All my inputs are dead :(

  • Hi all!
    yesterday while I was playing my sweet KPA (lunchbox green, no PA on board, bought from Davide - guitarnet70 here on the forum), the KPA emitted through the speaker a medium high pitched whistle (and no more sound from the guitar).
    I had to reboot the unit and after that every input on the KPA does not work, and DSP error was lit in the top right of the display. If I pressed the key over dsp error, the KPA says "snapshot saved", so I guess it's only a notification.

    The tuner (and all of the KPA) does not receive any input (front, alternative, return input)...and of course I have no output, too. Things I tried:

    1) booting with system pressed on
    2) updating firmware to latest (DSP error it's not showed anymore)
    3) front and alternative input with different cables and guitars
    4) resetting midi pedal values
    5) checking spdif option and set / unset that

    I did a search on the forum so I checked the most common stuff (yes, my input cable is in the right hole, unfortunately :S , tried profiler mode, spdif, manually setting midi volume pedal value )
    I hope to be wrong, if there are other tests I can try to restore my inputs please let me know, but I think my KPA needs tech assistance ;(;(

    PS I sent an email to the support team few minutes ago. Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • Received a reply from the support, tried clearing the rig buffer and rebuilding internal database, but still no input/output working.

    Forgot to say......the input led and the master led always stayed since the problem arised (and still are) solid green, without a single variation in brightness, and both stay brightly lit even with the guitar cable disconnected.

    I guess my KPA needs to be serviced, and of course we are just in the middle of a studio recording....well I guess that will need to wait :( Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • Did you try disconnecting the power cable for about 15 minutes? Sometimes this helps... But your problem sounds serious...

    Yes, it stayed without power cable for few hours while I was taking the KPA back from the studio, and also today while I was doing some tests I had to disconnect the KPA from the mains for about 1 hour......unfortunately it didn't help :( Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • Hi. I guess it's best to stay in contact with support.
    Have you told them the rebuilding etc. didn't work?

    Hi....thanks for the input. Yes, I did the procedure Burkhard (the support guy) told me to do and then replied back. Now waiting for instructions from him... Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • Burkhard replied few minutes ago it could be something with the CPU-board, so it needs to be serviced :(
    Already opened a ticket with the suggested kemper service center

    PS Thanks nightlight....I hope it will take days and not weeks 8| , I know they have other stuff to do other than my unit, but as a tech myself I also know the total repair time will be 1 to 2 hour at the most...assuming their service centre have readily available common kemper spare parts :huh: Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • The final update.......Kemper is back (arrived fast and safe about 2 weeks ago, the service centre was really fast, much faster than me updating this 3d :P !) and is in perfect shape now! Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • Recieved my KPA a few days ago as a christmas present to myself, while the KPA and profiles are great, (TAF JCM800-WOW).
    Unfortunately i cant use the KPA to profile my gear. Problem being, Distorted Return/Alternate inputs, i have contacted support about this issue and as a result, it looks like i have to send it in for repairs. I didn't start this thread as a whinge, but just as a point of reference for other customers who have the same problems, This simple test was advised for the inputs mentioned.

    'Please test the following: Configure and activate a Loop Stereo into slot X.
    Then plug your guitar cable into Return and afterwards into Alternative In. You
    should hear a clean guitar signal on the left/right side of the stereo
    base through your monitoring equipment e. g. headphone. If this signal is
    noisy or distorted we are facing a hardware defect. Sorry for the bad news! But
    in that case the unit needs to get repaired. As your unit seems to be brandnew
    please approach your dealer and initiate repair/exchange. Sorry again for the

    Christmas cancelled  :thumbdown:,
    well not entirely i'll play with my new TAF profile and send the unit back after xmas

  • Well got my KPA back today from the dealer who replaced the cpu board with a new unit. tried the loop test again and still Distorted Return/Alternate inputs...

    ?(  ?(  ?(

    The only thing i can think of, is the dealer said he had a replacement board in stock, if the board he had in stock was from the same batch of faulty boards, anyway, back to support i go, very frustrating and expensive as i don't have a dealer in my state.

  • Just an update, dealer actually put in a new CPU board instead of the analogue board, so back to the dealer for the KPA. Dealer arranged for the pickup of the KPA which is good.
    Also found Burkhard from the support team really helpful liaising with the dealer :)