How to use the Wah effects? I can't get any good sounding wah settings....

  • I have tried for hours but could not find a good wah setting. This might be partially caused by the shitty wah pedal on the Behringer 1010 but is mainly a sittings issue.
    I tried pre and post distortion. All wah pedals and pre-sets....but they all sound worse than my Dunlop Wah with my tube amp.

    I really would like to avoid using a real wah pedal setup is so organized now...

    What have you experienced? What are recommended settings? The wah should be used for crunched to distorted amps (no metal...just blues to rock sounds).


  • Hi MisterB,
    my experience with kemper wah was, instead, outstanding. I owned first a vox wah (very warm timbre) and later the Morley Bad Horsie 2 which was very comfortable due to the optical switching. as a matter of fact I was very skeptical about using kpa wah. but I was wrong. I use kpa wah with a rocktron HEX expression pedal and it sounds so good. Christoph Kemper once posted a cry baby like setting (later put into the KPA as a wah preset) and since then it has been my wah sound (I have a Vai/Satriani playing style).

    I cannot explain why you are not satisfied by kpa wah. FYI I Always put the wah as first in the pre section but I doubt this has something to do with your not liking the kpa wah.

    in addition kpa wah has this incredible feature of letting the user decide how much wah fx he/she wants blended into the guitar sound. As far as I know, no wah pedal in the market can do this. in other words, the wah FX is there in the Whole, invasive. which is of course good....but sometimes I like to have it a bit more subtle, as it is in the background, especially in solos. with the kemper it can be done..........

    try it again, maybe trying the cry baby setting. try to use the mix knob so to have it a bit less invasive and raise the mix setting to 100% gradually. it is there............can't miss it!

    let us know the development

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Thanks Michael!

    I am not giving up.....I am sure I can find the right wah tone.
    I am using the amp factory AC30 amps as my main sound and need a good sounding wah for the "cranked" tones.

    I am looking forward to the user community experiences. Maybe part of it is related to the Behringer wah pedal (even calibrated perfectly that thing is not full range...).


  • Hi,

    In fact the wah was actually shitty the first time I tried it, nothing musical at all.

    Perhaps something was wrong ?

    Then I downloaded a rigpack, If I remember well, there were a few wah settings included. Then when I loaded one of these, i don't know why, but the wah sounded absolutely stellar (the day after I sold my crybaby !!).

    Perhaps a bug, i dunno but you may experience the same thing... you won't be disappointed


  • if you just call up the wah effect, it comes in a default setting:

    Manual @ 5 (probably too high)
    Peak @ 5 (probably too low)
    Pedal Range @ 100% (probably too high)
    Peak Range 0% (probably too high, you most likely want a negative value here)

    the Profiler already comes with a number of Wah presets, just select the slot where you want the Wah effect, then turn the 'Browse'(!) knob until you see 'WWAH ..."

  • tried them all but the best, according to my taste is the cry baby present, which was the one CK suggested.........

    but as mentioned, I go crazy for the possiblity of having more or less wah effect! way da go KPA!

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • As a noob it took me nearly an hour to get my head round what was going on and the number of setting there were. The presets in browse are a great place to start, and I agree the default should be at least usable instead of confusing as it is now.
    Now i've worked out how to use it, it's definitely the best sounding most versatile wah i've ever used.

  • Thanks for your hints. I was able to get a good sounding wah sound.
    The remaining problem is simply the wah pedal on the Behringer FCB 1010.

    I calibrated it (again) but it does not show any reaction for the first 50% of the pedal range.
    I do use the Uno4Kemper chip but the different curves do not show any improvement.

    How do you use your 1010 wah pedal? What curve?

  • Haven't been crazy about the KPA wah either but I will try some of the settings posted on this thread and definitely will be moving it to Stomp A. I have it at Stomp D on all my presets for some dumb reason. Would also love to see some ideas for touch wah settings, my band has been covering RATM Bullet in the Head lately and I've been trying to mimic some of the feel of the solo with a touch wah instead of beating the tar out of my toggle switches. Any ideas appreciated!