Shipping date for the first remotes

  • I had to use the bank transfer payment option also. I'd just as soon not have to pay an extra $60. I haven't opened any kind of support ticket. Is that what I have to do to change payment method?

    Good luck. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did. Over a month for a response and even then, they didn't solve my issue. It's almost like they want me to stay with the bank transfer...just change it to paypal already. I don't want to hear it's a GLITCH. Unacceptable for a company that makes something as intricate as the kemper to not be able to fix a website issue?[/quote]

    Apologies, I previously said glitch but their exact words were "technical restriction."[/quote]

    Unacceptable. Been working online for years and changing a payment method before anything is paid for is not a hard thing to do.

  • I'm sure the Kemper folks will come up with a solution to the wire transfer issue. Everyone was anxious to get the remote ordered ASAP to ensure an earlier delivery. At that time, the store was having trouble with payment types and the "pre-payment" method seemed to work. Additionally, the Kemper email that notified us that the remote could now be ordered stated, "We recommend to select pre-payment." Kemper has an excellent track record in trying to do what's best for everyone. I'm sure they won't leave us hanging with a decision to either cancel or suffer a $60 wire transfer fee. Come on Kemper, do your magic.

  • deadpan, sambrox -
    you can change the method of payment by logging into your kemper store account and perform the following tasks:

    - select "change payment method" and change it to something appropriate
    - go to "my orders", select the order in question and choose "repeat order" followed by filling in your CC / Paypal details

    that should be all you need to do. the replay you've received from customer service was misleading - hope that clears it up for you now

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • please post the ticket number and i'll have a look.

    Hi GS- I'm in the same situation as deadpan; could you please take a look at my ticket as well? My ticket is ##AS00092675 and my order is #20026.

    I selected pre-payment at the time of my order because it was the only option that would allow me to complete the transaction, but I would greatly prefer PayPal or CC to avoid additional charges from my bank.

    Thanks for any help :thumbup:

    EDIT: just saw your post that came in right above mine. Thanks so much- I'll try that out.

  • deadpan, sambrox -
    you can chance the method of payment by logging into your kemper store account and perform the following tasks:

    - select "change payment method" and change it to something appropriate
    - go to "my orders", select the order in question and choose "repeat order" followed by filling in your CC / Paypal details

    that should be all you need to do. the replay you've received from customer service was misleading - hope that clears it up for you now

    Tried that and got this message:

    Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten und die Bestellung konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden.
    Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Shopbetreiber.

  • G String, I followed the instructions and the PayPal transaction went through. Thank you!

    It's given me a new order number (#3447357). Can my PayPal payment here be applied to my previous order number (#20026) so that I still receive my order on schedule ("Calender Week 9: From February 23th")?

  • Same issue/message for me Skyhighrocks. The message translates as:

    "There is a problem and the order could not be completed.
    Please contact the store owner."


    It seems to be something with how they deal with paypal. If I change to credit card, it looks like it will go through but I don't use credit cards and prefer to pay via paypal.

  • we can see both orders in your account and since the early bird status applies to the first order, it will apply to the changed order as well. nevertheless, you might want to drop support an email with both order numbers, just to be safe.
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • "There is a problem and the order could not be completed.
    Please contact the store owner."

    i haven't seen a message like this before. does it come from paypal or a credit card company? could you email a screenshot to support? we'll try to help but i think, this message doesn't come from us.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • @G String Can we make a payment change after the invoice has been sent? Also whilst I'm at it- Are debit cards accepted too?

    I asked a question ti support and they said you can't change payment terms at this point. Bank wire transfer it is for me. Is a wire transfer account to account? Can I use a credit card to do this as i want to have documentation of the transaction?

  • @G String Can we make a payment change after the invoice has been sent? Also whilst I'm at it- Are debit cards accepted too?

    we don't accept debit cards, one paypal, credit card and wire. as for changing the type of payment after the invoice has been send - you need to check that with sales by email. i cannot make a general statement on that.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • i haven't seen a message like this before. does it come from paypal or a credit card company? could you email a screenshot to support? we'll try to help but i think, this message doesn't come from us.

    No problem. Just took a screen shot and sent a message through the shop.kempermusic "contact us" form. Will send the screenshot when I get a reply in email.

  • deadpan, sambrox -
    you can change the method of payment by logging into your kemper store account and perform the following tasks:

    - select "change payment method" and change it to something appropriate
    - go to "my orders", select the order in question and choose "repeat order" followed by filling in your CC / Paypal details

    that should be all you need to do. the replay you've received from customer service was misleading - hope that clears it up for you now

    Thanks G String. You're my hero!


  • Ok. Thanks for the reply G String.
    I must say that overall I've found the ordering process for the remote about as difficult as putting on a hat. Do l wish l was first in line, when l ordered at the same time as just about everyone else here? Hell yeah! :P To those first in line- GOOD ON YA just remember we'll all be expecting stonking reviews and insights- no pressure then 8o . Everyone else, me included, patience is a virtue.