Correct path for Boss RC30?

  • Hey guys.

    Dumb question maybe. I gave it a go the other day when I wasn't busy but it didn't sound too good, it was very distorted by the amp.

    Could anyone please tell me the correct input path in which I should be placing my Boss RC30 into the Kemper.

    I do apologise if this is a stupid question. Thank again.

    Edited once, last by PhilUK84 (January 31, 2014 at 6:54 PM).

  • The link you provided me gives me a few vague answers to questions that the original one didn't ask. In fact it's left me more confused lol, due to the fact that I'm not sure what is meant by changing the Aux In to greater than 1. I done that and nothing happened. Is that meant for those using a mixer?

    I just want to know if I can use the RC30 with headphones without having to buy yet another 3rd party item and if so, how, and if no, if the item I listed is good enough.

  • So I still want to know the correct path.

    To go out of the amp to my passive cabinet is it;

    Guitar>KPA>Main Output>Looper input>Looper output>Matrix FR212.

    Is that right? I use the main/red output right?

    And what is the path for a mixer and can anyone tell me if the ones I posted below are suitable please.…Descending/-/1/…um-mixer--31558

    I have a Tascam US1800, can I use that instead? And if yes, what is the correct pathway for that?

    I really don't want to blow my Kemper, so a little help would be great, Thanks.

    Edited 4 times, last by PhilUK84 (February 11, 2014 at 10:46 PM).

  • "So I still want to know the correct path.

    To go out of the amp to my passive cabinet is it;

    Guitar>KPA>Main Output>Looper input>Looper output>Matrix FR212.

    Is that right? I use the main/red output right? "

    My UNpowered Kemper does not have a red output.

    If you have a powered Kemper, do not use the power amp out into anything other than directly into a passive cabinet.

    I can't help with the RC30 questions - I don't use a looper.

  • There is no "correct path", you can place the looper in the stomp slots, the x slot, after the mains out ( not for powered KPA) or as described in the wiki -

    "The Return input and Alternate input are routed post effects and direct to Master when the Aux input volume is greater than 0. This means you can have your looper in stereo. The signal from the loop gets tapped and is sent to master (effectively bypassing delay and reverb).

    All will give you different pro's and con's.

    It looks like you have a powered KPA?

    I would start with placing it in the x slot with a mono loop.

    This option will work well when your using one profile and just turning stomps on and off.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I have the powered KPA. I don't want to break my Kemper so when I say 'path' I mean external.

    So I won't use the main output. But I'm new to this, so I'll ask again, can you please, in simplified terms tell me what output goes in what input. The only way for the boss to power on is with a connected output. Is it essentially using the KPAs send & return?

    Guitar>Kemper then what output to the loopers input and back into what KPA input? I know how to place it in X, but I'm not sure what else to do.


  • I can't provide any answers, however I have the same issue as the OP ( I think) - so any answer given to me might enlighten the OP too.

    I've just bought a BOSS RC30 Loopstation and have it rigged up with my Kemper (As per the instructions for the loop pedal)

    My signal chain is as follows:

    Guitar > RC30 Looper > Kemper > Presonous Audiobox USB > Studio Monitors

    Problem is, when I record anything with the looper, it always takes on the sound of whatever amp profile I'm using: For instance, If i recorded the loop with a clean profile, and then change the amp profile and play the loop back - it will take on the sound of the amp profile i just changed to

    So, realistically - It seems logical why this happens - because the amp is chained AFTER the pedal, this is why its happening?!! Not sure but I thought I'd ask you good folks the best way to get around this a by setting up my signal chain correctly? What connections to use etc.

    My Kemper is the original (without power amp) version.

    Advance thanks for any replies.


  • Guys, put the looper in a loop slot (in x slot) of the profiler.
    Signal chain: Guitar>KPA in> KPA send>looper in> looper out> KPA return.
    It's easy.

    This works for me :)

    I initally set the signal chain up as you said. The only thing I didn't initially understand with the loop slot (In x slot ) I'm not too familiar with this machine as yet and didn't understand the I was initally confused when I set up the signal chain and it still didn't work.

    I was missing this bit - "put the looper in a loop slot (in x slot) of the profiler"

    It basically translates to: Set one of the 4 Stomp Box slots on the Kemper to either Stereo Loop or Mono Loop. Basically telling the kemper that you're using the Send and Return connections to accomodate the looper pedal.

    It's all a bit 'Black Magic' but it works.

    Thanks again.
