• djayart - "Can i have more details about the cabs on the two Marshall amp please? Loudspeakers and cabs used ? Thanks" - I just had heads so I used my 3rd Power 212 cab. That's what I usually do anyway to keep a little consistency between profiles. There are lots of guys doing whole rigs with different cabs and all but I just prefer mine using the same or more similar cabs. The speaker I'm mic'ing is a Celestion Classic Lead 80 and I'm mic'ing it with an SM57 and a Cascade Fathead II mic (about 75% as loud as 57).

    Thanks for the detail. Nice choice for the Celestion :)

  • Wow man what a great mood in this song,i love it...Great work!!

    Hi Bigb,

    What a nice tune. I never managed to combine acoustic and electric the way you did here. Also I never could make any Dumble style amp work for me when using OD and a Strat style guitar. You make it sound good.


    Mats N

    I quite agree, great haunting mood Bigb. Simple, elegant, well done!

    Bigb6611 - Your track sounds great. Very cool mood and I love the slow vibrato.

    bigb6611, Really love the tone and mood of this tune. Awesome

    Hey guys, I appreciate the kind comments, thank you! ^^

    @MBritt: I am really enjoying your profiles. To me they are pretty much all keepers. One thing I like is the consistency - I guess having all amps profiled through the same speaker/mic combination is part of the equation. Great idea. I have yet to try the profiles in a live situation. Can't wait!

    Cheers guys

  • Consistancy is a good word. Not only for volume levels between profiles of the same amp and the differing amps, but between my differing guitars. Its rare that one profile fits all my guitars.

    I've profiled a decent bit and this mystifies me, so I'm enjoying the magic!

  • I concur. I'm not at tweeker and knowing I can switch between a /13, Princeton, Bogner, Dumble, or CAA without a huge change in eq or the volumes being all over place is fantastic. I've purchased hundreds of dollars of profiles so far and these are easily the most usable live. Please keep doing it the way you're doing it and I will purchase everything you put out. Thanks Mike!

  • I concur. I'm not at tweeker and knowing I can switch between a /13, Princeton, Bogner, Dumble, or CAA without a huge change in eq or the volumes being all over place is fantastic. I've purchased hundreds of dollars of profiles so far and these are easily the most usable live. Please keep doing it the way you're doing it and I will purchase everything you put out. Thanks Mike!

    Yeah, I don't know how he does that. I normally always have to tweak to get a good live sound with my power amp and guitar cab but these profiles sounds superb live as they are as well as in headphones, etc. Didn't even know that was possible.

  • I just bought the MB pack 2 and can confirm they lean towards the "dark side." I haven't done any recording with them yet but was curious if this pack was geared more towards live work verses studio work? I've never used the kemper live before so didn't know if a darker tone translates better. Also, one thing is sure, all our ears are different so one man's too dark is another's just right:-)

    music producer/guitarist
    4 room facility running Logic, PT and DP-
    Current amps-Kemper, Peavy C30, Fender Blues Deville- lots of pedals
    DBW Studio | YouTube | Facebook
    come and profile your amp at my studio!

  • I totally agree. Everyone's ears are different. I think sheer volume has some to do with it as well. When I'm playing in my home office at lower volume I find myself reaching for the treble and presence knobs more and when I'm onstage with a loud drummer I end up flattening them back out a little. It's really rare when a profile needs the same eq'ing at low and high volumes.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Agree with this as well. These profiles are so suitable for live usage because they just aren't that trebly and over-presenced. At home with low I tend to turn the treble knob up a little as well but I'm a pretty loud player onstage and I never ever play that loud at home. And at that stage volume these profiles really come alive!

  • Hi,

    Mike's profiles just keep inspiring me to write more tunes. This tune came to me when I was trying out profiles from Pack 2 and found the Victoria amp. Wow! Then there's the Vibro-King. Both these sound good and powerful with a 3 single coils strat style guitar which is a rare thing with any digital modeler out there. Even some real amp in the studio can't hang with Mike's profiles when it comes to being powerfully present and I can feel that when I play and it makes me play with more confidence and more dynamics.

    So this tune is very different from what I usually write and play. It's a medium tempo blues shuffle. The guitar for all tracks is a maple neck James Tyler Classic (with bacon) with three of his Hot Laura single coils. I play slide about once a year and almost never write tunes where it fits. But this one was an obvious slide thing to me and I really enjoyed writing and playing it. Right rhytyhm guitar = Vibro-King. Left rhythm guitar = Victoria. Slide and lead guitars used the 3P Black Clean 1 profile from Pack 1 with compressor, boost and Green Screamer in Stomp slots A, B and C.

    I hope you enjoy it!

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    In case you want to play this tune, you can find the backing track to this tune (and all my other tunes) in the music section of my web site http://www.nermark.com


    Mats N

  • Hey folks,

    just my 2cents to Mike's profiles .... I do not know what it is but I stick since several weeks just with the Princeton profile. It sounds very real and natural and I ask myself.. Do I need really more..? May be a very ascetic POV? I made 3 profiles with changing gain out of the Princeton profile and add more overdrive if at all needed with my pedals. It is just a perfect fit for me and very happy with it. Thanks Mike!

    Cheers Sacapuntas

  • Mats, great tones!
    Could you list your compressor, boost, and green scream settings for me if you wouldn't mind?
    Just looking for a ballpark, and why you use the boost and green scream together?

    I will say, mbritt has found some GREAT compressor pedal settings here. Not sure if mat tweaked them, or if you have the Britt packs, but his general compressor settings are intensity at 5.5, attack I think around 4.3, and he runs the mix at about 45% and volume at +o.5. These settings for me are pure gold with Mild OD or clean tones, even with both engaged. They seem to just fatten everything
    up perfectly, I often leave his compressor on always.

  • I will say, mbritt has found some GREAT compressor pedal settings here. Not sure if mat tweaked them, or if you have the Britt packs, but his general compressor settings are intensity at 5.5, attack I think around 4.3, and he runs the mix at about 45% and volume at +o.5. These settings for me are pure gold with Mild OD or clean tones, even with both engaged. They seem to just fatten everything
    up perfectly, I often leave his compressor on always.

    Agreed. I saved it off for use with other rigs :thumbup:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer