TAF-Bundle9 "Classic Vibe" is here.

  • Well, i personally have to say after trying the xtc, cornell plexi, badcat, fuchs, and 65 amps profiles live through my dxr12's and adam a7x's, I am personally not liking these profiles at all, even after the "update". They sound extremely buzzy/fuzzy, with an overabundance of this low mid hump, with no detail and definition whatsoever, atleast for my tastes. extremely muddy with no clarity on all of my guitars. comparing these to some of your earlier works, such as the 1987x, jcm800 hot mod etc, its as if you threw a blanket over the cabinet and pulled a microphone back off the cabinet, just not impressed at all. Sorry for the negative review, but I have to be honest, there is just simply no comparison compared to your earlier works. If anyone is in doubt, pull up the cornell plexi or xtc and compare it to some of andys earlier profiles (1987x, jcm800 etc) and it will be like night and day, especially through a pair of good monitors or ground monitors (in my case, yamaha dxr12's)...sorry Andy

    Oh my..., I've tweaked and tweaked, going back and forth these updated profiles (xtc, friedman) and compared to bunch of other profiles. In the end I'm somewhat confused ?( and feel just like VESmedic1. :(
    XTC profiles for example, I miss clarity/sparkle with the cleans. Same goes with the drive profiles, but still they have some fizzy part that I just can't get rid of (without entering total muddiness). Went through some older profiles (soldano, blackstar, reinhardt...) and the difference was clear, and not is the advantage of these latest ones.

    One thing that came to mind was that i5 mentioned, have heard some profiles captured with that condencer before (some of those were actually XTC profilesalso) and recall I didn't like the result at all; the top end was just too much fizzz and harshness.

    Digging very much of your work Andy overall, but these didn't do it for me. I encourage to get back to roots & basics...and maybe to forget that Audix completely from the process. ;)

  • Really hoping for a pack JUST with a 57 or a 57/121 combo in the sweetspots, really concentrating and taking the time to mic properly someday....not saying andy doesn't do that but still, at the end of the day...the majority of everyones favorite guitar tones were recorded with a 57 or a 57/121 type combo....Just my opinion.

  • Well we all know the 57/121 or the S545/121 is my fav combo of mic config. - but sometimes it doesn't always work out, not on every amp anyway.- I don't normally use the i5, but in this case I had some good results for it, but ran it on a narrowband (so its only capturing 3K upwards) Im guessing this is the fizz you are hearing, and maybe it was blended a bit high for your tastes.

    I have to remain real here, I really enjoy this pack despite me doing it twice!, the difference is that the 2nd time was done much more quickly to provide the content to already unhappy crowd due to the "bug" that hit.. this was quickly resolved, and thus now the aftermath of quickly re-doing is maybe setting in.

    I read these yesterday, and was unsure how to respond until I knew the facts. it is very tweakable (if needed) and I know this sounds silly, but turn the volume up!...at first when playing (quietly) I was a bit ok this is a bit hmmm, then I cranked it a bit and was like, Ok there it is!..that certainly is no excuse or fix, Im just saying..

    Is this as good as my early stuff, no, I can also claim that. - but I certainly wont be upset about this either.

    I apologize for this (for those that it effected) thank you all for being a tough crowd, and being supportive with your feedback, and I respect that (feel free to send me a PM), but I think this pack from the beginning for me was doomed to fail!..however its not all bad, there is some really great stuff in this pack, and it might be better after an FW update too...*cant say more*

    This next one is a bit of a special pack for me, (as you will find out) and its already planned with my fav amps/cabs and mics..

  • Hey Andy I know there are some tough cookies on this forum who obviously know there stuff about amps and what sound they are after. When you buy a pack you are going to find a few profiles that you aren't going to like. It's like buying a variety bag of walkers crisps ya might love salt and vinegar, cheese and onion and maybe ready salted but ya hate prawn cocktail so they just end up sitting in the back of the cupboard. :)

    In pack 9 I've mostly played the SS and bogner amps these 2 are my fav and sound great IMHO. I'm not a lover of fender amps and if they come in a pack that I get, I just think of these as my prawn cocktail packet of crisps and will just sit in the back of the cupboard. :) Feedback from customers is great and I know you take them on board. But remember "you can please most people all of the time but you can't please everybody all of the time"

    I just think of tone being very selective, what some people love others may hate and vice versa and this is what makes the world go round if we all liked the same thing it would be a pretty boring place.

    Anyway I'm looking forward to what you have installed for us in your next pack. !!!!!! :)

  • Thanks Raoul, (although I like prawn cocktail ha!)

