• Michael's discounts are always very generous.

    When I got my Kemper last year I figured I'd get some commercial profiles from some of the most respected guys to hear the best that the Kemper could do. However, it was around Black Friday, and he had this kind of discount going on. After buying and playing a few, I ended up going back and buying everything he had while the sale was still on. Some of the best money I've ever spent.

    Wallets, beware. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Can anyone recommend a M Britt pack that’s good for 80’s rock & hair metal tones?

    I always recommend the Colonial pack 'cause I love the amp's thump and woody, organic goodness, Vernon.

    For me at least, it seems perfectly-suited to the genre.

  • I always recommend the Colonial pack

    That's a good one, indeed. Very versatile and organic.

    but I do like the Driftwood pack

    Me too, me too. That's indeed my absolute favorite since and it builds my basic go to performance in my Kemper (using 2 3 for the cleans and 1 8, 4 6 and 4 8 for the dirty tones). This is so awesome and works with many of my guitars perfectly.

    And although that amp does not play in the area of Michael's main engagements (as he states in the notes) he did an incredibly great job capturing the essence of that great amp. By the way Deej09 we talked about the Driftwood already a few weeks ago :)

    The 69 Marshall is a good one. The Crank N Go has some very nice stuff in it whereby I do not like the Friedman stuff in it too much.

    I'm tempted to use the anniversary sale and add the 65 ACE30 pack and either Profile Pack 2 or 3 as there are some gems in there as well.

  • The SSL issue should've been cleared up back in June. Try resetting your clearing the cache in your browser as it seems to be pulling up an old version of the page without the new SSL certificate. I'm not sure why. It seems to be fixed for most everyone by now. Sorry for the inconvenience. It's pulling up fine on every device I have. Thanks!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Indeed, DJ, and please tell us what you thought of the Colonial, Vernon! 8o :pinch:

    First impressions on the Colonial and Driftwood; both great!

    I like how the Colonial does that raw, breathing but not screaming Marshall tone (woody/organic, couldn’t describe it better Monkey_Man) - it reminds me of the Splawn Hot Rod. It’s great for the low grind hair metal that I love like Ratt and Motley Crue.

    The Driftwood is REALLY heavy and thrashy. Good for Racer X metal but a bit too much gain for my taste (and sloppy playing). It is a nice metal pack, probably the nicest I’ve come across.

    I’m most satisfied with the Guytron pack - three profiles out of this pack made it on to my KPA!! (Clean, Ch2, Ch3 type). It instantly felt like home to me, very very rich in harmonics and kind to my playing style. Lots of sustain, very nice cranked Marshall/ADA MP-1 type tone.

    Update: You guys reaaallllly need to check out the Guytron pack if you haven’t already. Just had a chance to crank it in rehearsal and it’s incredible

    Edited 2 times, last by vernon48 (September 23, 2019 at 7:38 PM).

  • The SSL issue should've been cleared up back in June. Try resetting your clearing the cache in your browser as it seems to be pulling up an old version of the page without the new SSL certificate. I'm not sure why. It seems to be fixed for most everyone by now. Sorry for the inconvenience. It's pulling up fine on every device I have. Thanks!

    Hi Michael. Thanks for your reply. It appears that the site was being flagged by Malwarebytes Pro, even after I cleared my Google Chrome Cache and Cookies. I disabled Malwarebytes, and was able to access your site. I just ordered the Crank 'n Go Pack and the Driftwood Pack.

    By the way, here is the warning I get when Malwarebytes Pro is enabled and running in the background:

    Cheers, and thanks again!


  • First impressions on the Colonial and Driftwood; both great!

    I like how the Colonial does that raw, breathing but not screaming Marshall tone (woody/organic, couldn’t describe it better Monkey_Man) - it reminds me of the Splawn Hot Rod. It’s great for the low grind hair metal that I love like Ratt and Motley Crue.

    The Driftwood is REALLY heavy and thrashy. Good for Racer X metal but a bit too much gain for my taste (and sloppy playing). It is a nice metal pack, probably the nicest I’ve come across.

    I’m most satisfied with the Guytron pack - three profiles out of this pack made it on to my KPA!! (Clean, Ch2, Ch3 type). It instantly felt like home to me, very very rich in harmonics and kind to my playing style. Lots of sustain, very nice cranked Marshall/ADA MP-1 type tone.

    Update: You guys reaaallllly need to check out the Guytron pack if you haven’t already. Just had a chance to crank it in rehearsal and it’s incredible

    On the Driftwood try experimenting by turning down the gain. I think you’ll be presently surprised. It’s a versatile pack IMOA.

    I have all the MBritt profiles (I need to get out more :/) and IR’s and yes the Guytron is very good Indeed. I honestly can’t say there is a bad pack in Michaels arsenal.