• Nice little commercial for the MBritt profiles.

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    Anxiously awaiting the Dumble Pack and Profile Pack 3

  • Hi,

    I just posted a new tune where I used one of Michael's Dumble ODS profiles tweaked for maximum dynamics. So rewarding to play and it really highlights the KPA as a musical instrument in its own right. I posted it in my thread about the upcoming Dumble pack.


    Mats N

  • I just purchased both of the Michael Britt profiles and couldn't be happier. Just really strong, strong profiles across the board. Really loving the profiles many others have mentioned (/13, Marshalls, Trainwrecks, VOX, Dumble, Matchless) but have also been playing the Headstrong and Naylors quite a bit.

    Which brings me to a 'problem' (and while I say this tongue-in-cheek, it actually *is* becoming a real problem) -- I've now purchased so many excellent profiles (not just from Michael but some from AF, soundside, etc.) that it's been bogging down my workflow. My KPA 'favorite' and 'star' rating systems are essentially useless as it seems like everything is checked or at the highest rating. ANytime I go to audition profiles prior to recording, I end up 'wasting' (fun wasting, but wasting nonetheless! ;) fifteen minutes or so noodling on each auditioned profile. I can really understand now why people simply cull their KPA down to a handful of profiles just to avoid this...but when I try to do this I don't want to cull anything (lol)! And again while I recognize this is clearly a 'first world' problem for guitar recording, it actually seems to becoming a legitimate problem -- it's very easy to get lost in sampling and playing presets rather than recording actual music.

    Anyway it's quite a fine problem to have :) My Orange TT and other lower watt heads have been collecting dust (they're great! but it takes time to set up for recording, and I have a lousy room for recording...it's become a question of why bother when the KPA's profiles are easier and frankly better-sounding given my room constraints). I have a VOX AC15 that I'll probably keep just for when guitar friends come over to play, but I think everything else is gonna go.

    Thanks Michael for the great-sounding profiles!!

    PS - also loved the liner notes for Michael's stuff, particularly the note about how the '72 Marshall was *submerged* at one point (LOL Michael you can't pay your techs enough...maybe I should start dousing my amps with water?!) as well as the origin of the 'assman' model name...

  • It's not so much the 'choosing' as it is the 'lingering'. (Which is another way to say, I really am enjoying *playing* the profiles :) I've just got to discipline myself a bit better so that I'm still getting songs done.

    It was more a general comment about how sometimes there's a paralysis effect when you have too many options. (I guess the same could be said for mixing where there suddenly seem to be a ton of useful and great-sounding plugins). I'm guessing that if I had just a couple of profiles and a couple of plugins, I'd get more accomplished...but then again, it probably wouldn't sound as good (and wouldn't be nearly as much fun!)

  • It was more a general comment about how sometimes there's a paralysis effect when you have too many options. (I guess the same could be said for mixing where there suddenly seem to be a ton of useful and great-sounding plugins).  I'm guessing that if I had just a couple of profiles and a couple of plugins, I'd get more accomplished...but then again, it probably wouldn't sound as good (and wouldn't be nearly as much fun!)

    Actually, this is the advice of Cochrane from the Recording Revolution. So I grabbed a few plugins I got recently 2 Compressors, 1 EQ, 1 Volume control (for Trim) etc and started playing redoing a mix of an older song and it's amazing how before I WAS paralyzed with plugings (I have Waves Horizon, etc) but FORCING myself to only choose 1 or 2 per type I was able to just ROLL with spending a few hours mixing instead of choosing, or avoiding because I knew the choice would take time (comparing plugins, etc)  

    The results? Never sounded better. All that comparison stuff takes you away from evaluating the actual mix as well.

  • Which brings me to a 'problem' (and while I say this tongue-in-cheek, it actually *is* becoming a real problem) -- I've now purchased so many excellent profiles (not just from Michael but some from AF, soundside, etc.) that it's been bogging down my workflow. My KPA 'favorite' and 'star' rating systems are essentially useless as it seems like everything is checked or at the highest rating. ANytime I go to audition profiles prior to recording, I end up 'wasting' (fun wasting, but wasting nonetheless! ;) fifteen minutes or so noodling on each auditioned profile. I can really understand now why people simply cull their KPA down to a handful of profiles just to avoid this...but when I try to do this I don't want to cull anything (lol)! And again while I recognize this is clearly a 'first world' problem for guitar recording, it actually seems to becoming a legitimate problem -- it's very easy to get lost in sampling and playing presets rather than recording actual music.


    I have had a similar problem but found a way of working that works for me. YMMV!

    What I did was the following steps:
    1. Copy my KPA rigs to the Rig Manager (RM)
    2. Delete everything from the KPA that I had not used for the past 3 months
    3. Delete everything I knew I probably would not use.
    4. Select my favorite rigs and assign them to MIDI Program Change numbers so I can select them from my MIDI pedal.

    This way I know I have great profiles directly accessible from my pedal. If these don't work in the context of the song I'm working on then I can browse the KPA. If that's not enough (never happened so far) I can browse the old set up from RM or go to the Rig Exchange and search.

    To make sure I still get noodling time with new profiles I set aside time for just that. No pressure to get anything productive done, just hone my profile setup and have fun playing.


    Mats N

  • Right now I've got my eye on pack 2.:)

    I already have Pack 2 and as a Christmas vacation treat for myself I'm going to spend a massive amount of time with the Marshall profiles in it. They are very good but I have a feeling they are VERY tweakable and if they are as tweakable as Mike's Dumble profiles, then I will have a fun Christmas.


    Mats N

  • Nice little commercial for the MBritt profiles.

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    Anxiously awaiting the Dumble Pack and Profile Pack 3

    Just thought I'd add, I'm LOVING that white Suhr Strato-pass-me-off-for that Mr. Thorn's playing. Gotta get me one of those....


  • I may as well join the group giving kudos. Purchased the packs while back when they were released and usually when purchasing any commercial packs I just go through all the profiles quickly to get some overall taste, but didn't work with these as I got stuck all the time just jamming with those profiles. :thumbup: So the usual quick 10 minutes walk through came off as 4 hours quick test session. And now 95% of the profiles in KPA for live usage are from these two Britt packs, the rest are used from RM on need basis.

    Btw. digging those P.T.'s tweaks on the profiles, they work also for my guitars very well.

  • I'm loving these profiles as well! Once I got my Kemper and these profiles, I haven't so much time playing guitar since I was a teenager. I do "waste" a lot of time searching for a tone to record with. I think I need to leave them on the Kemper cause the tunes I work on require a variety of tone. It will take some time to learn where all these sounds work.

  • I'm loving these profiles as well! Once I got my Kemper and these profiles, I haven't so much time playing guitar since I was a teenager. I do "waste" a lot of time searching for a tone to record with. I think I need to leave them on the Kemper cause the tunes I work on require a variety of tone. It will take some time to learn where all these sounds work.

    I record with a variety of tones, too - it depends largely on the genre. I save the ones I've recorded with on the Kemper (with song-specific names), so I can easily find them and re-use them for similar music.