• I have owned the D-Pack since it came out. I am not really a dumble guy and I don't really listen to or play any fusion. But I got a 335 about six months ago and while using backing tracks on youtube to jam with to improve my chops, I fell into the "larry carlton" style backing track hole and started jamming along with those. I initially just used my go to MBritt profile which is the 70SL2 from pack 2. But after a while I decided to dig back into the D pack and see how it would work with my 335. Dumble ODS11 is my favorite overdrive profile from that pack, so I threw a quick video together this morning. There are some rough spots in my playing, but it gives you an idea of the tone.

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  • [Blocked Image: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lo…zpskce3ylgw.jpg]

    Just want to let you guys know that I just released my Colonial amp mini pack today. I profile a lot of amps and there are a lot that I like, but it's kinda rare for me to get really excited about amps after hearing so many. This amp is a special beast. It sounds great for everything from clean to overdriven lead tones and covers Marshall territory with a clarity and punch that is pretty unique. I won't be selling this amp any time soon, and the profiles are already making it into my live set performances. Hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for the support!

    Check it out here.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

    Edited once, last by lonestargtr (April 14, 2016 at 12:47 AM).

  • Had to wait a bit for the download to become active but other than that nothing to report. Purchased!

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • [Blocked Image: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lo…zpskce3ylgw.jpg]

    Just want to let you guys know that I just released my Colonial amp mini pack today. I profile a lot of amps and there are a lot that I like, but it's kinda rare for me to get really excited about amps after hearing so many. This amp is a special beast. It sounds great for everything from clean to overdriven lead tones and covers Marshall territory with a clarity and punch that is pretty unique. I won't be selling this amp any time soon, and the profiles are already making it into my live set performances. Hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for the support!

    Check it out here.

    Bought! Sounds like my search for the right profiles for my old band's new round of gigs is over! I've been constantly tweaking in rehearsal and soundcheck, trying to match my old Marshall amp (that I sold before the Profiler existed....), but with a more Fender-y clean sound. I too was never a massive fan of Marshall cleans, although the original plexi with attenuator I borrowed from the factory in Milton Keynes to record our album with in '97 sounded pretty sweet. Shame they wouldn't sell it to me! Anyway, thanks Michael! Clips sound awesome, can't wait to try them when I get home :)

  • So I downloaded the Heritage Colonial pack last night and got to spend about 30 minutes with it. I am a Marshall guy, so this was right up my alley. This pack is not a gained up marshall sound. You aren't going to be doing 80's hair band stuff with it. What it excels in is PUNCH. If you have ever sat in a room with a loud real vintage plexi, you have heard that punch. Think pick attack and air being moved. A lot of plexi profiles don't always catch that so well. These profiles do, especially the ones with the 212 cabinet and no pedals. The edge of breakup tones and vintage lower gain tones are amazing in this profile back. The tones are super crisp, very clear and the low end is tight. This morning I was fooling with the JTM45 setting. I raised the gain from 2.6 to 3.2 and threw a "confidence boost" front the Kemper in front of it. It sounded ACDC back in black to me, so I threw this quick clip together. It was one take, so don't bust my balls. There are a couple of tomatoes in the clip, but it should give you and idea of the tone. I am playing it through an atomic CLR cab off to the side. And yes, that's a Metropoulos 68 Plexi in the background, so I have a great plexi amp as a reference for this clip.

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  • Bought! Sounds like my search for the right profiles for my old band's new round of gigs is over! I've been constantly tweaking in rehearsal and soundcheck, trying to match my old Marshall amp (that I sold before the Profiler existed....), but with a more Fender-y clean sound. I too was never a massive fan of Marshall cleans, although the original plexi with attenuator I borrowed from the factory in Milton Keynes to record our album with in '97 sounded pretty sweet. Shame they wouldn't sell it to me! Anyway, thanks Michael! Clips sound awesome, can't wait to try them when I get home :)

    Oh man, judging by Michael's clips there's Dust Junkys tone in them there hills, Brother Sam!

    Seriously, on first impressions it seems this could very well be just the ticket; I'm excited for you mate!

    ... It was one take, so don't bust my balls.
