still carry my gear, it's just not helping with my back problems. That is, it won't make my back worse...but the more heavy crap I carry around all the time, the more it will aggravate it. So carrying some weight is fine, I'm just trying to cut down as much as possible.

  • Re. foot controller: I think the reason for the guitar not being connected to this is that it would require either a GOOD quality A/D converter etc (increasing the price) OR having to bump up the signal (like with a buffer or the Cloudlifter) and run a line level signal to the KPA - in a separate cable. And then there would be a impedance and level mismatch at the kpa, I think. Maybe.

    Either way, it would be a great feature, but maybe more complicated to implement than what it seems to be at first glance.