Rig Manager 1.0 public beta

  • Can't seem to see any profiles. None. Nada. Zilch. Driver installed fine with 2.3. My kpa shows up but no profiles. When testing the link.to exchange it says test failed. Ok fine. But where are my profiles? Oh well. Another day in the life of new sw. ;)

    Sent from my KFAPWI using Tapatalk

  • Can't seem to see any profiles. None. Nada. Zilch. Driver installed fine with 2.3. My kpa shows up but no profiles. When testing the link.to exchange it says test failed. Ok fine. But where are my profiles? Oh well. Another day in the life of new sw. ;)

    Sent from my KFAPWI using Tapatalk

    Do you see your Profiler? Have you imported the rigs you got on your HH to a newly created folder in RM?

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Really enjoying RM and as RE slowly downloads, I'm wondering if there is a way to increase the left pane so that some of the folders I've created don't get cut off. I know I can move the slider at the bottom but with a couple of 27 inch monitors running resolutions of 1920 x 1200 each, space is not a problem.

    Also some of the column titles are being cut off. For example, the rig favorite heading is cutting off the favorite part of the heading. It would be nice to be able to increase the room so the whole heading displays.



  • Does anyone experience this?
    Every time I start my Kemper the Rig Manager screen shows and says downloading rigs. It takes like 5 minutes to finish, even nothing was changed in between. I have about 400 rigs on my kemper.

  • Got home today after 5pm EST and the RM started downloading all the RE profiles.

    I also added all the ones I've collected over time into a separate folder and I've got 4119 because some people pull their profiles off, so the number changes.

    This is because we can control what profiles we put on, via editing or even deleting them. Because of that, I doubt Kemper can ship a database full of RE rigs, since they may
    zip rigs that owners later want removed (for whatever reason) and Kemper respects those wishes.

  • question

    When browsing through the rig exchange rigs, there's a checkbox for Favorite on the right hand side of the manager...I'm not able to click in that box. Was this designed for us to favorite what we like from the exchange to easily call up again or is this for something else?

    You can only mark rigs as favourites that are on your KPA (reason: see post 148 in this thread). If you like a rig from the RE, simply drag it over to "My Profiler". Then you can mark it as a favourite.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • So I am running Windows 7 64bit and I keep getting a "Rig Manager has ended prematurely" Now I know why my girlfriend tells me that but has anyone encountered this or have any advice?

    That's what I was getting too, I turned ON UAC ( I had that turned off, use google if you don't know) and now it installed fine. :thumbup:

  • Because of that, I doubt Kemper can ship a database full of RE rigs, since they may
    zip rigs that owners later want removed (for whatever reason) and Kemper respects those wishes.

    Yes, that's true as long as the downloaded database is a static one. If it's a database that is dynamically generated every 1 hour and then always the latest database is being shipped ... no problem.
    The whole problem is, that the RigManager's content is relatively static. There's not multiple changes per second. So there's really no need to beat the database to death. You need to implement some sort of caching so the workload on the MySQL server is reduced massively. The initial download of all existing rig is the very same for many users in a given time frame. I think 1 hour is a reasonable time frame that would mean it takes an average of 30 minutes until a deleted rig is gone from all downloads. But even if you cut this by half, it would still make things MUCH faster for the user and MUCH easier for the server.

    I'm running a community with up to 2.500 people watching and browsing at the same time. And we serve lots of files since so many years. I do have experience with these things. :) Reduce dynamic workload as much as possible (use Caching) and reduce HTTP requests as much as possible (You better serve 1 big file instead of thousands of small files).

  • OK I sent the 2 backups to support..

    I did notice that after saving the backups that they both had different names... the old one had the date and then "se.kpabackup" and the second has the date and then my name "steve madlin kpabackup"

    This could maybe be the problem with the favorites being gone...

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Not sure where to put this but as a SSD user I'd like to control where Rig Manager installs to and stores its rigs, and like any DB Editor I'd like to see a search for duplicates option. Sorry if this is wrong spot, awesome job so far.

  • I see improvement here: When I change folders (e.g. from Rig Exchange to my personal folder Rig Exchange Best of) and come back, Rig Manager does not remember the last rig I have ben auditioning. Would be nice, if I was back on the same rig I have auditioned in the folger before.

    By the way: So far I have not taken the hassle to have a look at the rigs in the rig exchange. Now, with Rig Manager, it's super convenient and for the first time, I find many rigs that I really like! Thanks so much for this awesome product! (I have auditioned only 2% of the available rigs ...)

  • OK all favorites are back... I couldn't even find where the KPA unit name was.. only when I did a backup I could see the names.. and the new name I put in the RM was different than the unit (although its the same name in the rig exchange) so all favorites are back except the ones I saved yesterday with the old name :)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • OK all favorites are back... I couldn't even find where the KPA unit name was.. only when I did a backup I could see the names.. and the new name I put in the RM was different than the unit (although its the same name in the rig exchange) so all favorites are back except the ones I saved yesterday with the old name :)

    PS.. if you saved any favorites with the new name and now you are back to the old name, you will loose the those new favorites.. BUT on the kpa, go to sort by date and they will all be there in the non favorites for the last day or two on those dates...

    Leg em down and yackem smackem