Anyone done variable gain's

  • I'm actually thinking about adding another external expression pedal to the FCB1010 in order to program for Kemper variable gain settings. (think Aerosmith's Seasons of Wither)

    I'd dedicate the external pedal to volume, FCB pedal #1 = Wah, FCB pedal #2

    I really think going this way, I could then consolidate the (same amp) clean, crunch, lead modes I'm accessing separately which would free banks up to store additional bank settings of different rigs.  :D

    Happy Kemper

  • Lokasenna - Oooops... my bad. ?(
    I saw the two jacks on the rear panel and was originally thinking of using either switch 1 or 2, but closer research shows that's merely for amp switching.

    I guess I'll just need to dedicate one of the expression pedals for that function using the CC#72.
    Thx lightbox... Saves me from looking for it. ;)

    Still going to experiment with this approach.
    If it turns out well, Is there a preferred method to set it globally? (Either thru Kemper or the FCB)

    Happy Kemper

  • I use CC#72 to roll in Gain on all my clean/crunch channels and love it. I'll be getting an external expression pedal as well down the road so I can also have the Wah and Gain options for clean/crunch. For live shows rolling the gain in is so much smoother and natural sounding than changing patches. I sometimes get lag from the KPA changing patches from low to high gain on certain profiles, never analyzed it, my guess is it might be from switching on/off the compressor stomp or something similar. To compensate I roll the Gain to max right before I change to a heavier patche, seems to smooth it all out a bit better.

  • Another approach would be to use the volume pedal in front of the amp along with the Amp's internal compressor, which balances clean and distorted sounds in level very well.
    I've not tried it yet, but it might work with the volume pedal alone and would be worth a try.


  • I use CC#72 to roll in Gain on all my clean/crunch channels and love it. I'll be getting an external expression pedal as well down the road so I can also have the Wah and Gain options for clean/crunch.

    I actually just tried this out yesterday on the new Top Jimi AC30 profiles by hooking an expression pedal to my old Roland fc200 and really like the flexibility that it brings by changing the gain on the fly.

  • Another approach would be to use the volume pedal in front of the amp along with the Amp's internal compressor, which balances clean and distorted sounds in level very well.
    I've not tried it yet, but it might work with the volume pedal alone and would be worth a try.


    You may be on to something... Can't believe I didn't think of this.
    I suppose I was growing consumed with developing such a lean stage footprint. (Bravo to Kemper)

    Anyway... Incorporating my Ernie Volume to the main input should do the trick to accomplish what I'm looking for.

    I still want experiment with dedicating Exp #1 = Gain, Exp #2 = Wah, since volume vs. added gain are sonic-ly different.

    Happy Kemper

  • It's easily done but you'll have to sacrifice either the wha or vol pedal.

    Use the wha vol booster FX , set your gain to the max value desired ( full lead gain ) then adjust the FX range to -100 ( minus ).

    This way : pedal up = clean gain pedal to the floor = lead gain and everything between. Be careful with the vol. boost induced by the gain

    Some Rigs are fantastic for this purpose since they got fully usable gain range ( try my JTM30 rig for instance )

  • Another approach would be to use the volume pedal in front of the amp along with the Amp's internal compressor, which balances clean and distorted sounds in level very well.
    I've not tried it yet, but it might work with the volume pedal alone and would be worth a try.


    This works very well !!

  • ?? i use the switch 1 jack on the kpa's back with a volume pedal to control the kpa-wha... so you should be able to run 4 expressions at a time (2 fcb, 2 external connected to the switch jacks)

  • Having just discovered the value of the Wah boost - and as noted in another post -

    The best way I've seen to adjust the gain on the fly via pedal is to

    1) Place a wah boost in front of the amp.

    2) change the VOLUME (NOT the range) all the way left.

    What this does is:

    A) Leaves your volume constant

    B) Leaves your individual gain settings intact on saved rigs.

    So then your pedal will stay full "toe" - and you can then back off the gain nicely to get to crunch. It won't let you go full-clean, but it's enough for the purpose if you're like me and don't need to back down that far.

    Yes, it's attenuating, but it sounds fine.

    Plus, you can tweak the range to go hotter if you want to actually boost.

    By the way, if you don't mind the pricey fixes, you can pick up a Midi Solutions Pedal controller to patch into your midi line and have a third pedal on the Kemper. It works great.

    The only caveat is that if you are a Mac user, their folks have to send you a .midi file to program your pedal accordingly. But they're quick about it.

    You can literally add a bunch of pedals to control multiple midi CCs on your Kemper. Save the actual pedal jacks for the hard-coded applications on effects and such.

    Edited once, last by carlosxuma (May 13, 2014 at 1:50 AM).

  • [/quote] ?? i use the switch 1 jack on the kpa's back with a volume pedal to control the kpa-wha... so you should be able to run 4 expressions at a time (2 fcb, 2 external connected to the switch jacks)[/quote]

    That's what I was thinking about! (I knew I read somewhere this could be done)
    So, dedicating switch #2 on the Kemper for Volume and the FCB1010 ports dedicated to Wah & Gain will get me there.

    Kind of hard to describe, but the variable gain option as an added function might develop into a new style of playing for me.
    The last time I was able to do anything like this was with my Mesa Triaxis, but it was more limited.
    Chalk this up to another feat of flexibility Kemper offers in it's amazing package.

    Thx to all...

    Happy Kemper

  • Interesting idea.. Im wondering if I can use my uno 4 Kemper for the wah and gain levels and my Ernie ball or other midi expression for seperate volume.. Another thread but also looking for a nice way to combine a few analogue pedals and another volume pedal with fcb1010 preferably with a case option