    However my policy is often, the customer is always right. - its silly of me to please everybody of course, that's unrealistic..but I'll try my hardest dammit lol!
    I of course welcome all feedback, and act on it accordingly, no matter who they are. I prefer however the good kind of feedback naturally :)

    You can have 20 Positive comments, and 2 negative (similar to what we have here) - but yet its those 2 that stick out the most, and are the ones I like to address..(to the best I can of course)

    So I urge those that are a bit unhappy, to send me a PM or email, so we can come to a solution.

  • Andy you and I have been on this forum long enough that I hope you don't take my criticism personally: The reality is, the only reason why i give any feedback at all is because I believe in you and your abilities, and I feel that you are the first person who really took the kemper to "the next level" so to speak. Your first packs really took the kemper phenomenom by storm and really set the standard for profiling. this is more than obvioius all over the internet if you search anything kemper :) So I hope you take that into consideration when giving feedback on your profiles. You are very level headed, and have always put the customer first in what they want, given your recent history of taking polls on what customers like and dont like etc. Just wanted to throw that out there. The reality is I use your profiles live 90 percent of the time, and I can't complain from that standpoint. just wanted to get that out there to you ,and hope you take what we all say into consideration :)

  • Absolutely VES :) - I don't take things as personal attacks.. I see them as opportunity, I like to dig deep and find away to fix those issues. - its s juggling act of course in this business (actually the recording business) you find what people don't like, then you fix them, then you find a few more that don't like what you just did, and so then you rinse and repeat.. but the more you can learn about your customers IMO is the best thing so you can be prepared before the project takes place.. that's always been my philosophy anyway.. rightly or wrongly. but I do it because I care, and want to let people enjoy what i create..

    Im still awaiting your PM though ha!

  • Absolutely VES :) - I don't take things as personal attacks.. I see them as opportunity, I like to dig deep and find away to fix those issues. - its s juggling act of course in this business (actually the recording business) you find what people don't like, then you fix them, then you find a few more that don't like what you just did, and so then you rinse and repeat.. but the more you can learn about your customers IMO is the best thing so you can be prepared before the project takes place.. that's always been my philosophy anyway.. rightly or wrongly. but I do it because I care, and want to let people enjoy what i create..

    Im still awaiting your PM though ha!

    Great customer relations !!!!!!! A lot of companies could learn from this :) :thumbup:

  • Strange, I love pack 9 (2nd version) and I think it's one of the best packs Andy ever did, it's like pack 8, I love this one, too.

    Maybe it's because I don't use FRFR-systems and I'm playing the KPA mainly in studios via studio monitors (at home 2 x Klein & Hummel O110 & 1 ADAM subwoofer). In studios the profiles of pack 8 and 9 sound great and fit perfect in the mix, XTC is a killer although I normally don't like this amp very much.

    But profiles are always a subjective thing, I mainly play vintage strats ('58 / '66), a vintage tele ('66), sometimes 2 ES-335's ('69), an Epiphone Riviera ('62) and not very often Les Pauls ('73 Goldtop and '59 custom shop reissue), maybe it's also a matter of the guitars used.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • Andy,

    maybe it's time to start making popular combinations just like most artists do.
    For example Marshall + Fender or TwoRock + Dumble or even combinations of three amps.
    And then of course the mixed sound of those combinations.

  • Bought the whole bundle 9 mainly for reasons of the Magnatone Amps. Especially the Twilighter was of high interest for me. I don't know the real amp (as it's not yet available in Germany) and could only compare it to the existing youtube files in the web. Sounds rather different to me, obviously due to the above mentioned effects and tricks (the "horse" and so on). But nevertheless this and the others are great and highly recommended profiles, especially for life-use (with guitarcab or even with linear monitors). (Though the most sought after vibrato-sim of the twilighter is missing 8) . ) Maybe once when effects are able to be profiled by their own it's another purchase for me.

    I love the other amp-profiles of this rig bundle very much, and owning several Two Rock Amps I can assure that Andy's Profiles are most close to the originals. So for me - as a life-player - tho whole content of Bundle 9 (which is a real intelligent mixture of amps) is most versatile and recommendable.

    Those studio-guys with grass-growing-sensible ears may also be right in some complaints for the studio environment but standing on the stage with bass cymbals drums and keyboards when the guitarsound is challenged to cut through but also has to sound smooth and fat Rig-Pack-Bundle No.9 is a very good basis where tweaking begins.