Kemper Remote - order thread

  • would think when it says "US" they would format it "US".
    I know we Americans have limited knowledge possible in regards to our borders, not much exposure other than everyone coming here to Vacation (in my lovely warm state of Florida!) but what a mess...if they call for anything other than PayPal when it's time to get her....I'm undecided if I stay...yeeeeeezzzzz brain hurts from this rigmarole. I guess being a hillbilly I should've just played an Acoustic..LMAO!!

  • It is just logical to us in EU that we have to know :
    Country, city, and then street . Then you search a number on this street:)
    In US some things are different sometimes;)

    Oh yeah - it makes total sense (probably more sense than the US system). Just was worried about US delivery services getting confused ; )

    I ended up Just putting a "-" in the Number field for now, and the full "555 Some Street" in the Street field. Then if the number is before or after - US delivery won't get too confused.

  • I’ve been trying to order. I can’t get past “agreeing to the terms & conditions.” They are in German and there seems to be no way to agree to them.

    The page is not rendering correctly and there's a checkbox under some of the text. Clicking on the checkbox brings up a window with a long document document in German that I presume are the terms I'm supposed to agree to. There doesn't seem to be any place to agree to the terms.

    Bottom line: can't place the order.

  • The location of the checkbox where you have to select to click to agree to terms and conditions is a little off. Try clicking an inch or so the right. It will go through.

    Just ordered mine!!!!!

  • hi guys,
    thanks for all the reports and sorry for the bumpy ride so far. we'll make sure that the shopping experience will get much better over the next days. in any case, don't worry about the syntactical issues on the address field, we will take care of that.
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I've just ordered my Profiler Remote and started the countdown... :D
    I choosed the "pay in advance" option and I've immediately received a comfirmation email from Kemper Store. The email also contains the "instructions on the right of withdrawel" in English (in the site they are only in German Language... or am I wrong?).
    However, I have a question: in the comfirmation mail it's written "We will send you a seperate email including a proforma invoice in the next couple of days if the ordered products are available".
    We all know that in the next couple of days the Profiler Remote will not be available (unfortunately). What happens to my order? Will it be cancelled or is it conmfirmed till the pedalboard is available.
    Thanx! :thumbup:

  • Uh...we have states here in the U.S.
    No place to put the state. Zip code should get it here but not sure what CC company will think.
    No need to put United States if shipping from the U.S.
    The problem with the incorrect format may be with your credit card. When ordering online with a card, your address MUST match exactly.
    I am not sure if when we ordered if it did a card check or not. If they did and something was wrong it would not go through.
    If there was no check on the card, what will happen when they finally try to charge the card and the info is not correct or formatted properly? A bunch of failures?
    Hopefully it wont end up a major problem come shipping time.

    Come on guys, you are charging a premium for these things. We are buying them. So lets at least get the shipping right :whistling::thumbup: .
    I will recheck the U.S. store site to see if you correct the issues and maybe we can reput our information in correctly.


    Edited once, last by Inthrutheout (January 15, 2015 at 4:27 PM).

  • This whole ordering process is a little confusing. What I would like to do is place an order but pay for it later (shortly before it's available and about to ship). Is that possible? I signed up for the early bird thing but didn't realize the remotes weren't going to be available until march. I live in the US btw.

    Will the remotes be available for purchase on it's own from regular retailers? I thought I read something about them only being available standalone directly from Kemper, and retailers only selling them as part of a package with the KPA.

  • This whole ordering process is a little confusing. What I would like to do is place an order but pay for it later (shortly before it's available and about to ship). Is that possible? I signed up for the early bird thing but didn't realize the remotes weren't going to be available until march. I live in the US btw.

    Will the remotes be available for purchase on it's own from regular retailers? I thought I read something about them only being available standalone directly from Kemper, and retailers only selling them as part of a package with the KPA.

    Use your credit card and it wont be billed until around shipping time. Make sure you go to the U.S. Kemper store. Yes they say March but if you are not an early bird....who really knows.

  • It took a little bit to get done, but I got mine ordered last nite, used prepay= $$ 599 US, it says total amount due, I hope it does not add any more to the total at the time of shipping..

    It shouldn't but there should be a shipping charge. For my order in Canada, shipping was 50$ via DHL which was added to my order. I did it as the instructions did. The US store being the North American source for them.

  • I'm says that the US Store is for US Citizens and anyone not in US should order from International Store. So shouldn't Canada order go through International Store?

    This is from the Kemper Store website:
    "US American Store
    This store is for US citizens.
    Everybody located outside the US, please buy through the International store."

    Also, if you order from the International Store in Euros, you save approx. $100 due to exchange rate/price difference between Euro/US dollar compared to CDN $$. Total from International store was €469 (€419 excl. VAT + €50 shipping).

  • I'm says that the US Store is for US Citizens and anyone not in US should order from International Store. So shouldn't Canada order go through International Store?

    This is from the Kemper Store website:
    "US American Store
    This store is for US citizens.
    Everybody located outside the US, please buy through the International store."

    Also, if you order from the International Store in Euros, you save approx. $100 due to exchange rate/price difference between Euro/US dollar compared to CDN $$. Total from International store was €469 (€419 excl. VAT + €50 shipping).

    I think you are right, unless anyone from the mothership wants to say any different I would use the international store, it will save any confusion later IMHO