Best Speakers for Kemper?

  • Maybe you meant square meters? A band would hardly fit!

    Oops, a typo. Yes, of course I meant square meters :)

    I'm aware of the sub-par damping effect of the tiles. The wedge is quite harsh when turned up. At low/medium volume it is passable.
    Its placed on the floor in front of me about 2 meters from the wall facing it. Im standing with my back against the wall with the corner
    about one meter to my right.

  • I'd definitely try the cab elsewhere, in order to perceive how much the room affects your overall tone. Investing in a different cab might not be a solution... Just to be sure :)

    The tiles may be good, it's just that each material and shape interacts with a specific range of frequencies, and not others.

    A nice and revealing experience is running a frequency swap from 20 to 20k Hz (you can have them free on many sites) both to check the cab (maybe outdoor) and the room. This will show how the placement affects the sound :)


  • I have always had good results in my home studio (which is about 15 m2) through my ADAM-A7 studio monitors.
    Some of the studio walls are partly treated with ACOUSTI PRO foam and pyramid foam. The damping is slightly better
    but the room is also smaller than the rehearsal space. These monitors are relatively small but seriously loud speakers yet
    with exceptional clarity. The monitors are backed up by a Samsom Resolve 120 subwoofer.

    OK, so I made some corrective actions. I have not been particulary active on the Kemper pages for some time now so
    I discovered that there has been quite a few updates on the KPA OS :sleeping:=O . The PURE CAB option is a winner for sure
    and I wonder if not mr Kemper and his co-workers has changed the game once again ..... :thumbup:

    Update of KAOS.BIN from 2.7 to 3.2, activated the Pure Cab option with amount 6-8 on the knob

    Amazing.... The difference is clearly distinguishable. Good days are coming! So, guess what ? I also treated
    myself to a brand new DXR 10 to celebrate the "renaissance". :thumbup::D

  • I am am glad I found this thread as I was just going to ask similar questions.
    I owned a kemper back in 2012 s 2013 and got great results immediately , even with stock profiles. in my practice room 12x 14 or 12x 10 , can't remember,
    and just bought a new one a few weeks ago.
    However, I am in a different room, maybe12x14 feet.

    Using the same adam A7X , it sounds different. I am sure it is the room. This room is on the third floor, hardwood floors, while the old room had a carpet, was on the second floor ( so one room above the ceiling and basement below ... I say I am sure it is the room because I am using the same equipment ( new kemper and remote ) but many same profiles had saved on my computer. Unless 3.2.0 firmware changed the driven sounds as someone had eluded to in another thread ???? But assuming this is not the case.....

    Now, I am not sure how to EQ this at all.

    would one of you guru's give me some pointers on EQ ING ? Please be specific before and or after the amp . My cleans sound great, it's the more driven sounds that become not as clear or pleasing. Also the EQ in the stack section, , just not sure where to start . I don't know if there is a starting point for hardwood floors and some Windows .. Sorry if this is a dumb type question, but I have read and read about EQ, and I just can't figure out where to start.

    any suggestions would be most appreciated :)

    Thanks people


    Edited once, last by Jerryratpack (November 16, 2015 at 12:37 PM).

  • I cannot help you with EQing to a better tone cause I have never succeded to do his myself. Maybe other people
    are more persistent than myself and get better results. However, I do know that treating the walls and ceiling with
    audio dampening foam does help. This foam helps with the upper mids and treble frequencies. It will not however,
    make any difference with bass and lower mids. If you don't have base traps/diffusors you can get fair results by putting up
    a bookshelf along the rear wall and fill it up with books. Place books of different sizes and place the books irregularly within
    the shelf. This will help somewhat but do not expect miracles if you have problems in the bass region.

  • I cannot help you with EQing to a better tone cause I have never succeded to do his myself. Maybe other people
    are more persistent than myself and get better results. However, I do know that treating the walls and ceiling with
    audio dampening foam does help. This foam helps with the upper mids and treble frequencies. It will not however,
    make any difference with bass and lower mids. If you don't have base traps/diffusors you can get fair results by putting up
    a bookshelf along the rear wall and fill it up with books. Place books of different sizes and place the books irregularly within
    the shelf. This will help somewhat but do not expect miracles if you have problems in the bass region.

    interesting regarding the the book shelf ! I will be easing my pair of speakers off the floor, and also trying a repositioning / location within that room.

    This room has a few odd shapes including a vault type ceiling and one area that is sort of a cove that leads to a window. Picture and empty closet with no door and a window in the closet.

    I will ill look into that foam. I was very fortunate in the old room because everything sounded great right out of the box.. I think I was one of the few that actually found many stock profiles to be fantastic with minor tweaks .

    ThNks for the tips

  • Please keep in mind that the selection of the "best speaker" highly depends on what you plan to do with it. If you're a guy that loves fat, low oomp from palm muted high-gain amps, then you might have to go with a 12" or even better 15" speaker. If your more into regular classic rock, bluesrock stuff, then the 10" DXR10 is a safe bet for sure. It can even get loud enough for a high-gain orgy near a crazy drummer. But it doesn't have quite that massive low end when turned up. :)

  • 8o Thanks for your comparison !
    I tried them both and at first thought the dxr12 sounded a bith better at low bedroom volume, but I liked the dxr10 more at live gigs and at higher volumes.
    The DXR12 whas a bit flubby and boomy in the lows and I had to reduce the low freq a lot to avoid this at higher volumes.
    At higher volumes the DXR10 sounded better to my ears and I had to reduce the low freq still a bit on the dxr10 to get rid of the boomy low's ( but not as much as with the dxr12 )
    I dont think the DXR10 sounds boxy at all, but had to reduce the monitor precense a lot because I dont like the frfr hars highs :thumbdown:
    Now I like my DXR more than my Bogner 1x12 and 2x12 os Guitar cabs!
    By the way, using two DXR10's ( in mono) sounds much bigger and better to my ears than just one 8o