Kemper Newbie

  • Hello everyone

    I'm putting together a guitar rig for my one man band show
    At the moment I'm using a Line 6 Dream Rig [JTV69 guitar/HD500x/L2T FRFR speaker] but I'm not sold 100%

    I have a Bose L1 Model II with the Bose Tonematch little mixer and I'm using the Line 6 thru and it sounds decent

    I'm only using the Deluxe Reverb, Plexi, Boogie and the Acoustic sounds from the JTV69 from the HD500x direct to the Bose.
    I still have a few days to return the whole Line 6 system and get a Kemper Rack and use it thru my Bose L1 system

    Haven't tried the Kemper at all and I'm not sure what to expect.
    The only thing I have to compare is the Line 6 system but from what I have seen on You Tube the Kemper is WAY BETTER.

    Any pointers as to which would be a better system?
    The Kemper and Bose or Kemper and a FRFR power speaker then a second output into the Bose?

    Sorry for the long post but I'm totally new to the KPA and would like to know a little more before I jusmp right in.

    thanks a lot

    Charles ?(

  • You would not need an L1 *and* a separate FRFR speaker for the Kemper.

    I have a Bose L1, with one subwoofer that I have used with my Kemper for close to 100+ gigs. It works very well with the Kemper. With the Bose tower at ear level, the Bose sounds pretty much the same, regardless of the kind of room, and no matter what size stage.

    I also have a Yamaha DXR10 that I have used with the Kemper for close to 50 gigs. The sound of it is a little more dependent on the room/stage, but it is one small cabinet to carry, compared to carrying three or four Bose pieces.

  • Hey Paults

    Thanks a lot for your reply
    I know I don't need another speaker… bear with me...

    Right now I'm on a pickle because after having the Line 6 Dream Rig with the Variax JTV69, HD500x and FRFR L2T speaker I got some decent sounds BUT….
    I haven't heard how much better the Kemper is compared to the Line 6… All I heard is thru You Tube videos etc…
    I'm not doubting the Kemper is that much better is just that I've never heard it before...

    The only amps I'm using at the moment and can cover pretty much the whole show are the Deluxe Reverb, Plexi, Boogie and the acoustic modeling from the Variax JTV69.

    As second rig option I can buy a PRS P22 that has the Piezo/acoustic sounds and the Kemper and a pedalboard to control the Kemper but it's a lot more $$$
    And was wondering if the extra $$ equals a MUCH BETTER sounding system for my one man band setting.

    Any thoughts between both system?
    Is the Kemper that much better in a one man band setting thru my Bose L1 Model 2?

    Just want to get a better feel on the Kemper or I should do well with my current setting and get the Kemper later on…!

    thanks a lot for your help

    PS:Cool band

  • The Kemper will sound (and feel) just like you have a Deluxe Reverb, a Plexi and a Boogie miced up, and are listening to them through the Bose. It does not have anything in it that will give you the six and twelve string acoustic models in the Variax.

    If the HD500X sounds that good to you, or sounds more than good enough for what you need, pairing it with the Variax is a powerful combination.

    The Variax is a more versatile guitar than just about any other option ( although, a Roland GK-3 pickup on any guitar, plugged into a GR-55 can do acoustics/electrics+amps/synths)

    In addition to PRS - Parker, Godin, and others make electrics with Piezo bridges, but they aren't as convincing as the Variax.

    PS: Thanks!
    OR - If you don't play both electric and acoustic within a song, an acoustic with a pickup could be used for the acoustic songs.

  • paults

    The closest I had been to modeling was a Vox Tonelab and the sounds were nice in a band context [Drums, bass and 2 guitars]
    I do like the HD500x and the Variax option is a great combination but I never heard a Kemper or AXE FX in person to hear how superior they are.

    The thing about the Line 6 DREAM RIG is the versatility and convenience it brings to the performer.
    One guitar, One pedalboard, One FRFR speaker… Let's Rock n Roll….
    I have the FRFR L2T speaker and it does make a difference in the sound since it pre configure itself for electric and acoustic presets and maximize those settings

    Another option is to get the Kemper and an acoustic/electric like a Taylor 312ce and switch between them.
    I already have a 1995 PRS McCarty that it's my #1 and that I adore...

    Ahhh so many options to go thru… I guess I'll end up owning all of the above… lol

    I'm more confused than before… lol

    What rig would you recommend me for a One Man Band type of show?


