Kemper Rig Manager glacially SLLLOOOOWWWW [Solved, was PC]

  • If I'm doing something wrong, somebody clue me in, please. :)

    Before anyone says I have a slow PC - I'm running win 7 64bit on a SSD drive, 8 gigs of ram, overclocked i5 running at 4.3ghz (liquid cooled) and plenty of storage space.

    When I connect my Kemper, It's incredibly slow. The first time, I watched it take literally 15 minutes to MAYBE get 50 rigs. Left the house for five hours, it finally loaded all 721 rigs. But now it was so slow that if I clicked on anything, it would grey out with a (not responding) message and take a minute or two to come back.

    Ok, so I restarted the Rig Manager and my Kemper. When I restarted it, I now had... zero rigs in my profiler, and it started counting them again, as slow as last time. *SHIT*

    I did turn everything off and had the rig manager open up a backed up file - worked great! But so far, I'm not real amazed with the performance connecting to my profiler.

    Kemper folk, any ideas? I also restarted my PC, didn't help either. Very frustrating. It's almost like this is beta software :)

  • Could be that your USB port is only 1.1 compatible?
    I plugged it in through the larger USB port through two another extension cable and it's about 4 rigs per second over here.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • I just upgraded the firmware, left my usb stick inserted, found an older USB cable (I'm assuming some people don't have this particular type of cable unless there is a printer laying around), plugged it up and Rig Manager began adding the (997) Profiles I have on the Kemper. I wasn't necessarily watch however it took, maybe 5 minutes. Disconnected the cable from my laptop, left it unplugged for a minute, and plugged it back in. My KPA showed up in Rig Manager initially with 0 profiles than quickly listed (997). Appears to be working as intended from my end.

  • It's an issue with my PC, had same issue with updating my phone via USB with iTunes. Got Rig manager to run on my laptop just fine.

    I had issues with USB once that forced me to physically remove all USB devices and uninstall all the USB drivers.
    after that I slowly and carefully installed/reconnected each one and everything was fine.

    I guess I had too many devices that kept changing ports (SD cards, CF cards, etc.)
    Installing the Rig Manager/Profiler as one of the first devices after 'Operation Cleansweep' might solve this.

    YMMV, tho - it's always hard to tell from a distance. ;)

  • Can you please try to downgrade the Kemper firmware then go back to 2.3 before you reinstall os? Would by great to confirm or deny if it's the same bug I am experiencing (exact symptoms as yours and is reoccurring).

    i know, i'm repeating myself here but this will not help at all. the only thing it does to the situation in the end is: you disconnect and reconnect the Profiler to USB by power cycling it. it is a waste of time.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • i know, i'm repeating myself here but this will not help at all. the only thing it does to the situation in the end is: you disconnect and reconnect the Profiler to USB by power cycling it. it is a waste of time.

    Can you then explain unexplainable and tell me why every after computer reboot (and not other changes) the manager is unusable (very slow and most of the time "not responding") until I cycle firmware? I have no idea why, but it's the only way to fix this issue in my case. No amount of powering the profiler up and down fixes it, I've tried this, obviously.

    I have about 10 USB devices connected to this comp, Peterson Tuner, 2 loopers etc. All of them can be turned on/off just like the profiler. All of them use some sort of software for management. None of this software freezes to death every second time I run it.

    BTW: I just tried it with newest 2.3.1 beta and it seems that the issue is fixed, how about that?

    Edited 3 times, last by mdeeRocks (February 11, 2014 at 6:00 PM).