FW 2.6 thread

  • i've just tried the current firmware with it's LFC feature through my dual 4x12 rig - YES you can definately feel the difference. :thumbup:
    I've just tried my go-to Marshall DSL100 profiles and it's noticeable at the first palm mute. :D

    UNBELIEVABLE - that's the bass response I was missing sometimes.

    I used to compensate this with a studio EQ (X Slot) boosting 1-3 dB with the low filter starting at 100-130 Hz - but these EQ settings are finally obselete.

  • Like pretty much everyone else this has finally fixed this niggling bass thing that bugged me since day 1, this is absolutely wonderful. The effect is 2 fold. Now almost every patch sounds glorious on the Kemper, very very few are unusable or sound bad. This is an absolutely massive difference! The issue for me now is I have to go back and basically re-do the entire kemper from scratch. I get there is the LFC button and all but that is not good enough. I need to go back and re-tune and re-listen to pretty much everything. Its almost like getting a brand new Kemper in all honesty.

    One thing, the bass effect is kind of understated. It actually makes a difference in not only the feel but the upper mids and treble. I just love the new sound .

  • Quick questions...My other Guitarist and I are both running 2.3.3 as well as FCB1010's with Uno for Kemper chips. He has an upgraded chip but I am running the original chip. With the fantastic reviews of FW 2.6 I need to know the following:

    1. Do we need to do anything special to our profilers or our current profiles (besides the LFC or tweaking of course) or just load up new 2.6 and keep on jamming. Do we just backup what we are utilizing to put back in the new firmware or have to do something else..??

    2. Will my current chip have a negative impact on the rewards of the new 2.6?

    Thanks in advance for the assistance!!

  • Quick questions...My other Guitarist and I are both running 2.3.3 as well as FCB1010's with Uno for Kemper chips. He has an upgraded chip but I am running the original chip. With the fantastic reviews of FW 2.6 I need to know the following:

    1. Do we need to do anything special to our profilers or our current profiles (besides the LFC or tweaking of course) or just load up new 2.6 and keep on jamming. Do we just backup what we are utilizing to put back in the new firmware or have to do something else..??

    2. Will my current chip have a negative impact on the rewards of the new 2.6?

    Thanks in advance for the assistance!!

    I would always encourage backing up your Kemper before doing an upgrade (if not just to have it around even if you aren't doing an upgrade).

    If your FCB1010 and Uno4Kemper is working on 2.33, then it will work fine on 2.6. The big change in Uno4Kemper chips happened when performance mode was put in in 2.xx. As long as your FCB1010 is already doing that, then there are no other changes I am aware of that you would need to upgrade for.

    What version of the Uno4Kemper chip do you have?

    You can always revert to an older version of firmware on your Kemper if something is fishy ;)

  • Thanks, yes I realize all of the backup info etc. The chip is the 1st run 1.0ver and I am upgrading because I'm hoping to improve the feel and use of the Vol and Wah. I was after any details that we may have to do to our profiles, rigs or otherwise going from 2.3.3 to the 2.6

    Thanks for the reply.

  • Thanks, yes I realize all of the backup info etc. The chip is the 1st run 1.0ver and I am upgrading because I'm hoping to improve the feel and use of the Vol and Wah. I was after any details that we may have to do to our profiles, rigs or otherwise going from 2.3.3 to the 2.6

    Thanks for the reply.

    No precautions necessary. Simply backup (always recommended, just in case...), then update. ;)

  • LFC: I would say the difference is significant but subtle at the same time... (I posted my listening experience on p. 7) and regarding posting a recording - a compressed audio file would mask the audible differences. Just install 2.6 and turn on and off LFC switch listening over studio monitors.


  • Has anybody recorded before / after 2.6 upgrade samples so we can hear how big of a difference it is?

    No need, you can toggle a switch in the system settings in order to compare before/after by enabling/disabling the setting. The difference varies depending on the rig, on some profiles it's barely noticeable, on others it's a substantial difference.

  • LFC: I would say the difference is significant but subtle at the same time... (I posted my listening experience on p. 7) and regarding posting a recording - a compressed audio file would mask the audible differences. Just install 2.6 and turn on and off LFC switch listening over studio monitors.

    What and where is this LFC switch please ?

  • Thanks, yes I realize all of the backup info etc. The chip is the 1st run 1.0ver and I am upgrading because I'm hoping to improve the feel and use of the Vol and Wah. I was after any details that we may have to do to our profiles, rigs or otherwise going from 2.3.3 to the 2.6

    Thanks for the reply.

    I would recommend getting the latest Uno4Kemper chip if you use your kemper for live purposes. The performance mode is very nice for this.

    Even without the upgrade, you are safe though. Enjoy the upgrade! It is a good one this time ;)

  • The LFC is a very profound thing for me - it really gets a more natural feel for any kind of squishy palm mutes across the board on any wound strings. Beyond that, it was more dependent on the amp model/profile, but for punchy-sounding amps, it seems more than just a frequency thing to me. The lower mids feel more clear and natural. There's just a certain sweetness that seems to affect way more than just lows.

    I've been messing around with mostly metal but also clean and crunch tones with a EBMM JPM w/ CL/LF pickups tuned to standard E, and a Ibanez RGA8 w/ D'Activators tuned to low F standard. Across the board I'm liking the new LFC feature a lot - at worst I cannot hear a difference when toggling it on/off for certain profiles or types of playing where there's not much low end at all. On the other hand, it adds an astonishing breath of life into many profiles.

    Excited to try out some new profiles made on 2.6

  • Thanks for the replies! Ingolf and Eng1 we tried it tonight on my other guitarist setup and wow very cool and indeed a sweet improvement!! Notices the ampiness blossoms for sure on some of the main profiles, tighter for sure. I appreciate the support as always.