  • If you like your current rig - stay with it.For what you do (A- and E-guitar) easy sound switching of guitars and amp tones...The l6 system may be the best.The KPA has much better amp tones - but your current system is more flexibel for your use case.

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    Great Profiles -->

  • If you like your current rig - stay with it.For what you do (A- and E-guitar) easy sound switching of guitars and amp tones...The l6 system may be the best.The KPA has much better amp tones - but your current system is more flexibel for your use case.

    Stay at first at your normal gear. Check out your Kemper in minimum one year. Then you can imagine what is possible and what could be better. After this time check out the FR-FR. Somebody feel great with it and other regret the costs. Step by step. And Paults is right, too.

    And its better to write more for understanding and description than too less. ;)

  • Welcome!

    In addition to the answers above:

    At the moment I'm using a Line 6 Dream Rig [JTV69 guitar/HD500x/L2T FRFR speaker] but I'm not sold 100%

    I have a Bose L1 Model II with the Bose Tonematch little mixer and I'm using the Line 6 thru and it sounds decent

    I don't know what 'not 100%' or decent means in this context.
    1. Positively speaking it could mean: Easy rig and 'good enough for Rock'n'Roll' :) )
    2. Negatively it could mean: Something is missing.

    If your perspective is more like no.1, then stay with your rig.
    If it's more like no.2, try the Kemper.
    The Kemper will give you SUPERIOR amp tones, but the system will not be as integrated as with the HD500 because of the Variax controlling possibilities of the HD.

  • Hey guys loooong day at work...

    Thanks so much for your honest comments
    Just because of this camaraderie I must join the Kemper family soon

    It's true the Line 6 Integration is too good to pass… AT THIS MOMENT….
    Perhaps in a few months after gigging with the Line 6 system, I'll graduate to the Kemper Rack
    The only think missing is the Kemper pedalboard controller [That I would love to learn more about it if you guys can help]

    I'm still thinking I could send everything back and get the Kemper and the PRS P22, which I never heard the piezo acoustic sound in person
    I own a few PRS's and love the quality and sounds but never heard the Piezo in person to see how believable it sounds… just over You Tube
    But if it's not that believable sounding like "paults" mentioned, then I'll wait… [I wish I'd have the $$$ to buy everything at once… X( ]

    I'm so glad that this forum is objective so far and that means a lot
    I also was looking at the AXE-FX II but when you end up adding everything is just too much…
    plus I never heard it in person and tried with my guitars...

    I will definitely stick around so I can learn as much as possible so when the time comes I'll feel familiar with the KPA.
    Still a lot of questions to be made but thanks so much for making me feel like family,

    truly appreciated.


    Edited once, last by Mastersonics (October 15, 2014 at 3:49 AM).

  • When you say you'll upgrade to the rack do you mean the powered Kemper?

    You should be aware that it will not be possible to just buy the poweramp at a second stage, unless you buy a Camplifier (a third-part, retrofit power amp)

  • "But if it's not that believable sounding like "paults" mentioned, then I'll wait…"

    You may have misunderstood me. It DOES sound and feel like the original amps, including the microphone and placement used to profile the amp. If the amp was profiled with a flat response condenser mic, the profile will sound like the amp.

    Other products will eventually come along to compete with the Kemper, but they will not sound or feel more like the original amps than the Kemper does now,

    BUT, choosing the Line 6 integration makes sense to me, for a solo gig. When I was doing some solo gigs on the side, I used an Ovation acoustic with a GK3 pickup, and a Roland GR55 into the Bose. It was the same idea - plug in, and play :)

  • When you say you'll upgrade to the rack do you mean the powered Kemper?

    You should be aware that it will not be possible to just buy the poweramp at a second stage, unless you buy a Camplifier (a third-part, retrofit power amp)

    good point viabcroce

    I meant the KPA Rack without power but it's a good point to discuss because when the times comes to buy the KPA I need to be 100% certain between the passive or powered KPA Rack

    I'm leaning more towards the active FRFR wedge type of speaker enclosure at this moment but I'm a newbie that needs more info...


