Making-of Michael Wagener Signature Rig Pack

  • I am betting there are some contractual issues or something :)

    Either way, we hardly need this pack - the Kemper is great already, and a lot of talented guys are making great profiles, both free and paid.

    We shall see :)

    I would have thought they would have got these contractual issues sorted before asking Michael to make some profiles, but maybe I'm wrong, I don't know ?(

  • 3+ months is HARDLY considered " teasing"....this whole thing is quite ridiculous, i still stand by my comment it probably will never happen.

    This is over me. Why would they have mentioned it in the first place then?
    I'm sure the bad publicity they'd get in return would be much worse than any theoretical advantage achieved by promoting the whole thing.
    And what would happen of the already-taken profiles as per the shown pictures?

    Is this something on the "we've never been on the moon" line?


  • This will be released the same day as the Kemper Foot Controller in 3 years.....

    Did you pay for one ? Or did you pay for the Wagner pack ? Kids want everything yesterday nowadays reminds me of my daughter when she was 6.."Daddy you promised me ..blablabla "
    Grow up damn!! You guys sound like you cannot use your KPA ...

  • Did you pay for one ? Or did you pay for the Wagner pack ? Kids want everything yesterday nowadays reminds me of my daughter when she was 6.."Daddy you promised me ..blablabla "
    Grow up damn!! You guys sound like you cannot use your KPA ...

    I'm hoping for 2017, too. :D
    Hey Bruno, did you take all your pills? A tranquilizer could be nice ...

  • 3+ months is HARDLY considered " teasing"....this whole thing is quite ridiculous, i still stand by my comment it probably will never happen.

    This is one of the reasons why companies seldom pre announce products. The most logical reason that it hasn't been released yet is that it isn't ready yet. From earlier photos posted here there is a lot of equipment and workflows to profile. Maybe it doesn't sound quiet right yet and they want to release something great so they are reworking things. Or maybe it sounds so good they have decided to keep it all to themselves! :)

    Edited once, last by SwAn1 (August 2, 2014 at 3:02 PM).

  • This is one of the reasons why companies seldom pre announce products. The most logical reason that it hasn't been released yet is that it isn't ready yet. From earlier photos posted here there is a lot of equipment and workflows to profile. Maybe it doesn't sound quiet right yet and they want to release something great so they are reworking things. Or maybe it sounds so good they have decided to keep it all to themselves! :)

    Fair enough. Is it too much to update your customer base though?

    IMO, the Kemper team falls short on interacting / updating us as to what is going on (foot controller anyone)?

    Very poor communication. Bottom line.

  • Very poor communication

    This is simply not true. A few days ago we asked for a possibility to disable the rating when previewing a rig via RigManager. G String from Kemper chimed in and said that they will sit down together for finding a solution. And there a lots of examples like this if you read the forum carefully. There is very much interaction between Kemper and their customers. Also they mentioned a few times that they don't talk about developing progress and release dates. This is common practise for other (if not all) companies too.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Bottom line, it boils donw to trusting IMO.

    I don't have any reason to believe that Kemper team promises something and does otherwise. They said they will make a pedalboard, and I'm sure they will unless something very serious happens (earthquakes and the like).
    This "you're not giving me fresh news so you're doing nothing" attitude looks quite weird to me, TBH. If they're telling us nothing about the pedalboard it means it's not ready yet. Getting more news would not speed up the process by a second.

    I for one like to feel excited about things, but it should not become anxiety, it hurts...

    The internal time of desire doesn't coincide with the time of the real world, let's give things the opportunity to happen!
    As we say in Italy, "a too closely looked-after pot never boils" :D

    Heck, I remember the days when the Profiler was shown on fairs and videos... Someone cried waporware because in a video the guitar jack was connected to a socket whose label read "headphones"... This is just over me :|

    Trust, that's what we'd need a bit more IMO.


  • This "you're not giving me fresh news so you're doing nothing" attitude looks quite weird to me, TBH. If they're telling us nothing about the pedalboard it means it's not ready yet. :)

    You obviously misinterpreted what I said.

    When you announce a foot controller is coming out and 2 years have gone by and nothing, don't you think its reasonable for us to inquire (and they should respond) ?

    Edited 2 times, last by wcfieldskx (August 3, 2014 at 6:34 PM).

  • Personally, I'm thinking (hoping) that the release will coincide with a major FW update, incorporating a spring reverb and a stomp delay, finally and completely capturing the ability to dial in totally authentic tube amplifier sounds. Now THAT would be quite a news-worthy update! Dontcha think?
