PRS HXDA 30w Combo

  • Hey guys n girls, I've just uploaded my first profile in the Rig Exchange. I've done a few more at various gain levels but I'm going wait until I get some feedback until I go further with uploads.

    It's up there as "PRS HXDA HXHXHX 4/2..."

    I went for a low-medium gain on this one, I wanted to capture how the HXDA responds to the guitars volume, it should clean up a lot at around 3-4, and have some nice edge of breakup at around 6-7 (especially on single coils).

    The modes I used are all in the HX mode, my nomenclature is the 6 letters following the "PRS HXDA" are the mode switches from left to right, hence the "HXHXHX". The next 2 numbers represent the HXDA Gain and the Bass Gain. Since this amp has 2 internally bridged gains, I'm going to have to do a lot of profiling at various settings on these 2 gains. This profile is 4 on the HXDA gain and 2 on the Bass Gain, hence the "4/2". The tone knobs I can't remember where I set them (should have taken a photo!) but I just went with a tone that I like and went from there.

    I used a MXL R144 ribbon mic and a ART tube preamp on this one, I tried a 57 and also the 57 with the R144 rear mic'ed but I didn't like them at all. This profile is fairly close to my ears, but it is missing some detail on the lower strings. Not sure how to fix that except for more experimentation!

    I didn't play with any of the tube shape, pick etc settings, and I didn't play with any of the EQ on the profile either so it will need some shaping according to taste.

    OK let me know what you think, happy to hear some criticism! :)

  • thx for this, this is a very good try for your first profile.

    you might also try some other similar profiles as a reference : here is what i fount in my rig manager

    author Ryan Grenlee

    RIGs = MM-PRS HX/DA and MM-PRS HX/HX at the end , both channel of this amp, very good profiles.

  • Thanks for the feedback guys! Funnily enough those profiles on the RE were probably done on my amp, albeit many thousands of km away, as I bought my amp from Moore Music EV.

    I tried to do a higher gain profile today, with a Full Drive 3 pushing the HXDA a bit, but I really wasn't happy with the result, everything was anemic compared to the real amp. I messed around a lot with mic position but just couldn't get it right. I'll try again soon maybe with the 57 this time and if happy I'll post them up.

    I do think after buying some Amp Factory profiles it's given me more insight as to what a good profile should sound like...

  • You should try these foolproof methods : show us your foolproof mic position(s)

    I did my best rigs with a simple SM57 and this foolproof method : amp was standing on the ground, I got my SM57 angled ,and very close( almost inside the speaker ) and between the 2x10 and the results were amazing , even better than the amp itself ( check this rig : Marshall jtm 30 2x10 one for lespauls and one for strats).

    Try lots of profiles and keep the best one ( I took 10 in different mic position and 5 more once I had a very good mic position , just changing the amps settings , I only kept 2 profiles )

  • Awesome, thanks for the tips! I'll do this when I have a chance next, hopefully over the weekend, then report back with the results :)

    This amp is really, really good, I just need to capture it properly to show you guys how good!

  • Yes they are awesome ! I tweaked them with another CAB for getting a fatter tone for my strat , and Wow !!!

    I don't know this amp but it's a killer machine for rock. The cleans are very very close to the princeton 65

    Thx a lot for these profile , they are an incredible baseline for lots of fantastic tones.

    PS : I did post the 2 tweaked rigs on RE for reference , killer tone on a strat : crunchy rhythm and thick lead

    PRS Strat Rhythm

    PRS Strat Lead

  • No problems, I'm very glad you liked them. IMO PRS amps are very underrated, it may be because they're relatively unknown, scarce, and their earlier efforts weren't the best (e.g. the HG-70). Ever since Doug Sewell took over as head amp man, they've come leaps and bounds, are are some of the best amps around period (IMO). I'd love to get a hold of an Archon, a Paul's Amp and a DG30 but they're just not available in my country (I spent big $ importing my HXDA!).

    Then again it could be I'm just a PRS fanboy...

    In respect to PRS, I won't be uploading too many more profiles, I'll do a good clean profile but I won't be going into the DA (Super Bass) mode, or combinations of HX and DA modes. My goal here was to demonstrate how good they are in an effort to spread the word and get these amps on the radar a bit more...

    In respect to your tweaked profiles waraba I can't wait to try these! IMO this is what the KPA is all about, taking the DNA of an amp and then changing it to something that works even better for you. Using technology to your advantage but still respecting why we have the amazing tones we do (tube amps).

  • Ok I uploaded another profile, this time a clean one. Ended up in DA/HX/HX mode and added in an EP Booster.

    Also renamed my other profiles to fit the 20? character limit.

    PRS HXDA Clean PZM

    Highly recommend tweaking this one, especially with other cabs. I had great results with some of the TAF Fender cleans (e.g. Deluxe Clean, Bassman 59 Clean) if you have them.

  • Thx for the last profile & demo , I love the vibe of this amp like a modern Hendrix tone , gorgeous on strat.

    I respect your reserve regarding doing more profile, however I won't be able to buy this kind of amp before 15 years once my kids get out of college ( If I ever buy an amp again !)

    Too sad you don't profile the DA mode since I already love the HX channel :( You should not censorship yourself, this is a crime in my beliefs :P

    I've been waiting for a PZM gainy profile since most of the clean/crunch are good , but the driven one sound a bit lifeless without tweaks. If you ever append to profile a fat tone from just an untweaked PZM profile just let us know how it turned out ?

    Thx again , now back to the strat :)

  • I did another track with your rigs and the one I did tweak , they are killer for recording.

  • Couldn't help myself and uploaded another profile, this one sits in between the rhythm and lead ones, and it's the kind of tone I would use most of the time in a rock situation.

    Pretty happy with this one, but again it's pretty trebly so you'll need to wind down the treble and presence to suit your tastes and guitars. To my ears this is harmonically rich, touch responsive and raw/ready for tweaking (but then again my ears could be crap!). Try it with the guitars volume around 7-8, then wind it up for a bit more grind.

    PRS HXDA Dirty PZM

    Let me know what you think :)

  • very cool, thx , I hope I can test this one during the week-end.