  • ose L1 Model II with the Bose Tonematch

    Bose L1 Model II with the Bose Tonematch

    Talk about timing .... and good luck on your part .... I too own a BOSE L1 MODEL II and although my avatar says Beginner the only thing that makes me this is that this is first time I have looked over the forum... Otherwise what I am about to tell you try and do is from many years of experience as a musician and as an engineer. I am doing exactly what you are planning to do with the Bose setup..... Okay now the good stuff .... First off let me say that the Bose L1 MODEL II is outstanding ! With that said the BOSE " TONEMATCH " is the L1 MODEL II worst enemy ! Let me elaborate as I have one of those less than stellar things sitting collecting dust.... First off the good of the tone match is the ability to store presets ... whoopee ding..... The bad thing is the input pre-amps are terrible most likely using smd caps and resistors which after that analog audio quality downgrade then sucked into the the digital domain to be forever lost too the whim of the the a-d conversion ----Processing algorithms ----and spit out the d-a digitally to the L1 MODEL II... So your first impression might have been this sounds pretty good..... Now if your satisfied with pretty good ..... save yourself the time of reading any more of this... BUUUUUUT if you want totally awesome to be the standard I am about to send you to sonic heaven ..... Which will be the best @$250.00 you have ever spent on your live music system..... But first lets do a comparison....

    What I would like to do is this ......
    1.Set up a preset up on the Kemper that you think sounds pretty good on the Tonematch mixer and take a good listen and get familiar with how it sounds in your room.....
    2. Now remove the tone match from the L1 MODEL II .
    3. Connect the Kempers 1/4 main output into the Bose L1's ANALOG input ! Let the angels begin to sing ! There should be no contest .... The TONEMATCH mixer is a self defeating HI pass filter that sucks the life out of your music. Still not convinced ? Time for some hard core reality...... If you have backing tracks or a music player repeat this experiment using one channel of it..... Again a total Sonic improvement revelation.....
    The solution that makes the Bose L1 MODEL II shine like a diamond......

    I suggest you purchase an Allen and Heath ZED 10FX mixer ! They are around $250.00 USD is outstanding ! The EQ is top notch .... HP SHELF MID PARAMETRIC LP SHELF.
    You can twiddle the Tone Match until your head spins and it will never even come close to the fat and warm sound the ALLEN and HEATH delivers.....

    Without a doubt that Allen and Heath mixer with the Bose L1 Model II is the absolute best sounding compact system I have ever heard..... Period ....

    Get one from a source with a 30 day return and try it .... You'll be selling your Tonematch mixer the day after you get the Allen and Heath going.
    FYI: The ZED 10 has a built in effects buss .... In my situation I use outboard effects .... Nevertheless the price of admission for the mixer is worth every penny..... !
    Let me know what you discover.

  • Hi SgtPepper

    Thanks so much for the detailed description but I don't have a KPA yet.

    What I have is the Line 6 Dream Rig that will start with for a few months then I'll jump into the KPA.


  • Understood!

    Plenty of time to decide powered/unpowered, but, if you already have powered cabinet(s), the unpowered Kemper is much cheaper than the powered Kemper.


    Hi paults

    2 questions:

    1. Why I have to log in every time if I'm registered? [Not as a Kemper owner of course]
    It says that I should be logged for at least 4 weeks but after 10 minutes or so I have to sign in again
    Please explain if you know, it's driving me crazy plus if I follow a link it defaults into the forum main page and not the actual thread…. HELP…!!!!!

    2. What about the pedalboard that suppose to be ready by the end of the year?
    Any links or pictures, renderings etc…?


  • 2 questions:

    1. Why I have to log in every time if I'm registered? [Not as a Kemper owner of course]
    It says that I should be logged for at least 4 weeks but after 10 minutes or so I have to sign in again
    Please explain if you know, it's driving me crazy plus if I follow a link it defaults into the forum main page and not the actual thread…. HELP…!!!!!

    Try to clear your cache.

    2. What about the pedalboard that suppose to be ready by the end of the year?
    Any links or pictures, renderings etc…?

    No link yet, but a few pics in the big footcontroller thread here in the forum... :)

  • Plenty of time to decide powered/unpowered, but, if you already have powered cabinet(s), the unpowered Kemper is much cheaper than the powered Kemper.

    Yeah. The advantage of the Lunchbox format is that you can buy a Camplifier (a Lunchbox retrofit) whenever you decide to use a guitar cab, and install it yourself.
    You won't be able to do so with the rack.