Rig Manager

  • I should have posted this in the feature request section , but ...From my side, i would like to be able from the rig manager

    - in performance mode:
    - browse rigs by midi program number when i have no foot controller attached to my kpa ( and this even from the kpa)
    - create some files, (the equivalent of the already existing midiassignments.xml file in the backups) containing some lists of rigs, each having a midi program number : as a consequence i could get some set lists ( rock, blues, pop,...) that i could upload on the kpa depending on my needs

    It would be practical also to be able to create such files for performances arrangements in..performance mode

    If some of my requests are already feasible, please let me know, i'm certainly not using the performance mode at its full potential



    Edited once, last by GuyTarero (January 24, 2014 at 11:36 PM).

  • Per, yes, that is the one place I see value in an editor - not necessarily to edit values, but to be able to see them all at once. I am not a huge fan of the "pages" for individual effects, although I can't think of a better option given the display size and knob locations. In practice it's not such a big deal. I liked how the Pod HD editor let's you see every parameter of all 8 possible effects all at once on one tab on the computer. However, I much prefer the KPA's knobs to click-dragging or using a mouse wheel.

    I also understand it'd be a nice option for the studio when your KPA is in a rack that you can't position at elbow level next to your DAW. I'd definitely prefer to have an editor than to have to buy a second unit.

  • I wonder, is the rig manager purely for whole rigs, or does it also control presets, as in switching out and naming cab "rigs" etc. I doubt stomp presets (although that would be nice too), just presets in general seems like a librarian kind of thing.

  • Java does not work?

    No - - after installing a Java update, the Ask.com toolbar would probably try to replace RigManager's search settings, like it does to IE, Firefox and Chrome ;)

    Do they bundle junk software with their MAC installers, too? If Java keeps bundling that kind of software along with its PC installation packages, their installers will become programs that are blocked by antivirus companies.

    zdNET Article about the browser hijacking software built into Java installers

  • This isn't disturbing at all. If you want to provide a platform specific look&feel, integration, communicate with network and hardware devices, off-the-shelf cross platform tools are usually useless. And "i've seen them all"™...  ;) (in a similar time frame)

    I don't know where you're coming from, but I've used both QT and WX-Windows GUI-toolkits across a number of platforms with few issues, and both utilise native GUI-components wherever possible. Couple that with a couple decent class-libs for comms, IPC and threads and you're all set. Harware integration, as mentioned in my last post is the worst bit for this kind of application, but USB as required for this app does have good cross-platform libraries.

    Java (or .NET) OTOH. I wouldn't touch it with a stick ;)

  • Sigh. Just set up parallels and came to download the beta. Guess I didn't read the fine print and will have to suck it up for another month. Ill finally be able to clean up the Kemper and pick all the rigs I like fast and efficiently. Just send me the beta please?

  • Anyone know if a wireless USB stick inserted into the KPA would work in lieu of a USB cable to connect to a computer running Rig Manager?

    Wireless sticks require a driver, which the Kemper won't have, and then your computer uses them as a wireless internet connection, which is not what the Kemper is set up to work with. So... nope.

  • I can assure you that the decision was made wisely. Regarding QT etc. there is more than only technical issues with that.

    Cross-platform frameworks are not the way to go. Thanks for avoiding them. I'm hoping the Mac version will be a native app and not a port of a Windows app. Java apps totally suck; thanks for avoiding that, too.

    The UI screenshots look quite promising for this to be very useful. It looks to be better than the typical manufacturer-supplied stuff (have you seen the Roland "librarians?" Yuck!).

  • Gratitude brings the best results, my friends. And given the proven overall quality of the KPA, I'm confident this team takes whatever time necessary to produce additional products of equal reputation. I've not yet walked in their respective shoes, so I'm in no position to assume they've deliberately left anyone hangin'. As someone already eluded to, everything beyond what came in the original packaging is a bonus to me. A similar attitude will yield favorable results for you as well. :)

  • Gratitude brings the best results, my friends. And given the proven overall quality of the KPA, I'm confident this team takes whatever time necessary to produce additional products of equal reputation. I've not yet walked in their respective shoes, so I'm in no position to assume they've deliberately left anyone hangin'. As someone already eluded to, everything beyond what came in the original packaging is a bonus to me. A similar attitude will yield favorable results for you as well. :)

    To be honest, I bought it expecting these things. Otherwise I would have not made the purchase. That's one reason I was heavily leaning toward the Axe FX II