Why I bought my Kemper

  • Hey,
    This post is for people on the fence while shopping. I decided to get the Kemper Power Rack to replace my JVM410H and my huge foot pedal collection with GLab looper controller.
    The sounds are as good as any amp I have played and the volume knob rolloff is legit.
    The Profiles sound good with zero tweaking and the focus is on the amp tone not special fx.
    It is lightweight and consolidated. I can record with the same tones that I jam with. No tubes to pamper.

    what are your favorite reasons ?

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Add:
    My Original songs have clean and acoustic parts and playing an acoustic live is a feedback hassle. I use an HSS Strat and have the ability to cover Acoustic Simulator to Triple Rectifier and back with one patch click and pickup switch with boost matched and all. Running my tube amps clean and using distortion pedals for clean to dirty tones was a trade off in many ways so I got a multichannel tube head. Trying to volume match my presets was always touchy especially when using drive pedals and was crazy to keep track of as one bumped knob in transport made for troubles. I keep this rig close to my heart but it doesn't travel anymore.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Tech:
    Today I am on firmware 2.7 and the profiles are "of the complete amp tone" this means head and speakers combined. This is IMO the pinnacle of what we want, they have it right. The discussion about fw 3.0 and profiling just a preamp or head with no cab will provide options but IMO will be just a flexible option and the unit is complete even without the option. The purist in me balked at the FRFR guitar cab purchase at first but when I got over myself I bought the Mission Engineering Gemini 1x12 Powered cab (made in USA) . Now the profiles keep the character of the speaker types intact and the cab does not color the tone. Head 15lbs cab 40lbs Ahhhhhh my back.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

    Edited once, last by endoverend (February 14, 2015 at 6:48 PM).

  • I've had my Powered Rack version a month now and I've spent at least an hour every evening having fun and learning how to get the best out of it. I've a long way to go yet but enjoying every minute.

    Decided to take it to my local jam night and set it up as "house amp" for anyone to play through last night. Everyone was impressed with the sound and those experienced players who tried it commented that it reacted just like a valve amp to pick action and the sound was killer :) It was played through a 2x12 closed back semi ported cab with a GT12/75 and Vintage 30 installed.

    Profile everybody liked best of the half dozen I have in my favourites was Amp Factory's LazyJ40 clean tweaked with a touch of gain. Super blues tone via an old Epi Les Paul :)


  • My primary reason for moving to the Kemper was size, weight, and setup time. For anyone that gigs much, you quickly learn how important these things are (or as you get a little older, your back starts letting you know how important they are ;) ).

    I was replacing a VHT tube head, 4x12 cab and 2x12 cab to give you some idea of where I was at before the Kemper.

    What really sold me on the Kemper was the thousands of posts about it on the web .... and more specifically, who was writing them.

    What do I mean?

    If you simply read reviews of digital processors/digital amps, etc, you will find that the people that own them like them for the most part. The big difference with the Kemper is what they owned BEFORE the Kemper.

    Anyone that says they think a Line 6 amp sounds great on stage has never played a great sounding tube amp. The reviewers are using the experience they have to rate the amp compared to what they know.

    Most of the owners of the Kemper are tube purist and actively gigging musicians in respectably large venue bands. This was what did it for me. It is one thing for a guy used to a Carvin solid state amp to say the Kemper is good ..... but quite a different thing altogether for a guy who use to play a Bogner, Soldano, Mesa, VHT, Matchless, etc to harp on the virtues of the Kemper.

    I tell you guys what. I practice a damn site more now that I own a Kemper. Smiles on my face every time I pick up my guitar these days ;)

  • Hey,
    This post is for people on the fence while shopping. I decided to get the Kemper Power Rack to replace my JVM410H and my huge foot pedal collection with GLab looper controller.
    The sounds are as good as any amp I have played and the volume knob rolloff is legit.
    The Profiles sound good with zero tweaking and the focus is on the amp tone not special fx.
    It is lightweight and consolidated. I can record with the same tones that I jam with. No tubes to pamper.

    what are your favorite reasons ?

    You own a JVM410H? have you tried profiles based on that unit? i'm looking for one but if you have any input on which is the most accurate i'd apreciate it.

    To answer the question, i mainly got the KPA because i was tired of tweaking lesser mfx units (i mostly play in my bedroom with headphones) and wanted something that sounded like a real amp but without the huge space problem. Some might say it's overkill but it's perfect for that purpose (since it's compact and you can use different profiles). The quality you get when recording is another plus. Just one amp of this quality would have cost about the same, so i figured it was my best choice.

  • In all honesty I bought the KPA in anticipation of Andy's Z-Wreck profiles, it was cheaper than buying the actual amp, and almost as if by fate they were launched as my profiler arrived 8)

    Although I'm still 100% happy with my live setup (Mark V, 112 and a Timeline) I'm now putting together a Kemper rig, this 70-day lead on the remote is killing me haha!

  • I am certainly a big fan of a great tube amp sound. With the Kemper for the first time in digital life this is not anymore a compromise. When applying the right profiles and settings it sounds as good as the real deal with much higher flexibility and convenience. On top I support the reasons above already mentioned. For me a milestone invention in e-guitar history ...

  • While the reasons in the first post are the same as mine i have one more: Cost reduction.

    Rent a real expensive studio, create a great sound, take it home and record for weeks in that studio without beeing there, that's what i plan to do. Also great for amateurs with daytime jobs who can't spent three weeks in a row in a studio.

  • I put my KPA Rack into a Gemini head by Mission Engineering and now it looks just like a traditional head and it matches my Gemini cab. This gets me more grounded in my old school ways. I wanted a stylish image instead of a tech by one, finding a cab to set the head down on was a relief instead an skb teetering on a PA wedge. Looks was a factor at first but now I am set.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

    Edited 2 times, last by endoverend (February 16, 2015 at 2:40 AM).

  • Dear MF,
    Your question:
    You own a JVM410H? have you tried profiles based on that unit? i'm looking for one but if you have any input on which is the most accurate i'd apreciate it.

    The 410h has 12 gain stages so it's matter of what you think rocks your boat.
    The channels are very different so you're talking about one of the four CH , not the head itself
    I would like to know what 410h profiles you like..

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

    Edited once, last by endoverend (February 16, 2015 at 2:51 AM).

  • Why I bought it? I sold 11r. I was looking around. Then I saw this weirdo ;) And knew it's gonna come to my desk and serve. I am bedroom player and tube amp was not an option. Since my playing abilities didn't impriove as much as my gear I know this thing is gonna stay. I never had tube amp, but when I play gooood profile with good guitar I know what good sound is ;)

  • Dear MF,
    Your question:
    You own a JVM410H? have you tried profiles based on that unit? i'm looking for one but if you have any input on which is the most accurate i'd apreciate it.

    The 410h has 12 gain stages so it's matter of what you think rocks your boat.
    The channels are very different so you're talking about one of the four CH , not the head itself
    I would like to know what 410h profiles you like..

    Yeah, i figured that much (about the different gain stages and modes). I haven't tried many of them (mostly the ones that are on rig exchange) since i've been playing more than tweaking, but the ones that stuck with me so far are Deadlight Studio's OD1REDSM57, and one of Chris O profiles (renamed it so i don't remember which one). Both are high gain, but are the only ones i liked at first bat (with almost 0 tweaking). I'd rather be using clean ones with od (so the transposer doesn't distort so much, love that thing and have used it a lot) so most likely i'll look for some later.

    And honestly, i just love my profiling toaster a bit more everyday :D