• I have been having issues importing using rig manager too. Sometimes it lets me drag them right onto the Kemper and sometimes it won’t and then I have to drag them into local library and then copy and paste into a performance on the Kemper. I’m not sure why it works sometimes and not others.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I have been having issues importing using rig manager too. Sometimes it lets me drag them right onto the Kemper and sometimes it won’t and then I have to drag them into local library and then copy and paste into a performance on the Kemper. I’m not sure why it works sometimes and not others.

    Ive had a problem doing the same but usually straight from the zipped file. Always best to export somewhere then import. Rig manager is a little temperamental though..like the missus.

  • RE: Grab N Go

    All great sounding profiles. Some I really like.
    I'm really enjoying /13 profiles. No surprise, they are among my favorites.
    The Carr Lincoln.....wow.
    Wooly Coats and Dr. Z. distort well with single coils and the Dr. Z is totally Paisley territory.

    But the Performances added are great. I'm heavily tempted to either use as-is or mix up for my
    other Performance slots.

    What I really like about the above mentioned profiles is that, even though I use single coils 90-95% of the time, they sound great for humbuckers with no tweaking on MY end. YMMV.
    I only use low to slightly boosted output humbuckers when I do so I'm sure that has an influence.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • RE: Grab N Go

    All great sounding profiles. Some I really like.
    I'm really enjoying /13 profiles. No surprise, they are among my favorites.
    The Carr Lincoln.....wow.
    Wooly Coats and Dr. Z. distort well with single coils and the Dr. Z is totally Paisley territory.

    But the Performances added are great. I'm heavily tempted to either use as-is or mix up for my
    other Performance slots.

    What I really like about the above mentioned profiles is that, even though I use single coils 90-95% of the time, they sound great for humbuckers with no tweaking on MY end. YMMV.
    I only use low to slightly boosted output humbuckers when I do so I'm sure that has an influence.

    I've only tried it with one guitar, so far, but with my Schecter C1 Classic, with a JB, these profiles sound perfect with the full humbucker or split (or tapped... I really don't know which this guitar has).

    At first glance, I'm guessing this pack has the highest amount of favorites to total profiles of any pack I'd bought. I was to the point where I wasn't buying many profiles, because I already had multiple of every amp I use. This one had a lot of unique amps in it, though, that I didn't already own.

    Another great pack, and probably your best work, so far, @lonestargtr!

  • That is a good idea on the demo video. I will try to do that. The only potential issue is on the song specific ones. They will get flagged for copyright infringement if I play the songs that I programmed the tones for. I’ll see what I can do though when I get back home. Thanks!

    Should be able to present those specific songs in transposed key, or in a "style of" type of presentation without infringing I believe.

  • What I really like about the above mentioned profiles is that, even though I use single coils 90-95% of the time, they sound great for humbuckers with no tweaking on MY end. YMMV.
    I only use low to slightly boosted output humbuckers when I do so I'm sure that has an influence.

    What I found sometimes with Michaels Rigs. The Rig Volumes are often less then from other vendors.
    This often gives our ears the impression that they are not so impressive when switching directly from another Rig.
    But it's easy to fix. ^^

  • What I found sometimes with Michaels Rigs. The Rig Volumes are often less then from other vendors.This often gives our ears the impression that they are not so impressive when switching directly from another Rig.
    But it's easy to fix. ^^

    I agree Sharry, and think it's more a case that other vendors, and the rig exchange is a classic example, that their output levels are too hot, often having the output volume several dB+ (Nice to leave some headroom for that roaring solo boost =O ) the loudness wars debate can start another thread....
    It's not a problem if you are aware of this and I expect/hope most people will work this out.
    I use Britt profiles exclusively and they are always well balanced in terms of volume output.
    Mike is very thorough with his profiling process and, for me, sets a standard.
    Perhaps not to everyone's taste/style but he certainly has a majority audience.

  • Bought Grab N Go- a great pack as usual.
    Love the Dr. Z, /13 and the carr lincoln profiles.
    Also the performances are great!
    Congrats Mike! Great Job.

    Has anyone of you guys tried the 3rd Power CSR Pack?

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day
    Last Exit Rockband

  • Bought Grab N Go- a great pack as usual.
    Love the Dr. Z, /13 and the carr lincoln profiles.
    Also the performances are great!
    Congrats Mike! Great Job.

    Has anyone of you guys tried the 3rd Power CSR Pack?

    CSR pack is very good - pretty flexible amp with all the flavours covered in this set.

    Edited once, last by Antipodes (June 23, 2018 at 7:02 PM).

  • grab n go is a great pack, indeed the 'stinky' is superb, all very good on single coil, thnx MBritt!!

    Yes, I've been noodling/testing this weekend, and I went for this pack to find some gritty single coil sounds after playing humbuckers for years.
    This has lots to choose from and I really like the performance additions. Great idea, please do that some more Michael!


  • Thanks Michael, How does a man compete with himself?
    I just had a test drive and now I want to swap out one of your other creations in a performance slot.
    That "Space" in the Mod slot was a perfect touch to that amp.
    A Lindy Fralin Dogear on a LP Jr. is a MoFo.
    Be Safe :thumbup:

  • Hi Guys,

    I'm holed up in the same hotel for a couple days in Chicago so I had time to dink around on my Kemper a bit. I posted a new blog and there's a free rig at the bottom. I'd be curious to get some feedback on the rig if you want to check it out:

    Today's Challenge - Steve Stevens


    It is tight, without being buzzy or fizzy. Sounds great with a JB. Nice a full, but still really tight. Also responds well to the volume knob. I like it! Thanks for sharing.