• I was reading his writeup on the Rockman and at first played them in headphones. On the gain ones I was like "wah? this sounds like a telephone" Then next day I played it live. Now I get it. Classic tone. Very distinctive. Unique. Unusual. But I get it now. Headphones don't do it justice!

  • I'm halfway though pack 3 and loving it! Great job and maybe my favorite yet. One thing that might be cool is to try a different set of speakers for the next pack to add some variety of tone. Maybe a mismatch - V30 and greenback or..... take your pick with all the great combos out there. With the whole new style of making profiles (V3) this might not be that interesting to some but for me it would be very useful. You could even make a pack based on the speaker configuration - focus on a "vintage fender" pack with a cab loaded with jensens. Or attack some of these amps that you've already done (or similar) with the intended speakers... Whatever you do, please don't stop making profiles. :)

  • There is no way to hang in Nashville and NOT find great amps all over to profile.

    That would be like trying to cure a gambling problem living in Las Vegas! ;)

    I think the only question is whether it's going to be "Pack 4" or "Pack IV"!

  • I hate sitting here with Mike's pack 3 loaded in my KPA and my right hand in a cast so I can't play. Cast come off on Thursday and then I back to playing the 3P MBC all day.

    There are also a few tweks on the Dumbles I want to do.


    Mats N

  • I hate sitting here with Mike's pack 3 loaded in my KPA and my right hand in a cast so I can't play. Cast come off on Thursday and then I back to playing the 3P MBC all day.

    There are also a few tweks on the Dumbles I want to do.


    Mats N

    Get well soon!

  • Well Mats, I'm gonna list which of these 60 beautiful babes hit my FAVORITES folder, and hopefully the drooling will soften that thing off!

    It's rare that more than 5-10 per 100 make my Fav folder.
    This one had 21 of 60, so the variety of standout profiles among standout profiles is a solid bang for the buck for me:

    3P MB ABRIL 2 3 (I added some comp)
    Fried AHole 10
    Jack Lightning
    Mars Askew 4 Time
    O-RANGE AD30 2 1
    O-RANGE AD30 2 3 (so nice, i added twice)
    Sold a PRS 3
    Voice 15 3
    Voice 15 5
    5E3 Dix 4 2
    67 Lowman 3
    70 Mars IMP Archer 2
    Boggy Soul A7
    Brit JTM45 2
    Cal Texan 1 1
    Cal Texan 2 5
    Cal Texan BLUZ
    Ciampett 3
    Custodian C+ 1 (this custodian amp is a dark horse WOW)
    Custodian C+ 3
    Custodian C+ 6

    Of the other 60, 57 stayed on the Kemper.
    Which is a problem since I am trying to keep it below 200 for simplicity's sake.
    May have to go through and cull more from the profile garden.

    These MBritt profiles grow like weeds but come up roses on my KPA, lol.

  • Hi
    As a total Kemper newbie just have to say after spending a lot of time sifting through the many 1000's of user profiles.
    I was getting pretty fatigued with it all as the rig exchange is a great thing but trying to find gold in this avalanche can be hard at times.

    I first downloaded the D pack and was totally impressed with what are a really great set of profiles my faith in this Kemper idea was restored.

    I also a few days later downloaded the new pack 3

    Again thanks for all the great work I have been lost in the JTM and JMP20 they are very well done and super flexible with gain. Gorgeous

    Look forward to the future packs

  • Hi
    As a total Kemper newbie just have to say after spending a lot of time sifting through the many 1000's of user profiles.
    I was getting pretty fatigued with it all as the rig exchange is a great thing but trying to find gold in this avalanche can be hard at times.

    I first downloaded the D pack and was totally impressed with what are a really great set of profiles my faith in this Kemper idea was restored.

    I also a few days later downloaded the new pack 3

    Again thanks for all the great work I have been lost in the JTM and JMP20 they are very well done and super flexible with gain. Gorgeous

    Look forward to the future packs

    Forget waiting for a "future pack". You apparently haven't downloaded Pack 2 which is KILLER. The CAA keeps me up at nights. I hear the pentatonic as background music when I fall to sleep.

    I'm not suggesting you go poor. But that is THE MBritt pack in my book. Well, maybe because it was my first love, haha.